A very difficult game to write a review for. It's undergone multiple re-writes and overhauls over the years. The way I see it, given that it's obviously not finished, is that the only way to fairly review something like this is to judge not only its current content but also its future prospects, meaning that things like the developer's behavior play a part.
On paper the game seems great. The writing/editing is done by somebody with a decent grasp on the English language, which isn't always a given in this genre. The game is easy to play and doesn't make any obvious, frustrating design failures like removing the rewind function or limiting save scumming, meaning you can play the way you want. The currently available sexual content is decent and it feels like you're constantly uncovering new avenues for future sexual encounters.
Unfortunately that's all the nice things I can say about it, and there's caveats to those things as well.
While the sexual content is nice it's also almost completely without player agency. You WILL get fucked by your boss, multiple times, and your character WILL enjoy it, even if only subconsciously. There's also very, very little of it. If you read through the entire thing without skipping it'll take hours and you'll maybe stumple into a sex scene every 30-40 minutes. It's also just sex (but only with your boss) and a few blowjobs, nothing particularly racy or raunchy.
Those avenus for future sexual content I mentioned? Almost none of them have paid off in even the slightest way. You're constantly being introduced to new patrons at the club, guys from all over the world that want to get their hands on your character, but they never really do. They might grope or paw here or there but you can't do anything with them. When they ask your only options will be "no" or "flirty no". The same guys have come in to interact with your character 3-5 times each across multiple updates and yet they've done absolutely nothing, and there's nothing on the horizon for them either. At this point I think there's probably around 15 different characters that have all had some sort of set-up with zero signs of payoff.
The writing might be good but it's also needlessly verbose and directionless. Every shift at the bar is basically the exact same thing with one or two minor details thrown in to direct the plot followed by the actual story segments where something happens, but the shifts take up the overwhelming majority of the text. The end result was that I just found myself skipping through the "super sexy, so fucking hot

" stuff to move the story forward because I knew damn well that nobody was getting fucked or sucked and it was wasting my time.
Crush himself is one of the worst developers out there. This isn't a moral or character judgement since I don't know him personally but purely a criticism of his work ethic and work quality. You need only look at the game's original release date to see that. Nearly 6 whole years, many thousands of dollars in funding and almost nothing to show for it beyond some slightly above average literotica. Your choices do not matter, the story isn't going anywhere, you have no control over your character, the artwork is purely utilitarian and nothing worth mentioning, there's almost no sex and it's unlikely that this will ever change. Just to put things in perspect, Stardew Valley celebrated its 7th anniversary earlier this year, making it only ~1.5 years older than Female Agent, and that's also a game created entirely by one person. I think the comparison speaks for itself.
TL;DR give it a download and try it out if you really enjoy foreplay and public exposure that never goes anywhere, you'll probably bust huge nuts. If you want an RPG, choice, sex variety or anything like that steer clear because it's not there now and it probably never will be.