What do you mean what do I mean? The last patch on DLSite for Molestation Edition is ver1.98. You in a
past post for Ver 2.194 even provided a changelog saying that content was added to the train portion of the game. Where else does Ver 2.194 come from if not Violence Edition? The logical explanation is that Molestation is included in Violence Edition. Why else would content be added to a "complete" game that isn't included in the base game already? And if he's willing to add content once, why not once again?
And just because the game isn't finished doesn't shield it from people being upset. Hell, the fact that those screenshots and ideas were posted in 2020 we don't even have the scene with Reggae guy shows that he's not on track with the direction he was going. And it's fine and dandy that he's a perfectionist, but objectively it doesn't look good. Like I've been mostly patient with the updates, but at this point, I'm not if he's going to finish the game before he decide this is too stressful and gives up. Whatever personality quirk he has, it's clear that it's hampering his own productivity.