RPGM - Completed - Femdomstories: BDSM Tournament [darktoz]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    The game doesnt have any explicit sex scenes,just somewhat attractive but psycho enemies and some torture scenes,music is basic,losing to any doesnt lead to any scenes and have only 1 attack.The story is short but its tied in ok,first hour can be brutal but then it gets very easy.

    In conclusion this game is ok,i finished it in 2 hours with full exploration,combat and item management are ok but if you are here for sexual content then you are gonna be dissapointed.

    5,5/10 because its playable and has some good ideas.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    DARKTOZ all games are best. I love this game. Game play is very good. Models are very beautiful and story is excellent. I am waiting for new games of Darktoz. ...... His other games Femdom city , Assylum are also very good.
    Other excellent games of femdom are Prison 1 and Prison 2.