HTML - Fort of Chains [v1.8.4.0] [Darko]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has basically caught up to No Haven since it's release, and with the inclusion of friendly code borrowing from Lilith's Throne for sex interaction, greatly surpassed it.

    Creator may lack in Creativity and Writing but shows a strong passion for coding what is given to him.

    UI has exponentially improved, Content is still expanding rapidly.

    It's not longer just a successor to No Haven, but is is bringing a has taken a stab at combining both the elements of Strive for Conquest/Power, and No Haven into one.

    Word done by contributors shows no signs of letting up either.

    7 Stars of out 5, with a bright future in the next few months.

    I would say this game has past it's first 100% mark, and is working on it's second expansion, roughly 60% to it's second full release.

    Anyone remotely interested in Lilith's Throne, Strive for Power, or No Haven should stop by, and if it peeks your interest keep a eye on it. If there are any artists, please feel free to add your personal creations, the images for the came could use some contribution.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As far as the interface, design, and game-play mechanics go, this is a blast to play. Unfortunately, there simply is not yet enough interaction with the NPCs to make them feel like anything more than a collection of numerical values. If/When that changes, it can become immersive beyond compulsive math-based tactics.
    Text-based games are so enjoyable, specifically because the reader's mind does fill in all the gaps in ways that tailor the experience beyond what could possibly ever be done by an author - BUT- there does need to be a dense frame initially, or the mind never has anything to build from. It is an easy five-stars in every other aspect, however, so I hope progress continues.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent new slaver + slave management game + game engine.

    With the gameplay quite similar to New Haven, the biggest difference is, that it's not only a game, but also a game engine allowing anyone to easily add new quests. It's also very unusual here to find a game with daily bug fixes and small improvements, even when it can already be considered "complete".

    I also like the simplicity of running the game as a HTML, without problems and slowdowns caused by some other engines used here.

    It's "text-only" (well, almost, but with nicely done skill icons and randomly assigned miniatures of involved persons), but in a management game I care more about good gameplay, writing and clean interface, than about graphics, which anyway in this kind of games are usually pretty rudimentary.

    I can only hope, that Darko keeps up with maintaining and further developing it, and some more folks join in writing quests for it, as for me it's already the best game of the kind :) .
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's still in it's infancy, but if the creator continues to build upon the framework they've laid, I have no doubt that this can be the next adult slave simulator on the site.

    If I was to make a suggestion, the creator should either be aware of the smut they wish to write, or find people who are.

    Anyways, nice work.