VN - Ren'Py - Forbidden Fantasy [Ch.4 Standard] [OppaiMan]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Another porn milker. No story, just flat porn (sure handsome looking, but still) and begging for money each chapter. Literally.

    I came here not to just cum. I want catchy spicy story. To escape reality. Inconsistent generic serie of renders and animations is not catching. And begging for money ruin even interest picked by screenshots.

    So no, i will not recommend to download it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    as a set of wallpapers - great stuff, just like a previous title by the same dev.

    as an ADULT VISUAL NOVEL (emphasis on fucking NOVEL) - it's abysmally terrible.
    - the story doesn't make sense, it's just a set of cliches and stereotypes seen in every substandard fantasy setting. It literally have ZERO new ideas.
    - dialogues are written by 5 year-olds on a wet tissue paper.
    - characters are shallow and primitive, and don't resemble living beings, but rather fucktoys with bad C-tier porn logic.

    Visual part of AVN is great, truly. Adult part - eh, seen better, 3/5. Novel part is just extremely unapologetically bad.

    milking patrons go vrrrroooooommmmmm
    Likes: resgar
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    the animations are some of the best i have seen and the story is good, just force the demon queen a little harder into submission. And the built in walk through is so nice. would like the sorceress queen to be part of the Harem as well,
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually, Its art style blend animation with a soft, painterly aesthetic, creating a world that feels vibrant and alive. The character build system in game offering more freedom in how players evolve story is well made . The game’s they create an experience that feels both personal and epic. I hope for the best they keep update faster and exciting .Eger to play then game one after another chapter .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought it couldn't be that easy to kill the demon queen. And I thought she was just bluffing when she said we were connected. But I never thought she would really become a part of us. First part so far so crazy, I love it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave it five stars. The production values are incredible. Everything looks pretty, voice acting is solid, seems like they get the chapters out on a fairly quick dev cycle as well, there's only one downside I'll address below. In a sense Forbidden Fantasy kind of reminds me of the MCU. Shiny, stupid fun that clearly has a lot of money and talent thrown at it.

    Unfortunately the one weakness is the game's writing. When we talk about 'writing' it can be divided into a half dozen different categories, but lets just focus on three. Plot scenes/exposition. Character dialogues. And sex scenes.

    Of those three, only the sex scenes are written competently and even that is nothing to brag about. If I'm sounding harsh, its only coming from a place of love. This game deserves support (you should subscribe, I did), but it also deserves better writing.

    Even with that rather large caveat, I still say its head and shoulders above most of the game's you'll find here. Def worth playing. Def worth supporting.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the voices. It adds a bit more depth to the story . cant wait to see where it goes in the future......................................................................................................
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    very interesting game, nice animations, keep it going , addicting game so far , i like the creative part , the story is immersive, and i can t wait for it to keep working on the game, the developer clearely won t fail us no matter what :))
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed playing this game.
    so many games so little time.
    The grammar is so good on these oppi games. You should help some of your fellow programmers improve. Starting with spell check and some kind of synonym check.
    You are very accomplished in what you do here. That demon-queen really does have 9 lives.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Chapter 3 Review:

    This is a hard one to review. The things it does well it does really well, but there are definitely some major points that hold it back. I think I'd give it a 3.5/5 but I'll round that up to a 4/5 just because I do think it has the potential to improve as the chapters go on. I'll go over my thoughts below:

    Visuals: 5/5
    The visuals are all spectacular. Be it character designs, environment, weapons, or those more intimate scenes. The visuals are honestly top notch.

    Audio: 4.5/5
    Sound effects are great, and the dialogue is voiced over. Now I'm not normally a fan of having voiced character lines in AVNs, but only because they are usually terrible. The voiceover here is surprisingly good! Think like Witcher 1 quality, maybe even a bit better. Also having almost all the character lines voiced is impressive and I want to give the dev props on putting in the effort.
    There is one slight issue I have is that the MC doesn't have any of his lines voiced. What this means is that the listen/read transitions feel really off. You'll listen to two conversations have a conversation, and then it's just silence when your character has something to say. No characters having voices is fine, but if you're making it so that the players can just listen to the dialogue - they should be able to listen to all of it. MC being the only character without a voice (while still having a ton of lines) just makes the flow of the conversation super awkward.

    Story: 3/5
    The story isn't particularly unique or original. I don't mind a story full of cliches if it's done well, but there are a lot of things that just don't make sense even within the world. They are mostly story related and I don't want to add any spoilers here, but a lot of the stuff is completely ridiculous. You heard of "show not tell?" This game doesn't do that. It just states that something is the way it is even if it makes no logical sense, and moves on. Right at the start of the game there is this dramatic buildup to a big important event, and then nothing really happens. No challenge, no risk, no threat, just a few lines of dialogue and a surrender. Considering how great other parts of this AVN are it just feels like a lot more effort could (and should) have gone into this part of the game.

    As for how it is presented, the story feels more like a bunch of cutscenes from a game with all the gameplay in between them removed. There is not much glue holding things together. You're here and a thing is happening. And now you're somewhere else. And now time passed and you're elsewhere. It just doesn't flow between sections particularly well, especially farther in the story.

    Writing: 3.75/5
    While the overall story is rather weak, the writing is good. I couldn't decide between a 3.5 or a 4.0 here so I just went halfway. The writing could do a lot better job setting up the scenes and the story, though the actual characters themselves are written pretty well. Dialogue between characters is above average for this site.

    Characters: 3.75/5
    The characters are all unique and have great character models. They interact with one another and speak naturally enough, though they are pretty shallow overall. Even though we don't know much about their backstories, there isn't much intrigue or mystery. Everyone just seems like an open book, which is a bit of a shame. Still, what little is there is good.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5
    So far i like the story even though its "yet another" deamon king (queen) story which is such an over used plot now a days, but this is one of the better ones for sure, MC fights a deamon queen and "kills" her but she then ends up inside MCs body and can talk to him in hes head and such and ofc she wants to talk over controle of MCs body, so yeah not really new stuff but its ok, MC then saves a half deamon and together with hes elf friend (female) they set out for elven lands to figure out their next move, on the way there is some fighting and such, all pretty much standard stuff, but its still good.

    Renders look great.

    Girls 4/5
    There arent many LIs only 2 for now might improve later i hope, i dont count the deamon queen as one since that would just be weird story wise.
    The elf girl and the half deamon looks good and even with only 2 LIs theres a diversity in builds, the elf with big tits which i dident really like and i thought they looked a bit weird at times and im just not inito big tits, but atleast the half deamon has normal/smallish tits which i did like so she would be my pick, not that i turned any of the two down in my first playthrough other then the deamon queen.

    If i have one complaint it would be no relationship build-up, you get to sex scenes very fast and very easy which removes any romance or feelings for the LIs which isent great and feels a bit rushed in that area, there are 1 sex scene per chapter.

    As for content the chapters are very short so it wont take long to play the 3 chapters it currently has, but game isent that old yet so i guess its alright, but i would say the 3 chapters together would be more like what 1 chapter should be, so dont expect to much yet.

    Animations 5/5
    This is where the game really shines, its some of the best animations ive seen in a very long time, it would be nice with a bit better views of the action when they have sex and maybe a bit more light some times but overall they are just really good.

    Music 5/5
    Even though music is pretty standard background stuff it does suit the game, but more importenly all the girls are voiced and the voice actors do a good job, even some males are voiced but not MC which is proberly a good thing.

    Choices 5/5
    Not sure how much you can change story wise but there are a few choices along the way, but most imporenly you have a choice in relationships, you can turn down the elf or anyone else i belive but havent fully tested that yet.

    I wouldent say its a AAA game due to the story lacking a bit and its pretty basic when it comes to plots, but the rest could be considered AAA.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very impressive. It's one of the best games I have found here. It even goes the extra mile with good voice acting. It's well worth your time if you enjoy the fantasy genre at all. The graphics are as good as any game I have played using Ren'Py.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Having played FreshWomen before this game, I expected great quality for the animations and renders and a lot less for the story. I'm quite surprised with the quality of the story, even while it can be a bit predictable thus far. And even comparing the animations and renders with FreshWomen (which were already surprisingly detailed) this one is worlds apart in quality.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    - graphics and animations are top notch, better than in some AAA games nowadays;
    - story is good too, if i compare it to some AAA games it is really surprising
    - dialogs are a bit cringe but i saw worse

    - i get that making games takes a LOT of time but releasing game with so little content which can be finished in around 1-2 hours is simply a big minus for me, please, just consider realeasing either half of the game at once or none at all, otherwise i will forget when new interesting game comes out

    overall - 8/10
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of fantasy and this game has everything I love, the renders and animations are great, character models sexy and the story thus far is engaging.

    Looking forward to many more chapters, keep up the great work.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great effort so far. Story, graphics and characters all top notch. It has some unexpected twists and turns in the story that add to the flavor.
    I highly recommend you give this one a try. You will enjoy it.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Top animations, story is bland at first but nothing too annoying. A little more texture detail would be something I know everyone will appreciate. Very nice music, fits very well and sounds amazing. Characters being voiced is a nice touch, even though the voice actors are not top notch, but what can one expect really
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I just finished Chapter 1. I love the models of the women, and the animation is excellent. I did not see any grammar or punctuation errors. I was surprised by the plot twist with
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  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty great game, love the models and the girls so far! Great animations and the story seems rather promissing until now!

    Excited to see what's yet to come! See what I did? haha anyways, download the game!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the lighting, CGI, voice acting. But I don't like the MC, IDK why. The story seems interesting but will have to wait and see how it progresses in later chapters. Other than that it's a promising game with good-looking characters and their previous game was also good so they have a good track record.