
May 7, 2018
Will there be guys that do damage during sex? Like buff dudes or NTR ugly bastards with some kinda drug that does damage to succubi making them slaves to said guys? As much as I love your art especially the girls, the shota isn't really my thing but that might be yours so just thought I'd ask if theres a chance if not no worries. I still love to see what kinda game you produce.


Femdom BeatEmUp Game Succubus
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2021
Will there be guys that do damage during sex? Like buff dudes or NTR ugly bastards with some kinda drug that does damage to succubi making them slaves to said guys? As much as I love your art especially the girls, the shota isn't really my thing but that might be yours so just thought I'd ask if theres a chance if not no worries. I still love to see what kinda game you produce.
I'm designing a sex related system now, but I haven't decided on the implementation yet

I personally think a simple sex = lose health is dumb and doesn't make sense, and just gets in the way of viewing sex scenes, so i won't do that

But the guy isn't a shota, he's very tall


Femdom BeatEmUp Game Succubus
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2021
If I remember correctly, in the earliest versions of it, there was a gallery which you used coins to unlock/watch scenes. Why did you get rid of that?
It was very buggy and hard to update

This engine I'm using is amazing for combat related programming right out of the box, but making things like menus is quite difficult. The menus are implemented as if it's a fight

Anyways I'll reimplement it later as I learn more. I'm not a programmer unfortunately
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
I personally think a simple sex = lose health is dumb and doesn't make sense, and just gets in the way of viewing sex scenes, so i won't do that
agreed. i can let it go if there's a lore reason for this, but it's not always a easy thing.


May 7, 2018
I personally think a simple sex = lose health is dumb and doesn't make sense.
Well it can if you put meaning to it. Like the drug suggestion or even have said church people using some mind control magic to enslave other succubus’s/incubus to take the girls down using there own method by syphoning off their own power etc. When their becoming too much of a problem for other methods to work.

lose health is dumb and doesn't make sense, and just gets in the way of viewing sex scenes, so i won't do that.
Mmm if I had to suggest something maybe instead of that “Escape” option, have the meter start in the center with you two dueling if you lose a bad scene appears with MC getting dominated sexually. (With you losing HP) If you win one of the dominate scenes appear just any of the ones you have where the mc is dominate. (With the enemy dying instantly). Sadly this isn’t a very original idea since I’ve seen it in like 4 other games. Though it would be the first victory and defeat scenes I think that’ll be done that way since most of the time its 3-5 sex positions with the enemy cumming to the victor.

But the guy isn't a shota, he's very tall
Yeah I guess your right, just with that baby face anime shonen look they just all look like teenage shota’s to me for some reason. Not to mention this game kinda reminds me of the other game that has shota’s in it and the girls are also phenomenal! (But due to reasons above I can’t get into the whole thing which is a shame because damn his art is good…talk about a super boner killer damn)

If you don’t know who I’m talking about it’s ExcessM.

Anyway thanks for listening looking forward to whichever you decide to do. : )


Femdom BeatEmUp Game Succubus
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2021
where is the galery mode?
Removed because it was buggy and hard to update. This engine is great for making combat but when it comes to menu driven things like save systems and galleries its quite difficult (the back end of the gallery looks like fighting game code)

I'm thinking of how to implement a more sustainable system

For now. Use femdom mode for viewing scenes without combat


Femdom BeatEmUp Game Succubus
Game Developer
Mar 11, 2021
Hey thank you for writing the review. Despite it being very negative, I actually thought it was insightful and so I decided to try to answer, explain my design philosophy and also maybe some solutions to make it better. Since it is clear you tried the game out in good spirit, I am responding not to discredit your review, after all, your lack of enjoyment is completely my problem to solve as a developer.

the worst part of this game by far are the controls. The game borders on unplayable in its current state, with the character never quite doing what the player wants, movement being almost comically sluggish and poorly handled and annoying clusters of enemies that seem to take forever even with enormous 40-hit combos. It feels like controlling a probe on Mars while aliens take potshots at it. There are a huge number of instances where you will be standing right next to an enemy hitting the attack button, and it just... won't attack them. Then they'll do their attack, and it immediately hits you without any trouble. You move at one mile an hour while holding your sword, but you absolutely need it to deal any damage whatsoever. Problem is, enemies instantly disarm you the second they breathe on you and when they're swarming all around you, the chance of picking it back up again is slim to none, so you're stuck very slowly slapping them to death. The point I'm getting at here is that the sluggish controls and poorly configured hitboxes make this game an excruciating slog at best and a borderline-unplayable mess at worst
I'll start off by admitting a problem which a lot of negative reviews stem from, the character called HERO is the only male character, most players are male and so they naturally gravitate towards using this player, but HERO is unfortunately the hardest character to use in the entire roster. There is a reason for this, this was originally a Femdom game where the males get dominated, and I intentionally made HERO be very slow, and have very long recovery from attacks. This made is highly likely for him to mess up and get dominated by the female characters. Perhaps I should make an easy to control male character to counter this problem or just label him as hard/advanced to use.

However, at the end of the day, this is a team game, not a 1 character game. Please see the movement options available in the video. As many other people pointed out, the controls and combat in this game is top notch for the beat em up genre, and i've had it reviewed by many long time beat em up players, and I've played and studied dozens of games in this genre before making mine. It's unfortunate, HERO's movement is actually considered very hard and innovative by experienced beat em up players but off set by huge 1 hit kills, but because of the nature of the adult game lens, people often only look at him as the baseline character and think this is how the game controls period.

As you can see in the video, the enemies in NORMAL and HARD mode are designed to be killable in 2 combos by Aerisetta (the base character) and 1 hit from Hero (who is considered the slow heavy hitter), Hero without sword is 3 combos to kill. From all my research, this is not the fastest time to kill, but I think 2 combos baseline is reasonable. The enemies don't die immediately to allow the player to perform a FEMTALITY on the enemy after they are down. You can however, hit the enemy with a FEMTALITY even when they are in the air to finish them immediately.

The hitbox is actually extremely generous by beat em up standards, very big and very deep. In the video, I also show that Also I added a tracking feature which i learned from more modern games so that the player will actually drift towards the enemy. Infact, you can beat normal by solely pressing attack nonstop with Aerisetta (probably best to turn and face the opponent but even then it's not a must). It doesn't work on Hero though, again, he's an advanced character.

At the end of the day though, it's the little "fuck you"s that the game gives to the player that make the game really painful. Enemies that can heal one another instantly, forcing you to waste an enormous amount of time herding them into a corner to kill them all at once, the inability to open the menu or check the controls during a fight, having to stop hitting enemies after you beat them to let them enter their "defeated" state so you can finally actually kill them,
I think you're right in that the healing enemy is introduced way too early. I'll think about moving such enemies to later in the game or nerfing.

the fact that the pause button is fucking ENTER for some reason... these kinds of games have existed for decades now, so how is it possible to fuck up the formula this badly?
This is pretty standard though, it came standard with the engine which was designed to make beat em ups. What did you expect it to be?

I think the defining moment of it came early on for me, at a point when they spawned a bunch of enemies that can heal each other across the map. The game tells you to "use your ultimate", but doesn't tell you what it is or how to use it. You can't open the menu or check the controls, so you're stuck slapping them until you can finally push them close enough to get both of them at once, all the while an annoying enemy constantly hits you from behind and can't be killed until you kill the healing enemies.
You're right in that I haven't done a good job to make a tutorial on how things are done. That's because the game is still in development and I change systems all the time, so I don't want to invest in making tutorials that become outdated quickly. Note that I am a solo developer, so there's a limit to what I can do. All I can do is show you some potential of what can be done in this game. If you're into action games I think it should be quite exciting, if not then maybe it doesn't matter to you.

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