I'm glad that you enjoyed the episode, but I'm going to object to your
All this content should've been integrated into the main game from the beginning
comment. FF&S is my project, not yours, and was intended, from the beginning to be a "dark" story. It was targeted at a specific niche, and has remained there, despite the strident calls to change it into something it's not. In fact, if JohnCBB was still writing for it, it would probably have been darker, not lighter.
I've made all this abundantly clear throughout FFS's own thread. The story was never intended as a run-of-the-mill "boy bangs mom" game. Why?
Because that wasn't the story I wanted to tell. I've just finished dealing with a whole bunch of comments in FF&S's own thread where people were telling me what the game "should be." I'm not going to go through all that again over here.
If you object to me telling the story that I want to tell, then I will wish you luck in finding a project you like better, and please close the door as you leave.
As to my reasons for doing STDH, I explained them, at least in part, in
this post.
Oh, and
Pi Quantum - See? Your PM was 100% correct in concept, but it only took about half as long as you projected.