HTML - Female Agent [v1.20.1p] [Crushstation]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this a 5 despite the fact that it's been really only a sliver of what it promises to be, and it's been development for a decent chunk of time. But the developer's work thus far has been masterful, and seems to be laying extremely solid groundwork for like, the best text-based female protag H-game I can imagine. The writing is great, almost like professionally written erotica. The sex systems are immersive, and I believe are next in line to get what I think could be an amazing overhaul. The art, which is limited mainly to stock photos outside of the VERY well done paper doll-style representation of your main character, is exactly what it needs to be. And the character customization is just godlike, especially with the upcoming RPG character creation. This could be one of the best "create a female character and gradually corrupt her" style games ever. Power to the dev.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This a text-based game pretty good, but it has some flaws. Other user has talked already about the initial premise, the plot, characters and game mechanics, so I'm not going to repeat it. I'm going to talk about things that, IMO could be better in this game. I'm trying to be constructive. The game seems to be in a early stage of the development, and it seems that still some changes can be made.

    1. A lot of fake decisions: You have to choose a lot of things that, at the end, doesn't matter. For example, in the training missions you have to seduce a guy in a pub or bar. There are a lot of guys that hit on you and you have to choose, but at the end, it doesn't matter who you choose, because the guy behaves always the same and the result of the mission doesn´t change either. Your decision of picking a guy or another only changes the name and description of the guy.
    Same thing happens with a lot of decisions at the beginning of the game that actually have no meaning later in the game, as the university the MC attended, the subject she studied or her nationality. Actually the game carries the player to a predefined path, and all those decisions only serve the purpose of create a fake sense of being in charge of the MC and the game.

    2. An unnecessary system of character generation that, at the end, only changes the hair and size of boobs of a predefined 2D character that you use as avatar. It could be way better if there were a good-looking 3D predefined character and that design were used for some in-game images to illustrate the events of the game, as happens in other games, as "Celesta Blake".

    3. If you are patron, the MC starts the game with several "fetishes" that make the game too easy, and if you don't have them, the game is too difficult and it seems that you will lose scenes and situations. It would better if the MC would get those "fetishes" and "abilities" during the game, according the decisions she makes and the situations she has to face.

    In short, the strong point of the game is that the initial premise and the story is well written, but, as a game, it has some important flaws.

    PD April 2023. After almost 5 years, the game still is in early stages of development. The dev has changed everything several times and it seems that doesn't even know what kind of game want to do. It seems that he only want to show us that he has read a lot of novels of Tom Clancy and John Le Carre.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.3.1B...

    This is a pretty detailed and good story based erotic/adult text game... It has it's share of errors, but it's still early into development...

    The visuals are fairly basic... The protagonist is 2D hand drawn, and most other visuals are real life photos... But they are mostly just of building, vehicles, rooms, etc... Nothing that looks like it would require any sort of permission... Because I hate it when these things use photos of people without permission, or without getting them through reputable royalty free resources...

    The script is pretty long and only had a couple spelling/grammar errors now and then... The plot revolves around a female protagonist who volunteers and is trained to go under cover in a Bangkok red light district brothel... Her goal is to wait for a specific guy, who is a major criminal and bring him and all his crime cronies in for justice... Most of what I experienced in this story based game has been all the training she has to go through to test both her ability to do the undercover job having sex with strangers, but to also ensure she's psychologically read for it...

    The only problem I ran into with this game is that near the end of the third test, as she leaves with one of the bouncers, the game gets all sorts of errors, eventually leading to a screen where there is nothing but one error and no choices to make... The further you actually get into the game over all, the more the errors start to appear... Which means there are some game breaking problems the developers need to work through...

    There is a lot of text to read, as this is a text based game, so you need to be prepared for that... And this game goes into a lot of details about everything that pretty much happens to the protagonist... Sometimes, there are moments when you do feel some details could have been left out, as they were pretty meaningless to the story... Such as all the bazillion vehicle rides leading up to before she gets to the base where she gets briefed on everything... Those could have not been there, or been much briefer and would not have been missed... Stuff like that...

    Overall, this text based game shows a lot of promise... And you can tell a lot of time and thought went into the story and it's design... If it can work out all those errors and what looks like code text from slipping in as you get further along, then I think it would be even better... It's still early into it's development, so it's bound to have some issues... I do wish there was a save game option as well, as I didn't see one... But I will revisit this one sometime later into it's production cycle...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the best Twine based games out there. The game is still in early development, but shows a lot of promise as far as plot, art and game design goes. The content that's already there is superb.

    Sex scenes are more interactive than most adult games, and uses a system very similar to Newlife to provide the player with a sense of agency.

    Visually the game uses a minimalistic Twine layout, and uses photos to illustrate setting and scenery, and a customizable vector avatar/paperdoll to represent the player character. This in my opinion is a very efficient use of assets and something I've been advocating for other games to do for a long time, as it helps immersion without infringing on the player's imagination, and speeds up development as the dev don't need to draw everything by hand.

    I see a lot of potential for this game and expect it to gain traction within the next few updates.