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Hey all, I've cut far more corners than I'm happy with, but Spooky Times 3 is finished! Barely in time, but 'tis done! For anyone new, Spooky times is is a series of standalone one build games which takes place in the FET universe and is basically an excuse for me to create a Halloween themed game with the avatar characters.
Dear bughunters! Thanks for all of your feedback and not in the least some of your bug reports. I think and hope I got them all! Not a lot is different in this version. I opted to do a bit of everything everywhere. No new full blown scenes. Just more sound effects, a few improvements of already existing scenes and a few new images like the mouse jumping out of the skull etc. the only really new thing is I'd say for the possibility to give "the bouncer" a wedgie. But that's about if for the truly new things.
I hope you'll like this silly Halloween game. I took quite a few big turns during its development which can be noticed when arriving at the board game which I basically had to abandon as a full fledged mechanic. It's too bad but I didn't have enough time to do all I wanted. Still I hope you'll like this standalone continuation of MITY's Halloween tradition. Thanks for everything!
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