is this a remaster of FOBS my good sir? and what about shiro no yakata? @@
(these are excerpts from their PixivFANBOX posts poorly translated by google)
April 29th, 2024 06:08
★ Important notice regarding the content of posts
Future posts will mainly be the release of new animations for "Blueskin Forest" and the information on "Shiratane Tower" will be slightly reduced.
The overall system elements have been released, and this will be a move to fully build the events, gimmicks, and situations of "Shiratane Tower."
Thank you for your cooperation.
That was the last version, v1.27, of that monthly updated horror gallery mode thing.
My guess is either it's called White Seed Tower or Shiratane Tower but I'm not native speaker of that language...
May 30th, 2024 11:21
★About Blueskin Forest
We're taking a break from Shiratane Tower
This time, we're talking about Blueskin Forest.
As I said in my last post, there will be no updates to Shiratane Tower this month as the system is currently being assembled. Please refer to my last post for the latest version of "Shiratane Tower".
The rest of the post talks about and shows remaster sneak peaks of Blueskin Forest.
So yes, Blueskin Forst Remaster IS back.
The post that you are replying to is taking the content of Zell's posts, gifs, videos, downloadable builds, and puts them into a MEGA folder together with other things made by them.
And yes the Bee Girl, Turtle Girl and Bench Foot Job are from the latest post and our first look into the remaster.