HTML - Female Agent [v1.20.1p] [Crushstation]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for 1.11.1

    The game features a Lone Wolf adventure book style(dice rolling) in which chosen stats adds up to dice rolls in choosing decisions which looks cool but the problem of the game stems down to what it is trying to achieve. I failed to see paths/routes to take for a an engaging character development story. The previous version of 1.6.3 featured a hypnosis route which i thought was wow, finally a character changing decision. Can i now develop my character as an intelligent slut or a mindless bimbo agent? Nope, nothing of that was further explored down the road. And the highly customisable 'avatar' is really pointless, as almost none of it really impacts the story save for boob size(wet t shirt competition) and height(dice rolling) but even these two only affected events only once and was never mentioned again. I dont really care much about art/renders for these types of games, as the heart of a text game relies mostly in its execution, creative writing and engaging story lines that will exercise your brain's function to imagine, which brings another problem. The erotic scenes are, well if not bland, is just embarrassing. Even writers at literotica delivers more juicy details than this game. Now i'm not saying the dev/author should be at the level of the likes of fenoxo, because there are also lots to love in this game. The adventure and thrill of a protagonist in an unknown territory is a always a plus in my books. The dev can clearly think up of engaging story lines, and each decision should be explored more as it progresses. Drop the heavy customisation of avatars, except maybe for hair style, boob size and clothing and focus more on developing plotlines instead and we will have ourselves a unique game which comes once on awhile.

    have high hopes that the dev will see some of these flaws and please, shorten the college life story of version 1.11.1 as it seems like it is taking most of the development(it's female "agent", not female "student")and pump more agent plots instead, because i think you can't be sent immediately on a top secret bankok job without having proven herself first.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has just enough to make guys click a donation button, and not one thing more. It has a nice banner, and the Patreon page looks good with frequent updates that mainly consist of a photo that has nothing to do with the game content. These are the hooks.

    The character generator is better than some, but still not ideal because it does not have enough meaningful variation. The older version let you add some interesting details (age variation, body variation) that seem to have disappeared recently. Mind you that I am looking at the free version when I write this, but it is far inferior to the older version in available details, but better in art quality. You have to be a patron to unlock many desirable options, but these options do not yield as much fun as you might expect, because:

    The gameplay is a short prologue with an ending that ends the game, and it has not expanded in a very long time. It is not clear why any sim loop has not been added to this game to develop the character, which would have increased the quality noticeably. Still, this would not solve all the game's problems, because the gameplay itself is highly repetitive and completely dependent on flavor text that looks good in the first read but loses its luster upon repeat playthroughs.

    There are much more developed games out there, even if most can't match the art and style of the avatar and the game's webpage.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It stars a Western intelligence officer, sent undercover into Bangkok's red light district. She'll have to navigate her way through a sex-fuelled urban underbelly to take down a dangerous international terrorist.

    Will she succeed or become trapped in Bangkok's criminal underworld?
    I have played just about a dozen of games posted on this forum/website. Most of them were basically more or less visual novels rather than actual playable games, and a lot of them were also incomplete, or basically in development, but ALL of them, with no exceptions, included the game or the story that they had advertised, except this one.

    This one is nothing but a basic character creator with needless, pointless customization options. You basically create a character using it and then try to imagine how it would be to play the actual game given in its description, with this character. The quality of your experience naturally varies depending on how powerful your imagination is.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has potential.
    However, three years in the making we have right now a barely functional tutorial and nothing else. The developer decided to rework everything from scratches ('everything' was the prologue of the story).
    Honestly i don't think this game will ever be finished; the developer talked about dropping it numerous times in the last years so keep it in mind if you ever decide to donate to his patreon.

    It's a real shame, but i think he dreamt too big for his own possibilities.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Never thought I'd give 1 star to any game but this one definitely deserves it for the development hell it's in. 1.6 was fun, but the overhaul to 1.8 literally progresses backwards. Most of the content has been stripped, the overall aesthetic has been downgraded, and even customization has become more limited. In what world does this make sense? The previous system should not have been that difficult to develop for (it's just Twine + SugarCube). Hopefully someone adopts and branches off of 1.6 (you can download the HTML and import into Twine).
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Never going to get to Bangkok, which I'd kind of resigned myself to. But now the avatars have been made far uglier for no apparent reason, the game has been cut to just childhood (which really isn't what anyone is here for) and most of the customisation options have gone. All round terrible.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    It was a promising project... years ago...

    after reworking it several times and now deleting all content to rework it from the scratch (it's still only the prolog, the main story and its open world concept never started) I can't rate it otherwise.

    Don't waste your time (or money) because he will never reach Bangkok and start with developing the actual game...
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I played through the first hour or so of content for Female Agent and was pretty much prepared to give it a positive review and add it to my watchlist for future developments....
    That was until I hit a brick wall content-wise in the airport and could not advance to the actually beginning of the story. It was until I found out that when it comes to developments for this game they are basically non existent and have been that way throughout its 3 years in production.

    What you have here is a superb and highly fleshed out introduction to a story with top notch character creation mechanics. The problem lies with the fact that unfortunately that's really all there is to it. This game had the potential to be brilliant but I get the feeling it will never reach that stage and for that reason alone it has to get a negative review.

    Do not play this unless you want to be blue-balled by the lack of meaningful game content or unless you're just really, really, into character creation.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I used to defend this guy but the more I see his posts and the development pace, the more it seems like a money milking scheme. It's been 4 months since he's announced the MFAGA plan and we have about 30 minutes of gameplay to show for it. Mind you, he's making around 6.5k USD per month, that means about 26000 dollars went into the development.

    For the past month he's been working on adding facial features. He's got an illustrator (Victoria). Why the hell can't the story progress while Victoria works on the illustrations? Aren't the story and illustrations worked on by different people? Makes no sense to me.

    Probably one of the best adult games I've played so far.

    Female Agent has some of the most complex and diverse storylines I've seen in any adult game, closest is probably GGGB. It does something none of the other games do, give your character a personality. I absolutely dig the character creation and early life.

    Many people are bitching because the developer took some time out to make some fundamental changes to how the base game is implemented which was slowing them down. With the new changes, v1.8 was implemented in just 3 weeks. Given this new pace, I'm sure we will start seeing content at a much quicker pace.

    I also love the new character models, they look much more realistic than the doll figures from the previous version. The new layout looks awesome too.

    I have nothing negative to say about this game other than maybe the slow development pace, but with the new changes that is expected to change. I wish more games like this existed.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game today is further away from completion than it was when it went public three God damn years ago.
    Even the content that was well written and worthwhile to play through has been stripped away.
    Avoid this game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Very promising start.....when it was first released.

    After literal years of no new content, this is probably never going to be enjoyable.

    The game is about an agent whose going to work undercover, but after all the training, all the backstory, all we get is "it'll happen in further releases".

    The actual game is missing. All we have is an empty system.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The most overrated character creator being in "active" development.

    The story progression is literally negative development-wise. Instead of expanding the story on the very good the base the developer created with literally the 1st version, they introduce new features and rework the introduction and the underlying game mechanics. As it stands now the game seems to be a prequel in the form of an overblown character creator.
    I mean cool, random rolls add replayability and I sure like the idea that hidden stats (the agents backgrounds) influence mission success and so on, but replayabilty requires content in the 1st place.

    For sure a dozen hidden stats and early branching (diversity) will translate into a faster development...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing, hits all my exhibitionist fetishes. Definitely worth a playthrough, the game has a linear, but branching storyline, giving a good hour or so of content and replayability. Pace of development is slow.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Had really high hopes for this game since I like mostly text based stuff. The idea of an agent willing to take an assignment as a whore due to being driven to advance her career, being promiscuous, or a combination of the two was also interesting. Unfortunately the game doesn't offer that and I don't see any signs of that changing, hence the "poor" rating. The content that is there, which is basically an intro, is fairly well done though.

    Will revisit the review if my impression changes with later updates.

    6:22 edit: Was looking through my ratings for various games and seeing if I needed to revisit any of them. This one kinda stood out. I put it at 2 stars and comparing it to other games I had rated 2 stars makes it seem like an unfair rating. Bumping it up 3 for now since I do enjoy the content that is available.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I was honestly surprised and very impressed by the great combination of Intelligent writing and good story, great drawn art and the hot content.
    The great character creation, avatar system and vivid backstory put this to another level. I am very much looking forward for the next content.
    In general: Top-notch, absolute great job!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It would be five stars if the story was progressing at all - the game has such big promise and the writing is really good. Unfortunately the developer just seems to be stuck in a rut or something, and hasn't produced anything meaningful for quite a while. Hopefully this will change soon!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good plot and narration, a lot of options and nice scenes. Character creation is very well made, the background story is nice and it really helps ground your character in the story. The sex is very intuitive and the AI is actually very good, it surprised me. It's a really good quality game, I hope it sees lots of updates
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    When comparing to other HTML games this game I can say that the effort put in is amazing. The charactercreation feature although a little lacking is still very vast and customizable. The story (so far) is ok and unique.

    The one major thing that kinda ruins the game is its slow development. I understand that making games takes time and effort and that creators often get burned when story writing, but its been 3 years since this game was made and creators who have started around the same time have either completed or have been updating more frequently.

    I can tell your team is putting alot of effort into this game and I don't want to sound mean Since i really have enjoyed your game. All I can say is don't work on a huge amount of content then later publish it becuase by the time you announce it alot of fans will be gone, try adding it in parts like one on story then the next being gameplay and so on to keep the players interested and your team from overworking yourselfs.

    Overall Giving it a : 3.5/5
    Would Reccomend to Others? : Yes
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best and most complex game I've played from this website. Brilliant choices and a whole host of different scenarios that can occur based on how you set up your backstory. So Hype for when the next update comes out!!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, it's yet another HTML-based eroticised paper doll game, with some potential, but not enough captivating story or smut to really stand out among other similar concepts. Too many irrelevant stats for what is a basically just a whore manager in secret agent's disguise. The only interesting things rarely seen elsewhere are two backs: backstory configuration and backview of your paper doll. Good graphics though, but very little substance, especially for a game that's been in development for almost 3 years now.