
Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
Sure, we can discuss the idea of vacations for them, but that's not what this is. It's six weeks of "writers block" for all of about 15-20 pages of smut. I get that everyone needs a break and that sometimes you run up against a wall, but if you're getting writers block on the second update of a project that tells me you didn't plan out the project and you're coming up with everything on the fly (which is a VERY bad way to go about writing a story).
...second update?
you do know he made all three other books two, right? Like, this one both books have very different stories, while book 1 the main change was the relationship and book 3 was half the same half different, but book 3 diverged pretty heavily at points, meaning if you count 2 nd 3 as 1 and a half each you'd get 5 books already plus the start of book 4 love route.

also, that is not how writer's block works.
you can have everything planned to the smallest details, and yet have trouble putting them into actual writing.
you can have the chapters before and after written, with the current one completely outlined, and still have trouble actually putting the outline into readable prose.
I know because I lived it.


Apr 4, 2018
I hope its coming out as soon as he made it sound, but at this point I have zero confidence in the coder in terms of release predictions


Oct 22, 2018
I love it when they tell you their life story and expect someone cares. He keeps a journal and excercises, excellent stuff! Well, at least we now know we're at the fateful 99% like in program installation.
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Oct 12, 2017
This guy is just cheating on his patreons.
Maybe, maybe not, can't know for sure...
What we do know is that he's been delivering good quality stuff for at least two years, and without putting game content behind a paywall. I don't remember him disappearing for months without giving any news and just coming back like "sorry guys, wasn't working but still kept patreon on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" like Akabur did : being late, he kept in touch with his backers.
There could be many reasons for his delay, especially with the world's situation, my point is that Mity desreves more than being straightforwardly accused because he's 2 months or so late.


Dec 15, 2017
...second update?
you do know he made all three other books two, right? Like, this one both books have very different stories, while book 1 the main change was the relationship and book 3 was half the same half different, but book 3 diverged pretty heavily at points, meaning if you count 2 nd 3 as 1 and a half each you'd get 5 books already plus the start of book 4 love route.

also, that is not how writer's block works.
you can have everything planned to the smallest details, and yet have trouble putting them into actual writing.
you can have the chapters before and after written, with the current one completely outlined, and still have trouble actually putting the outline into readable prose.
I know because I lived it.
I'm going to be honest, I really don't know what you're getting at in that first paragraph.

I'm well aware that cbob was the writer for all the books. What I'm saying is that if you go into a project with no plans and you just wing it for each update, you're going to stumble and likely end up writing yourself into a corner. I'm also well aware of how writers block works, I took writing classes though high school and college because I found it to be an easy English credit. I've had writers block and it sometimes lasted a couple days, not weeks (though that's probably because I was paying to take the class for college and not being paid to write). I'm skeptcial that cbob actually has a simple case of writers block for 6+ weeks if he went in with an outline of what he wanted to write for this book.


Nov 15, 2018
It's almost as if writer's block manifests in different ways in different people. We don't know anything about their personal lives other than what we are told. Wo don't know if it's ,,just" a writer's block or more (consider the part where he mentions antidepressants and exercise - solutions to a different problem).

Speculation about why they delayed is pointless at this stage. It doesn't affect their developement or writing speed.

It could be milking patreon (I think that's unlikely, since last month's patrons will get the build regardless of the date of release), taking a holiday break (I doubt it sonce, COVID). It could be anything else, but it's all speculation in the end.

What does matter is the quality of the release (if and when it's out).

Don't get me wrong, I dislike waiting months too, but again, I have no control over them.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
i will say this, slave route book 4 felt like they had no idea what they wanted to do, and it ended up feeling like we fall upwards to the results. everything happens at random, we have to do this for that, and then something diferent happen, than out of nowhere we are sent to an island that feel like a side story, then more nonsense, and then we are back in that island, but now its important.
and then it ends.

korra doesnt even feel like she is developing(or breaking depending on how you look at things). she just sudenly goes, alright, i guess im a slut now...

i think this writter's block came from exactly that development, to me, they should've taken a month between routes to chart the main points of the story they wanted to tell.

it also doesnt help that LR started really strong, and managed to make korra a better character(even compared with the SM). but because they didnt do that, they fell to that trapping again, this time due to not knowing what to do to keep the momentum.

sorry for the long post. its just that, i can feel how much love they are putting into this project, so it pains me to see them doing such minor mistakes that snowball into massive trappings like that.
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