
Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
It doesn't really add anything as far as i'v seen, just some more wanking off on their shitty 'Not!New York setting' dealing with gangs IIRC and basicaly Kuvira's empire still causing trouble because of one of her underlings having taken control of it after her arrest or something like that.

The latest news that i'v seen about it is Korra asking Kuvira tips to deal with whoever they are currently fighting and having a Sauna party with Asami, Bolin and Mako (where she tell them about whatever happened with Kuvira).

Also just saying but ATLA is also continuing in comic form, that's where Zuko's mom and stuff come from and we also see Koh the Face Steal's mom who's just called 'The Mother of Faces' or something and Azula was yandere toward Zuko in those and Mai broke up with him and was with some guy no one give a shit about before getting back with him and dumping him again (yes, a lot of stuff happen to Zuko in those comics) and you have Toph starting her school while Aang deal with the fact that he can't bring back his people while dealing with a bunch of Air Nomad version of Weaboos he took as student or something.

And also some stuff about the north water tribe oppressing the south water tribe or some shit (still don't get how the south is it's own tribe / nation when it's litteraly 30 guys and three igloo but eh.)

Edit : oh and Kuvira look like a dude in half the freaking comic panel and the art is shit except a few close up shot every few pages, so yeah, i don't really like those comics.
Urgh...I think I will stay clear of both.
Thanks for the heads up.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Urgh...I think I will stay clear of both.
Thanks for the heads up.
Well, the Korra comics only get worst (Asami get kidnapped at some point somehow and Zhu Li become president.) but some of the avatar ones are kinda cool, the search and the one with the Kemurikage for exemple were kinda cool since it expended on Zuko's family and seeing Azula stop obsessing with Ozai's approval (and starting to get obsessed with Zuko and turning him into the kind of Firelord she think she would have been) was interesting.

Though there are also bulshit ones like 'the promise' where Aang almost try to kill Zuko because not letting your citizens be litteraly kicked out of their house because 100 years ago it was earth kindgom territory = Being like Ozai somehow.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well, the Korra comics only get worst (Asami get kidnapped at some point somehow and Zhu Li become president.) but some of the avatar ones are kinda cool, the search and the one with the Kemurikage for exemple were kinda cool since it expended on Zuko's family and seeing Azula stop obsessing with Ozai's approval (and starting to get obsessed with Zuko and turning him into the kind of Firelord she think she would have been) was interesting.

Though there are also bulshit ones like 'the promise' where Aang almost try to kill Zuko because not letting your citizens be litteraly kicked out of their house because 100 years ago it was earth kindgom territory = Being like Ozai somehow.
Still doesnt sound like a worthwhile addition to the original.
I had a few too many run-ins with continuations that ruin their original to get invested in something that sounds so-so at best(and the fact that Im already getting annoyed at the narrative,even in your condensed form,warns me to stay away).


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Still doesnt sound like a worthwhile addition to the original.
I had a few too many run-ins with continuations that ruin their original to get invested in something that sounds so-so at best(and the fact that Im already getting annoyed at the narrative,even in your condensed form,warns me to stay away).
Yeah, i get it, even i really just know about it because those comics had lot of Zuko x Azula subtext in the eye of the groups i frequent (okay, i admit, Tumblr turned a lot of those scenes into porn fanart and porn fanfic, i miss the Tumblr porn TBH, only good thing from that retarded hellsite), by themself i wouldn't reccomend them anyway, at best you get 'oh, cool / oh, interesting' moment and at worst you have litteraly rage inducing moment (like the 'muh colonialism' i mentioned earlier)

So yeah, not worth it unless you want an excuse to ship stuff or make porn, i just wanted to give a fair description of the comics.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yeah, i get it, even i really just know about it because those comics had lot of Zuko x Azula subtext in the eye of the groups i frequent (okay, i admit, Tumblr turned a lot of those scenes into porn fanart and porn fanfic, i miss the Tumblr porn TBH, only good thing from that retarded hellsite), by themself i wouldn't reccomend them anyway, at best you get 'oh, cool / oh, interesting' moment and at worst you have litteraly rage inducing moment (like the 'muh colonialism' i mentioned earlier)

So yeah, not worth it unless you want an excuse to ship stuff or make porn.
Last I heard youporn is interested in buying tumblr to bring back the porn.
So there is at least some good news for one of us :D

I take it the comics arent written by the original staff?
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Last I heard youporn is interested in buying tumblr to bring back the porn.
So there is at least some good news for one of us :D

I take it the comics arent written by the original staff?
The stories are written by the two co-creator (DiMartino and Bryan) with the help of a guy 'Gene Luen Yang', the art in the avatar ones is made by a japanese studio so it's actualy pretty good (unlike the LOK ones who are made by just two western dudes / chicks IIRC.) but the rest of the writing team doesn't seems to have followed them, which explain why the 'Not!New York' wanking is continuing since one of co-creator has a prohibition era fetish.

Also i just learned why the LOK ones are worst in term of writing too, instead of that Luen Yang guy, the one helping them writting for the LOK comics is a chick named 'Faith Erin' and from what i heard from her a few year ago, she is a fucking hack.

And yeah, i heard that, i'm hoping it happen so much, i miss my Zucest porn and all my other fandom specific porn XD

Edit : damn, no wonder the latest one is even worst, only one of the two co-creator wrote that one.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2017
Yeah the comics are pretty bad for both Korra and ATLA. Zuko in particular seems to get shit on for some reason. This random peasant dude comes out of nowhere and straight up takes Mai from him and starts kissing her right in front of him. Let me reiterate that, some random dude cucks the Fire Lord while he just watches. Even Aang of all people was like "Zuko what the fuck bro?". The original series was fantastic but with every extended piece of media that they revisit the franchise with the worse it gets. Don't even get me started on the Korra comics and the seamless pandering to a certain crowd. Four Elements Trainer is unironically the greatest thing to come out of the series in the last decade.

But that's enough ranting, I don't want to steer this thread off topic. It just sucks when you see a franchise you loved get put through the grinder due to sheer incompetence.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Yeah the comics are pretty bad for both Korra and ATLA. Zuko in particular seems to get shit on for some reason. This random peasant dude comes out of nowhere and straight up takes Mai from him and starts kissing her right in front of him. Let me reiterate that, some random dude cucks the Fire Lord while he just watches. Even Aang of all people was like "Zuko what the fuck bro?". The original series was fantastic but with every extended piece of media that they revisit the franchise with the worse it gets. Don't even get me started on the Korra comics and the seamless pandering to a certain crowd. Four Elements Trainer is unironically the greatest thing to come out of the series in the last decade.

But that's enough ranting, I don't want to steer this thread off topic. It just sucks when you see a franchise you loved get put through the grinder due to sheer incompetence.
God, yes, Zuko getting almost cucked was so rage inducing, especialy since it's the same Zuko who litteraly just threw a random guy away because he was talking with Mai and being Firelord explicitly didn't calm him down.

Honestly if i had been a fire nation citizen, i would have been pissed that Zuko didn't banish the guy, like the fuck dude ? i'm supposed to obey you and you have power of life and death over me but some guy i was drinking with a week ago can just snoop in and cuck you ? and you do nothing ? you're supposed to represent my fucking country !

Especialy since it basicaly did nothing since they got together again and then broke up again for unrelated reason (and a bulshit one at that, since when did Mai give a shit about secrets or Zuko talking to Ozai ? she litteraly was on the loyalist side until Zuko was almost killed, she never gave a shit either way about the war) and it doesn't seems to be to set up Zuko with another chick like Jin or Azula or whoever the fuck since the fandom is willing to have him fuck anyone.

I feel that Zuko get no respect as a Firelord in general despite the fact that the Firelord is such a 'sacred' figure in the Firenation that no one questioned Ozai mutilating Zuko over opening his mouth without authorisation or the very obvious fact that Zuko could litteraly restart the war with a single word and every other nation would be fucked, especialy since Team Avatar has no heir of the fire nation on their side this time so unless they beat EVERYONE, they aren't winning unlike when they just needed to beat Ozai, just like just beating Kuvira only replaced the chief of her empire.

Yes i'm ranting, i did say there were rage inducing moments.

Also i hate that the comics basicaly made all those shitty fanfic were a rando just show up and steal Mai away / Mai cheat on Zuko valid with that shit move.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
The stories are written by the two co-creator (DiMartino and Bryan) with the help of a guy 'Gene Luen Yang', the art in the avatar ones is made by a japanese studio so it's actualy pretty good (unlike the LOK ones who are made by just two western dudes / chicks IIRC.) but the rest of the writing team doesn't seems to have followed them, which explain why the 'Not!New York' wanking is continuing since one of co-creator has a prohibition era fetish.

Also i just learned why the LOK ones are worst in term of writing too, instead of that Luen Yang guy, the one helping them writting for the LOK comics is a chick named 'Faith Erin' and from what i heard from her a few year ago, she is a fucking hack.

And yeah, i heard that, i'm hoping it happen so much, i miss my Zucest porn and all my other fandom specific porn XD

Edit : damn, no wonder the latest one are even rest, only one of the two co-creator wrote that one.
Hm yeah I suppose that lines up with the writing quality displayed in LoK.
Lets hope FET completely ignores the auxillary LoK media <.<

Shame that Avatar turned out to be such a one hit wonder but then again thats far from rare in fiction.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Hm yeah I suppose that lines up with the writing quality displayed in LoK.
Lets hope FET completely ignores the auxillary LoK media <.<

Shame that Avatar turned out to be such a one hit wonder but then again thats far from rare in fiction.
I'm sure it wouldn't have happened if they just went on for a fourth season of The Last Airbender.

Or if anyone had the common sense to tell DiMartino or his buddy where they can shove their prohibition era fetish.

Honestly i fear what the netflix live action will do to the franchise, the original show was the last thing of quality we had left in it and now they're gonna butcher it.

(Not having a show where we follow a post Aang Fire Nation Avatar is such a wasted opportunity, especialy with Korra establishing that there is no stigma against the fire nation because of the 100 years war because litteraly every country did their own bulshit afterward)

I'v read porn fics who had better plots than LOK honestly (at least i had my twincest in those fics instead of a bathub joke) and even the avatar comics are 'okay' fanfic level (though i kinda like the art sometime) (though i don't consider that 'fanfic' is an insult, i'v read awesome fanfics that are better than many books)

I hope they bring back Azula again in the comics though, her apparition are always followed by more porn.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm sure it wouldn't have happened if they just went on for a fourth season of The Last Airbender.

Or if anyone had the common sense to tell DiMartino or his buddy where they can shove their prohibition era fetish.
If it was actually planned from the beginning and the original team was still in place to prevent another George Lucas?
Probably but quite frankly Avatar ended at a rather decent point.
Maybe a bit more closure on the characters would have been nice but who knows how that would have looked(going by LoK not particularly great,heh).

The less said about any of the Netflix abominations the better.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
If it was actually planned from the beginning and the original team was still in place to prevent another George Lucas?
Probably but quite frankly Avatar ended at a rather decent point.
Maybe a bit more closure on the characters would have been nice but who knows how that would have looked(going by LoK not particularly great,heh).

The less said about any of the Netflix abominations the better.
One of the main guy of the writing team (Aaron Ehatz) recently revealed the whole team always though and were ready for at least a 4th season with even an arc about Azula and Zuko having to be basicaly her Iroh or something.

So yeah, a 4th season was much as anything is ever planned on that network XD (most show with a continuous plot like that are supposed to have an ending planned for like episode 12 in case it has no success).

And even if they really wanted to jump right into the next generation, they should have went into a Fire Nation avatar, so we are like almost a full cycle later so anything wrong can be attributed to the previous guys instead of making Aang a pointless fuck up and you have the in-built scenario where nobody trust a fire nation avatar, explaining why, just like Aang, they can't just be trained like a normal avatar, that wouldn't have been perfect but it would have been better than LOK.

Still, i'm sure ATLA could have continued until Aang got kids or something like that, not enough show follow their hero growing up.

Yeah, i'm really not trusting Netflix at all, i'm waiting for the DB Evolution level disaster.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Who is the villain of book 4 gonna be? Kuvira would be the obvious choice for a trainer game but there are a ton of villains

Actually, do we know what time period/arc book 4 will take place in?


Sep 21, 2016
Who is the villain of book 4 gonna be? Kuvira would be the obvious choice for a trainer game but there are a ton of villains

Actually, do we know what time period/arc book 4 will take place in?
No idea but why do we need a villian in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
No idea but why do we need a villian in the first place?
Because there’s a story and I doubt we’ll just be doing nothing the whole time? It sets up easy conflicts to the character’s stories and there’s pretty much no point in LoK where there isn’t a villain?
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