Female Protag Corruption games and what is wrong with them.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
I don't write games, but I do write and publish erotic fiction, and despite a lot of genre-skipping the one and only thing my stories have in common is that the female characters have sexual agency. They may not come to it immediately or quickly, but by the end they have it; the journey from lacking it to having it is incredibly hot if it's well-written. But starting from a position of sexual agency is also hot, and I'd argue even more so.

This is, I think, the central failure of "rapetown" games. The female MC has no agency, and she'll never have agency. So where's the plot? It's nice that the hot girl is fucked a lot, but then...what? She's fucked, and then fucked some more, and then fucked even more. This is a character without agency, but more importantly without a story. A little sex leading to some sex leading to more sex leading to much sex is the lamest of all possible narratives. Give me a *reason*.

Totally of Topic.
Have you ever read the Manga Slut girl? One of my fave Erotic FM Characters *Even though she is not the POV character.

That is how I would like my female MC. Granted, she is already "corrupted"

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Games that give you choices are usually created with a high degree of planning. Eg, any Japanese visual novels with 3+ endings all have complex dialog and requirements for triggering each endings.
I wouldn't have described "choose this answer, then his one" as a "complex dialog and requirements". Still that's how most of the Japanese visual novels works. Contrarily to what you can perhaps feel when playing them, it's just X (with x being the number of ending) stories told independantly, but with few, when not none, interactions between the stories. Either you choose the right answer for the story/ending you're seeking, or you fail the whole game. It's an all or nothing situation, with no "in the middle" solution.
Yet, a game like , which have a requirement tree way more complex than this for its more than ten ending, was funded via Patreon. This with (relatively speaking) some success ; at least enough success for his dev to start a new game after it.

This high degree of planning doesn't go well for the Patreon induced model of game development.
Really ? Then how icstor achieve to have more than 5000 patrons with a game like ?
Contrarily to most of the Japanese VN, this is a game that need to be strongly planned from the start. This because it don't tell you one story at the time, but all of them ; with all of them being fully achievable with an unique play. This mean that not only you need to know all the stories from the start, but also need to anticipate what the player will do.
With a Japanese VN it's easy, either the player follow this path, or he don't ; so either there's "this" interaction with another character's story, or not. But with a game like Milf City, it's not one story that possibly interfere with the other. It's all of them, with or without this level of evolution for each one of them.
The same apply for games like , , , or , to name only four, but there's (too) few others. They don't all resolve around a complex mechanism, but they are, by far, the most well wrote stories you can found here. And they all achieve this for the same reason, the story is planned from the start.
It's clearly visible, by example when you suddenly understand a scene from two updates ago, because you're now facing the information that was implied at this time. And when you face situation like this in a game, you know for sure that, whatever how good the game can be by itself (here I talk of the game mechanism and the coding), you'll enjoy playing this game. The author know what he do and why he do it, even if for you at this time it feel like something random.

I would say GGGB is probably one of the few only games that knows how to write.
It's not a bad game, but it's far to be a well wrote game. Especially in regard of the topic of this thread. The backfire possibilities make it better than the average, but still the characters' personality, MC included, really lack of depth. By example, where's the dilemma if you decide to let MC do drugs for the first time ? There's many possibilities. It can be something that she always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity before. It can also be something that she do because she want to live fully before being a good little wife. It can also be something she feel the need to do, to not loose the new friendships she recently found. But no, it's not what's gave to the player. What we have fall more on the side of "Oh, drugs ! I'll take some, thanks".
And the same apply for (almost) all the other decisions in the game. MC act more like a brainwashed girl, that anything else. There's an opportunity, either she take it or not, that's all. The decision will not change the story, it will just change the way the game will evolve ; this mostly because there's no story other than "you're a girl, decide how you'll advance". And, sorry, but it's far to be what I expect from a good written game. Each decision gave to the player should have a motive. If she decide to do drugs, the player have to know what's in her mind when she take this decision, same if she decide to not do it. And what the author give us is far to be enough for this.
"I sucked his dick in his car, I'm such a slut... but well, I don't disliked it", sorry, but no. It's a major point in her life. Does she want to continue this "slut" path, being a free woman who do whatever she want with her body and her life ? Does she regret it because she's still deeply in love with her boyfriend ? Is she still undecided, not really certain if she really love her boyfriend or is just with him because of the habit ? Does she feel some culpability, or does she don't really care about this ?
There's no answer to this in the game. We make her life change, we witness the effect of this change in her life, but we know nothing about the implications of this change nor the effect on her personality. And so, no, it's not a well wrote game, just a "don't this badly dialogued" one.

O your buddy owes your fat ugly sack of shit boss some money? You quit. And he's not your buddy anymore. I mean, how many men here would actually fuck an ugly fat, morbidly obese bitch whose 50+. And even if you DO fuck her, would you ever EVER enjoy it? Fuck no. Same for women. It's not hard. It'll feel nice yes. But you won't lose yourself in it. The smells, the sight, the idea of some fat sack of shit raping me, yikes. I would quit in a heartbeat. It's not like my husband is unemployed.
What are your qualifications to talk for the 7 billions inhabitants on this planet ?
There's people ready to commit illegal actions because friendship really mean something for them and their friend really need it to be done. So, no, I don't see why someone can't fuck a "fat ugly sack of shit" to help someone who really mean something for them. And like what's garbage for one, can be a treasure for another, I don't see why some can't even enjoy doing it.
That you don't like the story and will not act in the same way is a thing, but it don't imply that the said story is unbelievable.


Jan 10, 2018
I haven't played Adult games in a long time, so how are females written nowadays?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
So we've all been here, playing a game with a female protagonist who just pisses us off. Most of them because of this simple trope.

Now, the trope description is hilarious, and it points to all the problems, but doesn't offer many solutions. The most obvious I can think of is that the developers of female protagonist games need to start looking for a female perspective, because their characters are largely blank canvases with no personality. However I think there are a few other things that need to change as well.

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Quite old topic but i think you can, as a female protagonist, have a choice of agreeing with sex or in some instances with blackmailing, being forced to do certain actions.
Important is also how strong that protagonist is or how determined. If character is airheaded, well not much else is needed. But if she is thickhead she may not agree to anything.
There aren't really any great female protagonist games i have seen at this time, where the female is not an airhead in some ways.
One exception is Fashion Business perhaps. She is a strong character.
Other games play mostly about desire and joy. MC feels like she likes it. She likes to be taken rough. That can work but i am thinking it is not very believable.
Another example are incest games. Mom can be drawn to the son but i usually like games where son corrupts mom in some ways and has sleep sex (rape) with her.
I usually prefer female protagonist over male as male centric games are somewhat blunt to me. Its usually how many female can male MC fuck. Boring.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
Threads and ideas like these are exactly why female MCs aren't made, on this site and in real life. First few comments is saying that Men who writes these women are in it for a power fanasty of some sort, so really there's no incentive to write a character like that when you have to be so careful when writing for them, it's a waste of time. It's the same thing with race too, why write a black main character when even if you write them the same as a white man you get criticized by people for not making them "Black Enough" see Idris Elba, It's honestly a joke.
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