You aren't missing much, the protag dies at the end, getting run over by a car owned by the dude who cucks him. Also, though the art is... fine, good might I add, there just isn't much of it, you are mainly in the perspective of the dude getting cucked, so you don't really get to see much, it hints at it with a few sprites bashing together, and hey, if that is enough to get your jollies out, be my guest. But seeing how the dude getting cucked is the dude we are stuck with, and since we are forced to get to know him, well at least for me, I started sympathizing with him, cause he is actually a pretty decent guy, usually the dude getting cucked is either neglectful or some other manner of dumbass, the worst we have for Anon is that he is completely oblivious. Which doesn't warrant the shit he gets and the downer ending killed any boner I might have worked myself up towards.
Honestly, 3/10, and the three points I gave it was for the artwork we got, it was definetly decent, what little we got anyway, just the story, the gameplay and everything else isn't really worth downloading it.