For t he love of God please stop with these cookie cutter x-large breasts in nearly every game...


Jul 11, 2017
I agree with the OP but it's an egoistic stance. Porn game devs fulfill either their tastes or the targeted customers tastes.

About why there is gigantic boob, me thinks that porn is about exageration : situation, psychology and/or body proportion. Porn is and should be unrealistic. Why is over represented ? Maybe the anti loli stance triggered it, maybe it just the actual passing fashion.

Or maybe it's a conspiracy from some plastic surgeon kabal. :illuminati:
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New Member
Jun 22, 2021
I'm new here, but I thought I would add my .02 in favor of smaller breasts. I do not mean flat-chested, but the size that makes for a nice handful of fun. :p

I took notice of this thread because I was thinking the same thing recently as I was playing games; so many huge breasts, some to ridiculous proportions. Maybe the mega-boob thing is meta right now, but I would love to see the trend shift down a few sizes.

Jul 28, 2020
I'm creating my own game rigth now and you can be sure as shit I'm going to be adding a huge titted bitch.

As Cryswar said thats what I want to fap to, and if other people want to fap along side me then that's all I really care.

Albeit money it's nice.
and you can be sure that I and many others will give it a hard pass because I(don't know about others)find it stupid and really off putting when the tits are cow udder sacks. I don't like them in real life and I certainly don't want them in the games I play. I want size variety in my games(from a cup all the way to a d cup) but I will pass on any game where huge flab sacks are a feature.


New Member
Apr 16, 2018
I agree with most/some here that the "over-usage" of huge titted women in games is over the top(understated). Gravity defying tits is also something of a bother. I mean in reality most games I've seen here the artists seem to just cut the head off give a different face for each new model with the same "huge" titted body. Last I checked each and every human being was unique. Anyways very respectfully TheWrongGuy :)


New Member
Mar 23, 2023
I have to admit, that when I see a game with women who have BALLOONS on their chest, total pass for me, no matter how good the game might be! Some games have overly done the big boobs thing, with girls who are 5 foot tall having tits that are twice the size of their head! Still, there are a few that do the big boobs thing, and don't really go bigger than a DD, which is nice! I do wish there were more games out there that did cater to those of us who like a more natural looking chest size instead of ones that could not only feed a Russian army, but also double as part of a life raft for the survivors of the Titanic! I get it, nerds like the whole tigg ole biddies! and all that, but come on! Take it down a notch! Ask yourself, would these chesticles feed a starving nation or be nice to use as a pillow? A couple of games that have made some good choices on boobs are Come Home by R.J. Rhodes, Lunar's Chosen by PTGames, Echoes of Lust/ Lust Theory by Inceton, and just about everything from Lockheart. That's my buck and half of my two cents. Thank you for time!


Dec 3, 2019
I've seen games with even worse practice than just BALOONS. Its when I date a nice girl with normal tits and with every step of corruption her tits grow bigger, so when I get to the hottest scene in game she looks like another freak with huge tits.
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Aug 7, 2022
I think if every character in a game has big boobs, then it ruins the novelty of having a big boobs character in the first place, we need a point in reference in the game that what size means what, if all girls have big boobs does that mean that's the norm in that universe? Having no reference and just having a big boobs characters everywhere just makes it feel cheap. It's more meaningful to have a big boobs character among the "normal" or "smaller" chested characters, its that contrast that make big boobs stand out. The same goes for butts to.

At this point, I see a big boobs character I'm just like whatever, because chances most characters in the game will have big boobs, kinda dulls the thrill. But that's just me.


Aug 12, 2017
I think if every character in a game has big boobs, then it ruins the novelty of having a big boobs character in the first place, we need a point in reference in the game that what size means what, if all girls have big boobs does that mean that's the norm in that universe? Having no reference and just having a big boobs characters everywhere just makes it feel cheap. It's more meaningful to have a big boobs character among the "normal" or "smaller" chested characters, its that contrast that make big boobs stand out. The same goes for butts to.

At this point, I see a big boobs character I'm just like whatever, because chances most characters in the game will have big boobs, kinda dulls the thrill. But that's just me.
Pretty much excactly how I feel too.
Its so prevailant that if I see gazongas in screenshots, Im steering clear, because almost certainly every single women will have ballons instead of breasts. Same with ass size.. Its so overemphazied that it get so often into rediculous instead of delicious.
And its rarely just one character, its almost always all of them.
That comes with a big "no thanks". I want immersion, not playing the game and thinking, can i skip this one, and this one, and this one. Not because they dont have personalities, or engaging stories or great faces... They just look way too bad proportionally.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2019
My position is more than radical - the sight of giant breasts disgusts me on an organic level, something like a gag reflex. I rarely meet such ladies in life (praise be to all gods and goddesses!), but if I do, I make every effort to avoid communicating with such individuals of the human race (I'm not talking about silicone-pumped dopes, they are just idiots).
Also, it should be noted - tags like "big breasts" and/or "big asses" are often put in the wrong place, sometimes with these tags there are games and kinetic novels with quite acceptable (for me personally) characters.


Jun 26, 2020
why is it that 9 out of every 10 games made do the developers think how cool is this to just have giant unrealistic fat bags for breasts?
Cause ppl don`t know where to stop. A bit of violation of proportions can spice things up. But if you don`t think about the limits all of it easily goes from sexy to ugly. Same as dick sizes.