HTML - Female Agent [v1.20.1p] [Crushstation]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A solid 3.5/5 with most of those being points for creativity, originality and completeness. Unfortunately the mains drawback of the 'game' is simply because it is what it is; a glorified picture book. The story wanders a bit but ultimately stays in the pure smut neighborhood; well written but just overall lacking in inspiration after you realize it's the same thing written over and over and over.

    Not to say I mind reading but ultimately there comes a point where there isn't any light at the end of the tunnel. 'If I read a novela then I can see some boobies' only works for so long before you realize you can go to google, type in "TIG ol' BITTIES" and get massively more enjoyment in .001% of the time playing the game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all I want to mention that tags under this game are misleading. It’s not an RPG or Simulator. It’s a text-based kinetic novel. That means it’s like a book with very few illustrations and text divided into the slides.

    There are no any particular branching (or routes) that you can follow, no rpg elements like character page with attributes that can be updated during the game according to your play style, because there are no choices

    Writing are not consistent. Earlier you character may have a forced sex and it’s not a big deal for her and later simple blowjob is like an end of the world

    It had a potential to became one of the gems of this site, but all in all we have here not even a game, but a kinetic novel

    My score is 2/5,
    1 - for engaging writing and
    1 - character creation screen, because avatar is cute and very customizable

    Someone said that Crush used to be a bad manager, because his project management skills are very bad: small progress, almost no functionality and etc.
    From my point of view Crush is fucking genious. Instead of working and progress the game futher, hire professionals and expand the team, he works with his patrons. And it works! He continues to milk them in such amount like he is making a full blown AAA RPG.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    a lot of interaction and an interesting story that had me thinking some of the optionm for a good ammount of time
    beutifuly rendered caracter and very well written story
    realy well playable would have loved a way to go back to look at more path that wasnt saving and reloading
    this also contains a good ammount of conent and is being updated regularly
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4124359

    one day your agent can take drugs and have unprotected sex with random guy and her manager, next day she will have mental breakdown over sucking vip client cock, kind of lacks consistency sometimes, but overall decent game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best writen stories here. The development and the odd task our herorin is droped into is great. And looking forward for even more.

    The development of the herorin char. Is going to be interesting to look into as the story develop. And she is drop further and further into the mission.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not typically a fan of text heavy games, but the female agent has great story writing and (hold your breath) a really good story worth reading. I'll need to go replay and see if the choices affect the game much (they seem like they just select levels of indecency the agent is willing to go through for the job) - but I liked the story enough it will be worthwhile having a second play through to see if it does change things.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    So the premise and writing quality of the game is quite good but it's main issues are as follows:

    The game has been reworked a lot of times over the years with content and plans scraped and redone and the current pace of release is obscenely slow in comparison so what other projects with a fraction of the funding pump out.

    The illusion of choice breaks often when you're scripted to make characters react in specific ways which at first makes you feel tension but once you've realized that there is no way to avoid the outcome and how at the end regardless of your choices, it eventually becomes a non issue. (Specifically i'm looking at you forced rep loss and gain)

    9/10 of the patron release notes are I shit you not: "It's delayed again/ I feel like the quality was not up to snuff so I rewrote it all/ it's not ready yet" in order of frequency.

    There is enough clicking between transitions only for a hundred words or less that it becomes tiresome, this exacerbates the lack of fun and enjoyment when creating new characters and playing a differing route.

    The once every few months release adds an average of two smutty events is I'm my humble opinion not worth keeping track of this game actively.

    TLDR: Good but flawed and trying my patience mightily.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice story telling and well constructed plot. Also a nice twist to allow the MC to have varying backgrounds and traits and better still this now develops as the story progresses depending upon her actions.
    There are also some side missions which, so far have been fun.
    This game took an age to get going with numerous starts which were subsequently abandoned but can be replayed using earlier versions of the game. I had given up on it because of this but nice to see it moving forward now.
    From a personal perspective I hope that the track to getting the MC to work as a bar girl is believable when implemented but based on the story so far (including V1.19.1) that should be the case.
    The only real improvement I'd like to see would be short clips of some of the acts rather than only photos.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This was a game that grabbed me -- grabbed a lot of people as well. It's got a substantial following because of where it's been and the promise it offered.

    That was...3? 4? 5 years ago? And what has happened with the game in the interim?

    A couple 'restarts' where content that was great was scrapped in lieu of forward momentum. And that forward momentum? Still waiting.
    Where the game used to have arcs and choices and customization, now it's a railroad Visual Novel without many visuals.

    'Features' like your spy's cover being blown exist for all of one update and then are ignored/forgotten/discarded.

    Character consistency is...negligible at best. Even with a one-path story, the author can't seem to figure out what kind of character he's trying to have as his protag.

    And then...the development cycle is absolutely abysmal. The paltry content released each round takes him 3+ months. And that's with all of the issues I just mentioned.

    Avoid this game like the plague if you are considering supporting it. Enjoy the free content when it hits here and then feel free to forget the game exists for about a year or so and come back and see if there's anything new or interesting.

    There won't be, but at least it will have enough content after a year to have an interesting playthrough.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    After X years and from what i understand equal amount of rewrites/do-overs i started to play it i like the idea i liked some of the things... BUT the game mechanics are all over the place.. its like the Dev found something he liked, integrated it then found the next shiny thing and forgot about the one before, rinse and repeat as for now a linear VN would be better, since practical choices don't matter. i'm sad to see that a good idea got fubared so badly.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    the waits are long between updates, but it's worth it. the creator isn't rushing things for quick payoffs and is really taking his time with it. Even managing to throw in stuff like emotions, you can't make the MC a filthy slut immediatly, he makes you earn it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly a very tough game to review.

    This was one of the first games i played here 5-6 years ago.
    I really enjoyed the game, but it was in very early development.
    I followed the game for some time, but the updates were so slow that i eventually forgot about it.

    I found the game again back in march and enjoyed how much content had been added since i last played. The update in april came not long after i rediscovered this game and was quite good. This last update today however was not worth the wait and reminded me why i gave up on this game in the first place.

    The game it self has quite a good story, but not much game play.
    There are a few customization options, but nothing that really impacts the game. There are a few choice and dice rolls, but they only give minor branches for the specific scene, but no impact on the game otherwise.

    This game has the potential to be one of the best, but at this pace it will unfortunately never get there.

    If you have never played it before, I would definately recommend that you give it a playthrough, then come back in a few years.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    A very difficult game to write a review for. It's undergone multiple re-writes and overhauls over the years. The way I see it, given that it's obviously not finished, is that the only way to fairly review something like this is to judge not only its current content but also its future prospects, meaning that things like the developer's behavior play a part.

    On paper the game seems great. The writing/editing is done by somebody with a decent grasp on the English language, which isn't always a given in this genre. The game is easy to play and doesn't make any obvious, frustrating design failures like removing the rewind function or limiting save scumming, meaning you can play the way you want. The currently available sexual content is decent and it feels like you're constantly uncovering new avenues for future sexual encounters.

    Unfortunately that's all the nice things I can say about it, and there's caveats to those things as well.

    While the sexual content is nice it's also almost completely without player agency. You WILL get fucked by your boss, multiple times, and your character WILL enjoy it, even if only subconsciously. There's also very, very little of it. If you read through the entire thing without skipping it'll take hours and you'll maybe stumple into a sex scene every 30-40 minutes. It's also just sex (but only with your boss) and a few blowjobs, nothing particularly racy or raunchy.

    Those avenus for future sexual content I mentioned? Almost none of them have paid off in even the slightest way. You're constantly being introduced to new patrons at the club, guys from all over the world that want to get their hands on your character, but they never really do. They might grope or paw here or there but you can't do anything with them. When they ask your only options will be "no" or "flirty no". The same guys have come in to interact with your character 3-5 times each across multiple updates and yet they've done absolutely nothing, and there's nothing on the horizon for them either. At this point I think there's probably around 15 different characters that have all had some sort of set-up with zero signs of payoff.

    The writing might be good but it's also needlessly verbose and directionless. Every shift at the bar is basically the exact same thing with one or two minor details thrown in to direct the plot followed by the actual story segments where something happens, but the shifts take up the overwhelming majority of the text. The end result was that I just found myself skipping through the "super sexy, so fucking hot :p:p:sneaky::sneaky:" stuff to move the story forward because I knew damn well that nobody was getting fucked or sucked and it was wasting my time.

    Crush himself is one of the worst developers out there. This isn't a moral or character judgement since I don't know him personally but purely a criticism of his work ethic and work quality. You need only look at the game's original release date to see that. Nearly 6 whole years, many thousands of dollars in funding and almost nothing to show for it beyond some slightly above average literotica. Your choices do not matter, the story isn't going anywhere, you have no control over your character, the artwork is purely utilitarian and nothing worth mentioning, there's almost no sex and it's unlikely that this will ever change. Just to put things in perspect, Stardew Valley celebrated its 7th anniversary earlier this year, making it only ~1.5 years older than Female Agent, and that's also a game created entirely by one person. I think the comparison speaks for itself.

    TL;DR give it a download and try it out if you really enjoy foreplay and public exposure that never goes anywhere, you'll probably bust huge nuts. If you want an RPG, choice, sex variety or anything like that steer clear because it's not there now and it probably never will be.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Very enjoyable. It is a text based game, a paperdoll kinda representation of your character (Female Protag in her 20s)

    Images - the graphics for the FMC are nice, even well done. Some drawn images and some real images. Not really any actual porn images used, the feel seems to come directly from the text rather than the images.

    I played the Canadian version CSIS, not sure on the others but the attention to detail for both Thailand and Canada were true on the mark. I served in the Military in Canada, and it was surprisingly accurate with many things. Lots of mention of Canadian locations, some slip ups but considering how any representation of Canadian Int or Military in the media is just messed up, seems really good.

    Suggests a very wide knowledge base of the Dev, especially if they can be this accurate with the other int services/military refs.

    Gameplay was smooth, very well written. No bugs and an awesome progression of the FMC. Finally, no blackmail or porn makes sense and is rather exciting.

    Sex - well written and for a text game, rather fapable.

    Recommendations - really some tasteful, sexy porn pics to spice it up a little more. for the sex scenes. To be honest...thats it.

    Long gameplay for where it is at in Development.

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    1.18. This mostly-text game deserves a ton of credit for its effort to create some realism with its story: spy jargon, Thailand life, side missions that are gritty and authentic feeling, and believable professional/reputation dilemmas.

    Personally, I think this does wonders to make the adult content more enjoyable, and as the game appears to be on the verge of taking a much sharper turn into sex content, I really hope the authenticity doesn't take a hit.

    Also some credit for the clean-feeling UI, fluent English writing, and a somewhat non-impactful but still fun character creator and dress/makeup selection.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Not much to the game. Some character customization, but barely any content at all, and a very slow update schedule make this 'game' dead in the water. There's some potential if the developer ever decides to plan out a proper roadmap and remove feature creep (that doesn't advance the game at all).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I am gladly giving 5 stars to this novel

    It's best html game i played along with sluted so far.

    Narration is awesome and not boring no too long not too short its just on the balance.

    Storyline is really interesting and the way of delivery is top notch

    Plus since i visited thailand and Bangkok it feels really real for me to visiulise in my brain.

    If i may give an advice more sex scene illustrations thank you in advance

    keep up the good work !
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a very long time, a lot has been written about the time, removing features and all of that other stuff so I am just going to focus on what we have.


    - Well thought out and well written, the world does feel like a modern setting that we could be living in. Lots of content. Same applies to the story, especially from the character's perspective where she sees realistic situations as something sexual or strange. It's simple but effective.

    - Clean UI. Easy to read. Well tested. No errors. Consistent.

    - Customisation is great. It isn't something I focus on, but it is really in depth even if it doesn't have too much of an effect on the gameplay.


    - Illusion of choice. My biggest gripe by far. A lot of the choices don't appear to matter. The same goes for the dice rolls. I've actively tried to sabotage the mission, be completely incompetent and it doesn't matter. There is a whole mini-game where you're trying to roll to see key combos. This comes into play for an infiltration mission later - but what was the point? It doesn't have any effect. This happens over and over. I've re-rolled dice and failed, but at best it is just some extra flavour text.

    - Forced rape. I never like this in games. If I'm a bad ass agent then I should have a degree of agency even if it means rolling a dice or making a sacrifice. As it stands, you're forced into various sexual acts with no alternative.

    - Mentioning the dice, it is a neat feature. But has little to no consequences. I guess that is my overall point - the game is more of a VN with illusion of choice, there are no major choices, there is no femme fatale, you're just dragged from passage to passage.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing a lot of html games, i can say this is the best one i've played so far. First of all, the character creation is decent, let's you really feel the character you want to play, but also, after playing through the prequel, you feel in a way more connected to the agent you've built through your own playtrough. I love the interactions, the options, the randomness with the dice rolls in the events, it ads genuinity to the whole story; but so does the characters, i really felt inmersed in the story, thing i don't feel with lots of games after an advanced playthrough. It's, in my opinion, everything i could wish for a good erotic game to have, but with also great new ideas that are being implmented, i hope it'll go for a more enthriving history and fun interactive playthrough, even though, it already has it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Picture this: You’re browsing the HTML section of F95 and it’s nothing but the usual: Real Porn gifs, stolen art, dialogue written by barely-literate third worlders, just piles of garbage as far as the eye can see. But wait! You see something shimmer under a particularly rancid mound of shit. Can it be? A Twine project that isn’t a shameless cash grab? Impossible, yet true. Female Agent seems to have finally figured out how to do things right. The game offers a dizzying array of customization, from the usual flair of looks and clothing, to a large list of RPG skills that stem from the many life choices you can make throughout the plot. Even minor details, such as getting a trashy tattoo, are noted and brought up in the game. The demo ends before it can start on the main quest, but what you can gather, the project is easily shaping up to be one of the best open-ended porn RPGs on this site.

    And then you realize that this is v1.6.3, and that version of the game has been long dead.

    Female Agent, in current form, can’t even be called a shell of its previous self. It’s a linear Visual Novel with none of its former attractions still attached. All those RPG skills? Gone! The in-depth character creation that followed you from birth to college? Axed! While the original demo had some placeholder graphics, that habit has not changed at all despite the fact that the project generates thousands of dollars a month on Patreon. Hope you like stock photos and screenshots from Hitman games! The dynamic sex system teased at during the club prowling sequences has been removed for scripted scenes, which, so far, have all been extremely vanilla. Even the original premise of going undercover as a prostitute was nixed in favor of a much less titillating aspect of just being a topless bartender

    Don’t bother with this game. Any potential it had has been dashed and squandered for a much more bland experience.