
Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2021
I did, it's probably a progression bug, I hate games like this where no hint on how to proceed, so hard to tell if it's a bug or not. Im like on day 80+ just clicking everything at both night and day, talking to everyone, dead ends everywhere.
Well if its any consolation, it gets a lot better from Book 2 onward, but I can understand the frustration of Book 1, was very disorienting.

Just try to make sure all of Katara's stats are high, as others have said
Though as others have said, if you don't care for the dialogue/story, just use the gallery unlocker.


Dec 5, 2022
I prefer complaining and asking for help, crying comforts me. Leaving bad reviews is just shitty though, I never do that. I don't see why the game couldn't have a journal/quest tracker in case people missed a concept or skipped some dialogue. For book 1 I got out of the area, but I couldn't get her to max lewdness because her respect was only 18. I had to talk the council another 15 times... it's a bit excessive to always have to vouch for her, once, maybe three times, edited into the story itself should have been enough.

Check my initial post I already said where I was stuck.

I already got far enough in Katara's quest line to exit the whole area... If I need to increase her respect the game should hint that somewhere to be honest. Anyway I am stuck in fire nation. What do I do?

I got back from beach trip.
I solved the puzzle in my room.
I defeated Iroh's Crab.
I already had sex with the girl from tavern etc.
I wrote all of this before....

I already got zayla's public, morality, and slutiness to max, I must have done throne room scene 80 times, and I am day 80.
Zayla will no longer train me.
There is no way to exit the area.
I defeated 100 earth benders.
I have like 20 milk women in the farm.
All Zayla does is a stupid boobjob in her room at night.
Any bright ideas? besides the dev just adding a hint fucking system?

View attachment 2925487
Want me to screenshot what it says in every area? Everything is a dead end.
I did, it's probably a progression bug, I hate games like this where no hint on how to proceed, so hard to tell if it's a bug or not. Im like on day 80+ just clicking everything at both night and day, talking to everyone, dead ends everywhere.

Just send your saves

And I'll explore what's wrong.

Also who tf is "Zayla"?


Oct 26, 2017
How to start final party? Got 10 bottles of vine, and 6 wood, but don't ser any option to start fi al party... at first try got a bug got Zhuli bottle before starting the quest, that f*ucked up game progression, reloaded before getti g the bottle, collected 10 bottles and dont see any options to progress.. another bug? Bottles 10/10, wood 6/6


Dec 5, 2022
"Also who tf is "Zayla"?"
I think they mean Azula.
I know, just pointing out! xDD

How to start final party? Got 10 bottles of vine, and 6 wood, but don't ser any option to start fi al party... at first try got a bug got Zhuli bottle before starting the quest, that f*ucked up game progression, reloaded before getti g the bottle, collected 10 bottles and dont see any options to progress.. another bug? Bottles 10/10, wood 6/6
Have you married Katara in the past yet?

If no, it!

Oh and explore every. single. thing. when you get back there or else it won't work.


Oct 26, 2017
I know, just pointing out! xDD

Have you married Katara in the past yet?

If no, it!

Oh and explore every. single. thing. when you get back there or else it won't work.
Yes i did, but strange things happen after wedding, in the mornig if i go in katara house again and choose "sex" she acts like at the start, saying no sex before wedding. Welp will try to go to the past again.. but but i think will just waste time:D i guess i have to reload older save, before i got 6 woods maybe, cuz i got em before starting bottle quest


Oct 26, 2017
You were right, seems it glitched, i went back in time, and had to say goodbye to sooka, then was able to fuck katara in the morning and go back to start bonfire. Ty for tip

J Kary

New Member
Oct 23, 2022
¿Vale la pena jugarlo ahora o esperar a la versión completa?
También estoy aquí principalmente por dominación femenina.

Currently, Mity will begin the slave route epilogue (although I personally feel that the version that just came out needs more bug fixes and art, it's just an unpopular opinion).

I recommend that you return until January or February 2024 'cause the beginnings of a new book are with somewhat soft scenes.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I meant azula. I watched avatar and legend of korra but it was a couple of years ago now and my mind is a sieve and i forget a lot of the character names.

I will try the night shifts in the bar, and see if the game progresses, otherwise ill drop my save.

EDIT: thanks it worked that's exactly what I was missing. i know it's technically my fault for skipping text, but quest tracker, come on... simple as a sentence, and a check box on a piece of paper in game. could code it in 2 weeks for whole game.
With quest log pointing you everywhere the game could be ended a lot more faster, there are MODs for that already, that will show you consequences of each choice you do. I personally think quest system log wont fit here, its more interesting to go and find out things on your owin imho. Pointing straight to the point games are boring af, and don't require nothhing from you to play. It like watching auto mode in casual trash mmo rpgs.
Last edited:


Mar 4, 2020
View attachment 2909755

"Just out of curiosity, who is interested in some...Heroine?, Not that I'm particularly interested in that myself, but I believe that it may not hurt to take a whiff since The Previous Landlord used to do Heroin here and died from Heroin Overdose .And that somewhat made me interested in Heroine for some reason."

(Get it, Change of Phase?, Change of Fonts in the middle of the meme?, I'm pretty sure you're laughing, or at the very least smiling rn.)

Fr tho, nobody here cares if you're into gay scenes or not, I get that porn is porn yes, but that doesn't sugarcoat nor deny the fact that this is NOT the best place for discussing that.

I'll be friendly and assume you're not trying to say that MITY has to change it.

No, we don't think (nor even thought) about that (not even in our deepest nightmares), Even if MITY snorted some Heroine and thought that wanted to do that.

MITY can't just change the pace that the game has been going on for ALMOST 7 YEARS even if he wanted to due to the fact not only him and his team will have to re-do hella shit ALL OVER AGAIN!, but he'll lose a big part of-if not-all of his fanbase's support since they have been used to a certain gameplay system (and H-Scenes) and it's mighty history will downfall SO HARD! (Yes, harder than Azula's sharp, sociopathic personality.)

(I said "certain gameplay system" here because getting to know the main girls is undeniably a part of it!)

So it's a lose-lose for both sides. I believe he knows better than that!

And I'm preeeeeetty sure MITY had it implemented in to satisfy as many people as possible without overdoing it and making it take place of what the game is and how it was supposed to progress. One of the best and undeniable example is the Footjob scenes:

One of the H-scenes MITY isn't a big fan of making is Footjobs (or possibly anything related to feet in general xD), yet he did it because he knows that they're people out there who'd love that!

Now since I'm talking about it and this is the best place to discuss this:

I can't nor will get enough of re-reading MITY's complains about the FJ scenes in his Art Assets where he has commented on the pic nor will stop laughing at that one time in the older versions when I first noticed Jinora's FJ scene with two left feet and the amount of laughs I had out of it! xD

(I'd laugh at it because of the fact that he isn't that passionate about drawing feet and the error, not as a High school bully laugh!, We're all humans and mess up sometimes!)

FYI, There's EVEN more ways I want to make fun of this sentence and I'm trying my absolute best not to.


I just spent 15+ minutes of my life writing down a reply to an opinion on a Porn game as if it's a life or death situation and probably the biggest reply somebody would type on this.

I love my life.

IIRC, I did that at that time I had to go back to the past and tell the girls about The MC being an Avatar from the future! (Directly after clearing Book 4)

At Book 2 and Book 3, just talk to Rei and Ajala when their "time" comes! (No, I'm not sorry, I stand by my puns!)

Me neith- wait, WDYM by ''scare me''?

A major-if not- all of us will hate it.



(Fr tho, good one!)

Well, what I did was talking to Present Katara and told me to wait till the evening...soooo... Do that!

Yes, Older game saves do be like that!

And no, you don't have to re-do the game all over again NOR IT SUCKS TO!

Have this kiss of life of save file:



Now it became +30 Minutes of typing in one message.

I love my life even more. (Seriously, I mean it!, I'm mentally fine if you're concerned about it, I appreciate it tho!)
doing gods work


New Member
Dec 22, 2021
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpy", line 529, in <module>
NameError: name 'atspiece_anim_time' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
  File "scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpyc", line 529, in script
  File "renpy/", line 1293, in execute
  File "renpy/display\", line 1075, in __init__
  File "renpy/", line 341, in __init__
  File "renpy/", line 1159, in py_eval
  File "renpy/", line 1152, in py_eval_bytecode
  File "game/scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpy", line 529, in <module>
NameError: name 'atspiece_anim_time' is not defined

Seem to be having trouble with joiplay is it not supported anymore?


Apr 20, 2020
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpy", line 529, in <module>
NameError: name 'atspiece_anim_time' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
  File "scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpyc", line 529, in script
  File "renpy/", line 1293, in execute
  File "renpy/display\", line 1075, in __init__
  File "renpy/", line 341, in __init__
  File "renpy/", line 1159, in py_eval
  File "renpy/", line 1152, in py_eval_bytecode
  File "game/scripts/bk4/b4l_scripts_island/atis_screens.rpy", line 529, in <module>
NameError: name 'atspiece_anim_time' is not defined

Seem to be having trouble with joiplay is it not supported anymore?
is the official android version not up to date?


Aug 10, 2023
Hello, I'm looking for a game of this style where you can have children, like Simple Days and Love and Sex: Second Base, summer time saga. I already looked for a sandbox and pregnancy style but I can't find any other than that, if someone could recommend one I would appreciate it.


Dec 5, 2022
Hello, I'm looking for a game of this style where you can have children, like Simple Days and Love and Sex: Second Base, summer time saga. I already looked for a sandbox and pregnancy style but I can't find any other than that, if someone could recommend one I would appreciate it.
Ren'Py - Corrupted Kingdoms [v0.19.9] [ArcGames] | F95zone

The pregnancy and children part comes like...after a good while in that one....Their scenes are wholesome af.

Ren'Py - Completed - S.H.E.L.T.E.R. - An Apocalyptic Tale [v1.0] [Winterlook] | F95zone

You can just stare at the babies....yup, that's it!

You're welcome!
4.50 star(s) 280 Votes