I could do it, but I'd rather just say how to. you don't need a video, just a gif is fine. first what you'll do is use free bandicam to record videos of both animations in the different fobs versions.Or maybe someone more well versed in video editing can make a side by side comparison video edit?
then in blender 2.49b, you'll change 3D view to Sequencer with the drop down menu at the bottom left of the 3D area. then you'll add a strip and open your video, because we are going to do gif I don't have to teach you how to sync audio. in the buttons window allong the bottom, you'll press F10 to go to the render buttons, under Anim you'll click "Do Sequence", next under format you'll want to set the SizeX and SizeY resolution to match the video's and change the quality of the jpegs to 100, next you'll set an output location instead of /tmp\ you'll navigate to a folder you want to use. Edit: set the end frame to the end frame of your video under the Anim buttons.
then Animate, you'll get a series of .jpeg files, one per frame.
Next you'll use the G.I.M.P, you'll open frame 0001 (or the first frame where the anim of the cappa in question starts) and modify the layer size (Layer>Layer boundary size, then adjust the width height and offset till just what you want is in view, and write down this width height and x and y offset so you can just type it in for every frame) to just include the animation in question not the full window, and then Open As Layers the rest of the frames (or until the last frame of the animation of the cappa) and if need be do the same layer offset for the rest of the frames.
then under Filters>Animation select Optimize for gif, if it asks about frame disposal(I think it asks during export not optimization) try combine, but if you export as .gif and open it and it's visibly messed up, you might need to use the unoptimized version and try "replace" instead of combine. make sure you give at least 100 ms between frames when exporting.
putting them in the same image side by side could be a chore, they'll need to use no optimization at first and use replace so all the frames are intact, first you'll have to match each gif's resolution in height, then you'll make an image with that height and the total combined width of both. then you'll add a layer "default transparent background", and delete the base layer and open one gif at a time and with the 4arrows tool arrange it's layers so they all fit on one side of the image, then open the other gif and drag it's layers to the other side, then export to gif as replace or try optimizing and export that as combine.
that's how I'd do it.
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