VN - Ren'Py - Forbidden Fantasy [Ch.4 Standard] [OppaiMan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely beautiful, if you could add transformation, like make the guys body look different more I would love it even more. But some of the prettiest graphics I've ever seen. Can't wait for the rest of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Going from episode 1 to 2 was seemless.
    Animation looks like its alot more polished from the first episode.

    The new opening is pretty neat much more professional.

    The voice acting was spot on and quite supriseing how nice of a addition it is (played first without paying mind had to go back and give it another listen)

    Cant wait to see how much more will be added to this story.

    Cant wait to see whats going to happen in episode 3.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    Great animations.
    Great Story.

    Everything in this game is carefully designed to be as beautiful as possible.
    The developers are very experienced and know what they are doing.

    Ignore the haters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version played: Ch. 1

    The premise is pretty bland as it is the typical good vs evil, hero vs demon king/queen settings that is present in almost every other fantasy story however what sets this starting chapter apart is the following:

    1) The 1st intercourse scene imo is actually smoothly animated. I have watch plenty of 3d animation (adult or not), and in VNs and it is actually very hard to find this level of smoothness. Most of the time is stock animation and there is a tad of stiffness that is always present.

    2) The voice-acting. I am neutral of AVNs having voice acting because most of the time i think its not necessarily (its also extra work + $$ for devs) and AI voice acting in other AVNs that is implemented is still very monotonous. However the VA in this is actually pretty good, i would give it 7.5-8/10 . Its not perfect but it definitely elevated the impact of the 1st sex scene. Also I was reading it with 1 hand at that moment *wink*

    3) Lastly the graphics, music and characters. The world is very nicely detailed with the characters also being nice to look at regardless of their roles. The music blends in well also.

    All in all pretty good start and worthy of a try. Still wanna commend the dev for the slick animation.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    You can see that there's a lot of effort and talent put on the technical aspects of the game. Renders and animations are great. Voice acting is hit-or-miss, but it's nice to have I guess. What completely ruins the experience and sadly throws everything else out the window is the writing, tremendously boring and uninteresting. It feels like a 15 years old kid has worked on it. Might be OK for a quick fap in the future.

    Just like what the other game from this dev has become: All form and no substance.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for the version : Ch. 1

    : 9.5/10
    The graphics are amazing, the animations are great. Deduced half a point because some environments seemed like they were just plucked from the Daz store with zero tuning to fit the "story" and 1 scene should've had an animation instead of a few consecutive renders sped up to give the illusion of movement.

    Sound & Music : 2/10
    There's both great and less than good music & sound but there's no forgiving using lush forest ambient soundscape while the action takes place in a desolated, burnt & dead forest, or using an epic adventure song when your character is literally chilling in a rolling cart. How is it possible to mess up this badly? Also, every female character so far are voiced (3 of them) and sadly the voice actress that's doing most of the talking is just bad with everything not narration-related; she shows little to no emotions, or simply emotions that are completely out of place for the scene. There's also zero distinction between a character's voice & a character's thoughts, something that's so easily fixable with 100% free softwares and little to no experience.

    Story : 1/10
    What is this!? Seriously : What. Is. This. Story!? The little story there is is bland as fuck ! Generic stuff you've seen hundreds of time, without any personal spice to make things more interesting. I'm willing to bet everything I own, that an online plot generator for TTRPG campaigns manages to create a more interesting storyline than this! And what's going on with the dialogs? It borders on cringe a lot of the time, and dives straight into it on a few occasions. Some dialogs even contradicts themselves, not even 5 lines apart ! Worst story I've had to endure in a long ass while.

    Gameplay : 4/10
    I counted 4 to 5 choices for the whole chapter, and that's including the choice at the beginning of keeping the default MC name or type your own. One of those choices is also a "skip the lewd / don't" type of deal. There's no replay gallery, no nothing special. The only good thing about it all is the (sole & skippable) lewd scene, which is absolutely great ! But it's not enough to redeem the whole experience.

    In conclusion, don't waste your time with this game. If you do anyway, make sure you skip everything until the lewd scene, and end it after the scene. I say that as someone that actually enjoys story over H scenes in AVNs, but there's no story worthy of your time here, so might as well skip it all and save you the pain.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    the only reason i'm giving a 5* is cuz of the astonishing artworks, good VA and clean UI.
    the story and dialogues are below average. it's only the 1st chapter but i really hoped a game with such graphical quality had more things to say story wise. either way i hope they do something about it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Ch. 1

    Man, why do all the best looking Daz games have to have such dog ass writing? This is some of the absolute most generic fantasy slop I've had shoveled into my brain. What do I feel after playing this first 30ish minute chapter? Actually nothing. Almost impressive in its own way how bland this is.

    Oh no! A demon Queen appeared and is laying waste to the lands! If only there was some prophesized hero who could defeat them and bring peace to the world! Heard this one before? I sure have.

    That's not even the real problem though. Plenty of games have used that theme and still did interesting things with it. This doesn't. That whole plot line actually gets resolved in like 15 minutes. A bit of meaningless skipping around and then we get teleported into the demon queen castle and she lets us kill her. Turns out our soul is linked to hers due to some magical hoopla, which means killing us kills her. Plot twist, she then inhabits our body and revives us.

    That could have been an interesting twist if it maybe had a single ounce of buildup or intrigue? Here's my real problem with the game. There just isn't a single interesting detail supporting any of the plot so far. Characters are super bland, it skips around a shit ton, and has all this pre-established lore/background that doesn't get portrayed very well. There's nothing drawing me into this.

    Sure, the game visually looks stellar for Daz. Truly some impressive renders, and even animations too. But that's all this has. You would be missing absolutely nothing of substance by just grabbing a full save to watch the sex scenes (assuming a gallery gets implemented). A real waste of time thus far if you're looking for more than that. This game feels soulless.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    looks great, i hope it gets updated soon, it is a little unpolished at places but the overall quality is amazing.
    The girl is gorgeous.
    The pacing is off from what i can tell, but maybe this is a prologue more than anything. if it is the latter then i understand the pacing.
    The story is not that great as of now..
    I shall be waiting intently.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This has to be one of the most generic boring ass games ive played in awhile, the writing is basic, the plot is basic and the characters are about as deep as a puddle. I had no motivation to want to know more about the world or the characters and I wasn't remotely invested in the story. Its clear what the plan is from this team do good renders and shit out generic games to make money, there are tons of other better games on here that I would happily recommend over this.
    If good renders are all you care about then you might enjoy this and im adding one star for those.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a terrific start.
    Voiced Characters that aren't annoying; great animations and of course monster girls are my favorite. Its short now, but if it continues it will become one of my favorite visual novels and rush straigt up in the weighted ranking.