
Dec 2, 2021
i extensively avoid TV cartoons. if i had been forced to watch ATLA i wouldn't likely had checked out FET, at all. i did watch the (non cartoon) movie and found it ok, because the story told there felt kind of complete, in a way. i liked what small things they lined in without pointing at it.
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in most cartoon stuff, that's not as much so. wow garbled engrish today and i'm afraid i won't get my point across..
still, had to.

..dang where's a :triggered: smiley when you need one.
The live action movie is garbage. You make it sound like Iroh being special for making his own fire was a good thing. It wasn't. Think about it. It completely sucked the threat out of the enemy. Water, Earth, and Air are all things that can put out flame. Especially water and Earth. These are all elements that are everywhere. Oops, someone splashed them and now they have no fire. Now their whole army is worthless. That's stupid. It made a complete joke out of the enemy. And this was the least of the things that this movie did that were completely unfaithful.

The series is in fact not some little kid bouncing around and winning all the time. It starts out lighthearted but progressively gets dark. Season 2 they even had the balls to kill a kid. And Aang actually loses in the season 2 finale and the Earth Kingdom falls under Fire Nation rule. For most of season 3 Aang is in hiding, believed to be dead. Half way through the final season he leads an invasion and suffers a colossal loss. The Firelord knew about their plan and hid in a bunker. The invasion was crushed and all of the forces were captured. Aang was just barely able to escape with just a small handful of allies, defeated and shamed.

Through this entire story we have characters who grow. Sokka, the non bender of the group becomes a master swordsman and a brilliant strategist. Aang has to grow from being this goofy, irresponsible kid to putting on the big boy pants and taking on a responsibility that is far bigger than him. The live action had none of this sort of development. It was a bunch of shit actors reciting lines and some of the most non threatening villains I have ever seen.

If you knew anything about the source material "it was alright" would be the last thing coming out of you. This show was not your grandma's Spongebob. We're talking something shallow and lifeless vs something with depth and soul.
real avatar.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
FET got me to watch ATLA which I would never have considered otherwise. And boy am I thankful for that. It's a kids show for sure but imo it's the best one out there, and it's even better than most series you get for adults. Does it have flaws and illogical things? Sure. Is it goofy at times? Definitely.
But. It's an amazing journey you won't forget, with real characters and excellent world building. I'll make an insane statement now and say that people who watched and understood ATLA, wouldn't fight each other to death, but instead would be kind and human and loving.
FET has some glimpses of that, especially in the love routes but given its lewd nature it can't fully deliver this feeling. I'd say, to some extent, FET is as good as it is because of the love the developers have for ATLA.
If you are a parent and have kids, make them watch this show and watch it with them.
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May 22, 2023
I hope the devs see this forum because I had an error:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/scripts/epilogue/love/eis_beach.rpy", line 1390, in <module>
NameError: name 'eis_zhuddick_amount' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "scripts/epilogue/love/eis_beach.rpyc", line 1389, in script
  File "renpy/ast.py", line 1682, in execute
    choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)
  File "renpy/exports.py", line 1028, in menu
    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2249, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "renpy/python.py", line 2242, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/scripts/epilogue/love/eis_beach.rpy", line 1390, in <module>
NameError: name 'eis_zhuddick_amount' is not defined

Four Elements Trainer 0.0.5
Mon Oct  2 14:45:38 2023


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2019
tl;dr the live action movie is only good if you never watched the show because it bastardizes it otherwise.


Engaged Member
Nov 2, 2017
FET got me to watch ATLA which I would never have considered otherwise. And boy am I thankful for that. It's a kids show for sure but imo it's the best one out there, and it's even better than most series you get for adults. Does it have flaws and illogical things? Sure. Is it goofy at times? Definitely.
But. It's an amazing journey you won't forget, with real characters and excellent world building. I'll make an insane statement now and say that people who watched and understood ATLA, wouldn't fight each other to death, but instead would be kind and human and loving.
FET has some glimpses of that, especially in the love routes but given its lewd nature it can't fully deliver this feeling. I'd say, to some extent, FET is as good as it is because of the love the developers have for ATLA.
If you are a parent and have kids, make them watch this show and watch it with them.
if you enjoyed ATLA, then i'd suggest watching Gravity Falls, its similar in that it's a "kids show" but it's got a good overarching story while being mostly episodic.


Mar 11, 2018
it's a different approach to the same old.
You haven't seen the show, so you don't know what you're talking about.

tl;dr the live action movie is only good if you never watched the show because it bastardizes it otherwise.
Meh, not really. I tried watching it pretending I never saw the show, and it's still bad. The movie has a lot of issues, being inaccurate to the source material is only one issue. The acting is awful, and has way too many things being skipped over with narration. Sokka and Yue falling in love is litteraly done by the narration telling us "They immediately fell in love". A longer runtime might have been made the pacing a bit better, but I doubt it would have made it any more coherent.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2019
Meh, not really. I tried watching it pretending I never saw the show, and it's still bad. The movie has a lot of issues, being inaccurate to the source material is only one issue. The acting is awful, and has way too many things being skipped over with narration. Sokka and Yue falling in love is litteraly done by the narration telling us "They immediately fell in love". A longer runtime might have been made the pacing a bit better, but I doubt it would have made it any more coherent.
I feel you're still watching it through the lens of someone who'd watch a cartoon series like ATLA. There were a bunch of adults (roughly boomer age) who enjoyed the movie and were interested in the cliffhanger and stuff.


Mar 11, 2018
I feel you're still watching it through the lens of someone who'd watch a cartoon series like ATLA. There were a bunch of adults (roughly boomer age) who enjoyed the movie and were interested in the cliffhanger and stuff.
No. I can separate things from the source material and try to enjoy them on their own terms. I enjoyed the 93 Super Mario Bros. Movie, and that was very far removed from the game. It wasn't a great movie, but it was fun because of it's absurdity.

The Last Airbender movie had a ton of problems with it, even without comparing it to the show. Again, pacing and acting were huge flaws of the film. Those aren't issues because of it's a poor adaptation, those are issues because of poor film making in general. Heck, Dragonball Evolution is rated higher than this film, and that was even more far removed from the source materiel.

I've also heard people who never saw the show say they didn't like the movie. They hated the movie more though once they saw the show.
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Dec 2, 2021
You haven't seen the show, so you don't know what you're talking about.

Meh, not really. I tried watching it pretending I never saw the show, and it's still bad. The movie has a lot of issues, being inaccurate to the source material is only one issue. The acting is awful, and has way too many things being skipped over with narration. Sokka and Yue falling in love is litteraly done by the narration telling us "They immediately fell in love". A longer runtime might have been made the pacing a bit better, but I doubt it would have made it any more coherent.
Really, it doesn't take a fan to think that movie is garbage. When a movie starts with text crawl and has lines starting with "as you know" those are ingredients to a steaming hot dog shit taco.

The acting is fucking AWFUL. I did theatre club in middle school and the plays we did had better acting.

Oh! Remember that scene when Aang randomly met that dude at the air temple? Old man was with him the whole time. Then suddenly pulls out a knife and a bunch of Fire Nation soldiers popped up and gave him gold. When did he find the time to go and get these men and betray Aang when they were walking around together this whole time? Aang traveling there wasn't exactly public news either so it's not like this man was able to plan ahead. Much like a lot of the movie, it was a complete ass pull.

And I said it before and I'll say it again. Fire benders needing fire to do anything made them a complete joke. The only element out of the 4 that isn't just naturally everywhere all the time. God damn. If that's the case I'll beat the Fire Lord myself! I'll run him over with my fucking truck!
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Sep 2, 2022
I also believe that the live-action film has nothing to do with the animated series. However, for people who have watched the series before - especially the biggest fans - I bet big money - no live-action production would meet expectations. I will only add that I bought and watched the movie about a month ago and... well, let's be careful, I wasn't impressed...


Apr 20, 2020
I also believe that the live-action film has nothing to do with the animated series. However, for people who have watched the series before - especially the biggest fans - I bet big money - no live-action production would meet expectations. I will only add that I bought and watched the movie about a month ago and... well, let's be careful, I wasn't impressed...
we dont need live adaptations, what kind of benefit is it going to have over the source material? I hate any kind of remake and retelling of this kind. We have seen a lot of terrible attempts to milk existing IPs because theres a lack of creativity today, like The cowboy bepob live adaptation.

The worst example for me is the new "all quit on the western front" you can say the cinematography was good but it was a shameless perversion of the original full of fake emotional scenes that desperately try to hammer home how bad war is while being completely partisan on the topic wich was exactly what the author of the original didnt want to be. Its a disgrace that such a historical classic wich is 100 years old can even be owned by anyone and used as a corporate sock puppet like this.

just tell new stories ffs leave classics alone, who do you think you are that you can take the best works of art out there and think you can make them better? where are your all time classics you have written??

there arent any because they are talentless hacks, thats why they have to steal rape and resurrect the butchered corpses of great art.

Sorry for this rant but im just very mad that the moment something becomes popular people in suits with a lot of money need to turn up and suck everything out of it that made it popular in the first place.
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2022
we dont need live adaptations, what kind of benefit is it going to have over the source material? I hate any kind of remake and retelling of this kind. We have seen a lot of terrible attempts to milk existing IPs because theres a lack of creativity today, like The cowboy bepob live adaptation.

The worst example for me is the new "all quit on the western front" you can say the cinematography was good but it was a shameless perversion of the original full of fake emotional scenes that desperately try to hammer home how bad war is while being completely partisan on the topic wich was exactly what the author of the original didnt want to be. Its a disgrace that such a historical classic wich is 100 years old can even be owned by anyone and used as a corporate sock puppet like this.

just tell new stories ffs leave classics alone, who do you think you are that you can take the best works of art out there and think you can make them better? where are your all time classics you have written??

there arent any because they are talentless hacks, thats why they have to steal rape and resurrect the butchered corpses of great art.

Sorry for this rant but im just very mad that the moment something becomes popular people in suits with a lot of money need to turn up and suck everything out of it that made it popular in the first place.
To tell you the truth - for me, the stories of Aang and Korra close the topic of Avatar. For some time now, there have been rumors about a new film and a new season of the series, but for me (I repeat - this is just my personal opinion) - it is completely irrelevant. You can't step into the same river twice, maybe the sequels will be successful as such - that's entirely possible, but - it won't be MY story anymore.
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Apr 20, 2020
yeah i agree theres no way someone will make a faithfull continuation of it because the stories are made to end where they did pretty much. so you might aswell start over with something completely new that isnt Avatar. A common theme in sequels these days is to undo a lot of the progress the story had in the previous parts like : "oh shit the same villain that got defeated before is back again" and by doing this you make the previous conflict less meaningfull.
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Sep 2, 2022
You know - the animated series is really stuffed to the brim with content - it touches on many threads and gives you a lot to think about. I have never (even though I watched it for the first time this year) felt dissatisfied or that something was missing. On the contrary - the whole thing was really satisfying, the scriptwriters did a great job, the VO cast was well chosen and the graphic designers and animators seemed to really "feel" the blues. Fortunately, there are great releases on Blu-ray and it's really worth spending a few bucks to have such a great thing just for yourself ;)


Dec 2, 2021
no live-action production would meet expectations.
There's some hope now actually. Netflix finally pulled it off with One Piece and Oda is very happy. One of Netflix's people came out and said "it seems like what people wanted all along was for us to tell the story faithfully." No shit you dumb bitch.

Let's hope they take that lesson to heart. It sounds like LA ATLA is going to be trying to go for a more faithful adaptation, while also being allowed to get a little darker since it ain't on Nick anymore. We'll have to see how that turns out.


Dec 2, 2021
You know - the animated series is really stuffed to the brim with content - it touches on many threads and gives you a lot to think about. I have never (even though I watched it for the first time this year) felt dissatisfied or that something was missing. On the contrary - the whole thing was really satisfying, the scriptwriters did a great job, the VO cast was well chosen and the graphic designers and animators seemed to really "feel" the blues. Fortunately, there are great releases on Blu-ray and it's really worth spending a few bucks to have such a great thing just for yourself ;)
Sadly, there is something sort of missing. ATLA was supposed to get a book 4. It was basically going to be an epilogue. Zuko and friends adventure to find Ursa and it'd just be seeing everything after the war and the start of peace again and just seeing how everyone is doing.

Nick said no in favor of greenlighting the live action movie, and we got comics instead.


Sep 2, 2022
Sadly, there is something sort of missing. ATLA was supposed to get a book 4. It was basically going to be an epilogue. Zuko and friends adventure to find Ursa and it'd just be seeing everything after the war and the start of peace again and just seeing how everyone is doing.

Nick said no in favor of greenlighting the live action movie, and we got comics instead.
For this, a special episode would be enough, after all - the introduction to The Legend of Korra is partly about these things. A lot of information about the past of the main characters of ATLA is also included in individual episodes of The Legend of Korra.
Last edited:


Mar 11, 2018
For some time now, there have been rumors about a new film and a new season of the series
It's not a rumor. The creators and studio have confirmed they're in development. A new movie with an adult Aang is in development, along with a movie about Korra, and a new series with the next avatar. There's also suppose to be a Zuko film and one about Avatar Kyoushi. Though I'm personally not really intrested in any new Korra material, and I'm highly skpettical about a one with a new Avatar given the timejump they're gonna have to do.

Sadly, there is something sort of missing. ATLA was supposed to get a book 4. It was basically going to be an epilogue. Zuko and friends adventure to find Ursa and it'd just be seeing everything after the war and the start of peace again and just seeing how everyone is doing.

Nick said no in favor of greenlighting the live action movie, and we got comics instead.
There wasn't going to be a Book 4. It was always going to end at 3. The search for Zuko's mother was pitched as a TV movie, but the idea was rejected by Nick. The live action movie had nothing to do with this descison.


Apr 20, 2020
There's some hope now actually. Netflix finally pulled it off with One Piece and Oda is very happy. One of Netflix's people came out and said "it seems like what people wanted all along was for us to tell the story faithfully." No shit you dumb bitch.

Let's hope they take that lesson to heart. It sounds like LA ATLA is going to be trying to go for a more faithful adaptation, while also being allowed to get a little darker since it ain't on Nick anymore. We'll have to see how that turns out.
Someone doing it "faithfully" is still just someone copy and pasting their homework Netflix just cant make good stuff so they have to prey on nostalgia.
4.50 star(s) 280 Votes