Valfar666 I make sure to have my movement speed at the max (15) and I then spam spells and use dodge rolls along with the holes to keep and create space between myself and the enemies. I end up running around in an anti or normal clockwise fashion unless an bunny goon appears infront.
Strength is really bad to have maxed or that many points put into though if you haven't made sure that your settings haven't reset it's even more worthless as the default difficulty settings are unfair balanced in my view.
Items wise I make sure I get magic and agility boosting stuff, magic damage is great to have. I also make sure for the accessory I get the magic amplification (as it can give you 2 more projectiles with magic missile) which I think gives you more damage output than an damage increasing item. Save money for if the Deadlus weapon appears in the shop (roughly 150 gold) but do spend if you see something rare that your missing. (HP regen ring is life saving if bad potion RNG drops)
I personally also avoid picking up any bad traits nor any items that increase bad stats (which is all the sexual stats other than willpower) as they just cause enemies to finish faster which is only good if you get caught by the bunny goons ONCE, maybe TWICE otherwise you get the movement debuff from being filled up too much that you have to take an grab attack to get rid of. (bunny boss is best for taking grabs from as you can escape from her) Finally the hypno glasses I would use only if you haven't used it yet or barely at all (and so don't have it's given traits) since it's a last resort if your lacking damage in my mind due to the fact it gives two bad traits at once while forcing you to masturbate/present to enemies.