
Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
to me, the mini games should be there as a complement, not the main dish. and the combat was already good enough in the first book, all they needed to do was build upon it. instead, they kept reinventing the wheel, and it just became an exercise in futility, as it had no effect in any other book.

as a side note, since each book is a completely separate story, with not real(IE. gameplay) connection with one another, they could just released each as a separate game.

but, since they are all in one, i think they should keep things, and add, more stuff, like equips, and abilities that would transfer after each book. maybe, have specific abilities that are slave/love route only, nothing major, just 1 or 2, on each. something to entice players to want to replay the game to collect all abilities if they wanted to.

it is a game, its a porn game, sure, but there's no reason why it couldnt be fun to play along side being fun to fap to.
I agree.

People call it a game, but ren'py has always been made for visual novels, who are mostly more of interactive books, most of the "choose your adventure" kind, with audiovisual effects.
And most follow this formula, just with some extras to pepper it but not really needed.
Most professional ones do it, even if it does not look like it. Ace Atorney, both the investigation and courtroom are mostly interesting ways to get the various dialogues - you can have the right info and items but you can check, show or press wrong ones just to have more fun dialogue. Danganrompa has a more tense courtroom minigame, but that is just to give it tension as if your life is on the line, it is still basically "you figured it out/you did not". Zero Escape, the room escapes are mostly a way to both give story info (lots of the dialogue when finding the pieces to escape end up being important exposition, some relevant to the characters, others to later story points) and give you the feeling of their "escape or die" position - they are not even made by the same people, the story made by the main team and the puzzles outsourced from a group specialized in these things.

And yeah. I can see how "download one, play 4+ from it, all connected" sounds appealing, but the way it is done is just very confusing... and honestly a waste.
They should have a check on the saves if you did the other books on the same one and what you did on them, at least. So if you did something like help free the slaves on book 2's slave route you may meet one of them at a point in book 4 or something like that.
That would also help keep track of where you did what route, and in book 2's case what ending you did.
I'm not even asking for equipment transfer - would not make much difference since the mc trades bodies with no way to know what he is going to next, and as the main skills are transfered too they would not need it (but some extra dialogue based on something the mc could only learn by playing another route on the same save would be nice)

But the main problem for me is the lack of consistency between mini-games.
Battle systems change completely. It would be one thing if they changed as improving, but no, they seem to have completely diferent bases. Book 1 is a third person view attack, defend, heal system, Book 2 is a more tactical up to 3x3 (with armor for different defenses) that could be seen as some progression of it... Book 3 goes a completely different feel though, first person view gone is defense, only normal or wide attacks of different elements or healing potions. It is understandable as you learned a wide attack on book 2 and of the story circunstances, but it is still jarring. Book 4 Slave's closest thing to a battle system is pro bending, and instead of playing something close to Book 2's it was turned into a brain age-like minigame.

Crab Battles, while an interesting enough aside in Book 2 I went out of my way with no real need to become the champion, in Book 3 they almost became a chore, as while the battle themselves seemed to be the same the way to get them or even battle them became too much of a chore for me.

And the two book 4's minigames are very inconsistent between them too. And while I can understand their uses in Slave, one is an action focus thing, one is a bejewelled about coins to get the coins and the wind ones are hand-eye coordination about the control of the wind and controlling how it flows, in Love they are controlling your power with it, which could make sense if it did not jar so much with the Love ones... and Simon Says. Lots of them, for everything, be physiotherapy or wind control or even just to fill dialogue. What.

I believe, and you guys are free to disagree, Mity is going into the same trap many people here seem to go into.
"This is a game, so it needs minigames to not become an electronic book with nice pictures and sounds."
This is a visual novel. It is, by definition, an electrononic book with nice pictures and sounds. Some of them are "choose your adventure" but Umineko is not, for example.
Minigames are a bonus. They are not supposed to be needed. And in the case of this visual novel they are at a point they are lowering the experience, not helping it.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
Totally agree, I came here for the story, at least give us choice to be "godlike" and complete it in a second. I know, you put a lot of effort in this mini-game, but I really dont want to play it.
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Mar 19, 2020
Although I have a hunch it won't be that does not mean I am right there is still hope it will be out this year. Everyone will just have to wait til it is.
If you read some of the updates posted by cbob he said he was sending things to the artist and if we dont see a release within November we have permission to give him shit about it.
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SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
My post talking about the delay got removed due to "Off-topic". Well, that is 100% pure bullshit since everyone in this thread is talking about the delay lol. I'm thinking the real reason my post was removed was that I brought up previous suggestions that Mity might be milking (Which have merit).

Hey MODS, this is a DISCUSSION BOARD and If I want to bring up past accusations I should be able to. If not, you should delete every single post talking about the delay and not just the negative posts.
someone went on a spree there, a whole section is gone, with parts of the discussion clearly related to the game and it's devs. guess i go through my screenshots and file a ticket about it. may take a while.

on the minigames, i've seen other Ren'Py games with minigames that contained just a button to skip (minigame started first, then you can skip) with positive outcome. would serve both worlds.


New Member
Oct 14, 2020
Maybe you just discovered you like the idea of being dominated cause :sneaky:.....i mean she kinda literally has her way with you by tying you up, drugging and raping you which is fucked up but pretty hot and yes buckets where filled.
Are the cardboard box and the threehouse scenes the only ones? I really hope they add some more, easily the best "plot" of book 4 lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
If you read some of the updates posted by cbob he said he was sending things to the artist and if we dont see a release within November we have permission to give him shit about it.

Yeah I read that post and then I read the last one posted in this thread from the artist doubting cbobs ability to actually meet that time line. So the jury is still out on the question at hand. Still hope I am wrong though I want to play more just like everyone else here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Speaking of mini games Still having a hell of a time with the latest one in Bk4's love rout , don't suppose this is one I can skip though anyone want to give me some tips or how to cheat , it is really f'ing up the game for me.


Jul 14, 2020
I don't mind waiting for quality either. The key word here is quality. I also found Book 4 Slave Route lacking in terms of writing, minigames and overall design of the "story". It was kinda all over the place. I mean, why even include moving car animations if it serves no purpose and looks like shit? Meelo's minigame (one of more decent ones) had to be played to grind money, which in turn had to be earned to buy items required for story progression (the only thing available in the shop). So very inspired, why not just stick there a 30 minute timer so I can at least do something else. Also, do you remember there was probending? I almost forgot it, so much pointless work...

There were good moments in terms of writing, but the development chaos really shows. The crucial arc - training Korra - lacks meaningful development based on your actions, with Korra periodically alternating between stubborn and slutty. I would appreciate her inability to learn from her mistakes as an accurate portrayal of LoK Korra, but I somehow doubt it was intended.

I would agree that they didn't seem to know what they're doing. I guess the basic structure was clear to them (Korra trainer => train Korra), but apart from that they probably just had a list of stuff they wanted to include and shoved it in at random. And so I would agree that a better story structure should be decided for love route in advance. And since I believe Marty proved capable to write at least as well as cbob, this could be used to clearly divvy up the work.

Overall, I appreciated B4SR as functionally fappable. It's not exactly Chekhov, but it works. And yes, slave routes are usually worse in terms of writing, but previous ones were at least coherent, with a streamlined story and didn't break immersion due to story parts being weirdly sewn together.

What is, then, the quality standard a lot of you talk about? Is it just the magic formula of nudity+guards banter+shady cringe humor=profit?

In summation:
  • B4SR not as good as previous work
  • Marty as good a writer as cbob
  • Story structure is good AF
  • As someone suggested earlier, remember to vote with your wallet! For me, it's a vote of no confidence.
i call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum.
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Jul 14, 2020
Speaking of mini games Still having a hell of a time with the latest one in Bk4's love rout , don't suppose this is one I can skip though anyone want to give me some tips or how to cheat , it is really f'ing up the game for me.
Is that the memory one? Cause it's not really that hard, don't know how to cheat sorry


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Is that the memory one? Cause it's not really that hard, don't know how to cheat sorry
Yeah, I have never been good with those. If they would slow it down a little I might be able to manage, damn thing is too fast for me.


Oct 22, 2018
Yeah, I have never been good with those. If they would slow it down a little I might be able to manage, damn thing is too fast for me.
Did you refer to the sex doll inflation minigame, which has next to no explanation of how it works? Yet another example of the "quality" we're in for. From what I remember you had to time your clicks in a specific way, it wasn't about speed.
Which is the memory one? Whatever it is it certainly did not succeed at being "memorable".
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Oct 22, 2018
Wait, I do remember now, the memory game. Yeah, that was obnoxious and pointlessly obligatory. No idea how to overcome that, if you're not good at these you're basically lucked out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2018
Did you refer to the sex doll inflation minigame, which has next to no explanation of how it works? Yet another example of the "quality" we're in for. From what I remember you had to time your clicks in a specific way, it wasn't about speed.
Which is the memory one? Whatever it is it certainly did not succeed at being "memorable".
Wait, I do remember now, the memory game. Yeah, that was obnoxious and pointlessly obligatory. No idea how to overcome that, if you're not good at these you're basically lucked out.
Inflation ? not recalling it, then again I have not finished what has been released of the last love rout update I got really annoyed with the memory one and just stopped playing. I figured if learning airbending in the love rout was tied to the memory game then there was no point in playing anymore. I suppose I could try and look at the code and figure out what I would have to change to cheat but most of the time when I try that I just end up breaking the game.
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