Chiming in again on the topic since a few people are still not elucidated on the entirety of the situation, FobS' saga of ruin on r34xxx fell as thus:
Somewhere in September of 2023 the entire "zell23"-tag on r34xxx was removed by a moderating individual. My account at the time, NielDoe, was given no notice, restriction, ban or message as to what happened and why. Recently, however, one of the fans of my work came forth admitting that he may have had a part to play in all this; having gotten into a bout with aforementioned Moderation, that fan believes the tag was purged as "retaliation" to this argument that ensued as they had been very vocal about their love for FobS specifically. If this is to be believed, the purge was merely collateral damage to a personal fight, painting the mods as even more unprofessional.
Having hatched my dormant plan pretty much one year later I went back to uploading under a different account. Notably, new accounts on r34xxx have a restriction of five uploads that must be approved by moderation personally before they can upload unrestricted as well as videos.
To achieve this, I vomitted forth throwaway accounts that I filled with artifically-generated garbage in a scornful personal strife with AI; I believe AI ""art"" to be the scourge of modern times on the internet and I was devilishly satisfied to find a singular use for the worthless slop bereft of all soul and artistic ambition, if only for me to trojan horse myself past the upload filter, back to the helm on r34xxx. I despise AI with all my pixels.
I was however too pompous about my inherent return to the site, as I commented about ban-evasion on the first GIF uploads to the Zell23 tag using the NielDoe account as well as my first alt account. Though my uploads were untouched, NielDoe was subsequently banned and Alt1 upload restricted with the personal message from moderation as seen in the earlier meme post I made. Alt1 and Alt2 have lasted me until last week when I uploaded my first full-sized edit; both have now also been banned.
Alas, I am now smitten asunder, none of my schemes and plots accruing me yet an inkling of solace. If Alt1 and Alt2 are banned, whatever may I do next?? I am at the borders of my wisdom, being unable to create yet another account for I can count no higher than 2. I am receptive to news about any potential new numbers coming out soon so I may yet summon forth this elusive "Alt1+2".
So yea uploads are gonna be back in fuckin idk like 2 days? dumbass mods I swear to god