Others - Completed - Flower FairY [Final] [misinkoujou]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not sure what all the hype surrounding this game is. It's an incredibly clunky Metroid-vania that plays about as well as a toaster in the rain, with questionable control decisions and resolution so small you can't see anything.

    First off, the controls. You can't remap the movement to WASD, which (at least by my preference) limits the amount of keys actions can be assigned to. Animation frames and movement are incredibly choppy, with dodging in particular feeling like your character is on the moon with how long the animation lasts. The inclusion of a dash button is obnoxious as all Hades; Holding it down 24/7 to move at a decent pace compared to the slow-ass walk speed makes me question why the "running speed" wasn't the default movement to begin with. Similar case, using the gun requires holding down the "aim" button and then pressing attack to fire. Was having a "shoot" button as opposed to an "aim" that much harder to program in (I'm aware that holding the aim button and dodging also reloads the gun, but it doesn't amount to a hill of beans since the damn thing auto-reloads regardless).

    Combat is clumsy and miserable. You get a shitty-ass melee attack that hits about five pixels in front of you and the aforementioned gun, which is a much better (and safer) option since you get infinite ammo for the thing. Attacking in the air is an absolute clusterfuck; You have to let go of the movement keys and press attack to do a normal air slash (which still has shit range). If you're holding the arrow keys, you do this slashing-cartwheel-dash that often results in you just taking damage. The running slash is okay, but most my combat encounters devolved into spamming the gun and dodging whenever enemies and their janky-ass hitboxes got near me.

    I can't say much about the H-scenes because I'd have to dig out a magnifying glass to even see them. The window running the game can't go full screen, and the already pixelated mess that is this game's art style doesn't do it any favors. Again, it could be personal preference, but the presentation of the game and it's content feels very half-assed compared to other games I've had the joy of experiencing

    Take my review with a grain of salt, as I quit the game before I even reached the first boss. That said, if a game makes me want to throw my laptop out the window with how god-awful the controls and gameplay are within the first five minutes, It's not worth my time to check out the rest. And neither is yours.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game after playing its sequel (Flower Witch), though I don't understand shit about the story (or at least, a little bit), I found both games very enjoyable; I'll be honest, I rarely praise H-games not only because of their "nature", but because there are many of them that are too short, that have terrible art or that are mediocre at best.

    Flower Fairy isn't that case (nor its sequel); the game's hard, and it requires to learn via trial & error (so yeah, u gotta have a lot of patience), but at the end is worth it, just make sure you play with a controller though, playing with a keyboard almost drove me mad...

    Anyway, I liked the art style, the level design and the challenges (despite me sucking at platforming); though, my biggest complaints would be that the game can't be played on fullscreen, that there are little skills to use (unless I missed smth) and that the controls can be a bit clunky, but nothing too serious to make the game unplayable (it's very playable actually).

    All in all, I'd give it a 9/10, an enjoyable experience (and a plus if you like futa, if you don't though, then don't bother playing this game as there's only futa on female and female on female content, unless you don't mind ofc).

    Edit; another thing I didn't like is that grenades are useless, and the only useful skill is the "flower bloom" attack.

    Also, make sure to check the dev's page; https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/2411/article, he's making another game of the "Flower" series, if you're interested.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3427911

    Solid Metroidvania. It's a bit on the simpler side but not too short, and can be quite challenging.

    Sure, there's no map and the animations/resolution can be better, but the characters and sex animations are surprisingly plenty and hot. The sequel might have better gameplay/more scenes, but this is still one of the overall better Futa-on-Female/Yuri games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    username not specified

    After a bunch of grinding and the reluctant acceptance that I will never be able to 100% this game without easy mode, I managed to finish my creature collection and almost finished my item collection with only around 4 items remaining. Overall, great game, decent plot, great animations and scenarios. Would have been greater if it had a minimap since I spent a third of my time lost, but I made do with one that a user made. Hitboxes and evasion windows can be a bit wonky for certain projectiles and enemies, but oh well, that's too much to expect from a hentai game made by a tiny team.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are few worth side scrolling hentai game and this one fall of these category. Good sprite, wide variety of enemies, and also lot of sex scene. Game play also enjoyable. If you like futa game, this game is very reccomended
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, directly, you like platforms games in 2D?
    Play this, is like a good old game.
    Nice gameplay and mechanics.
    It´s oldand popular in his time so there are many videos with the complete gallery.