- It's my money, what do you care? I rather spend hundreds of dollars on FET than a single penny on 90% of the other games. Mity could take 12 months off and still would have delivered more content like most other deliver in their whole game. It's clear to me Cbob has some serious issues, it's not in my power to do anything about it and without him there is no FET. But you guys don't seem to get this no matter how often we tell you. Also, I know for sure Marty is working his ass off and doing his best to keep the project alive. He deserves any support he gets.
You're 100% correct my man

it is your money and it's up to you to do with it as you please

but that doesn't make it a good thing though and doesn't mean your good for the games development ether.

You're right that a lot of the games industry has it's head up it's arse but how do you think it got there? People, bad consumer practices. Take loot boxes, micro transactions, day one DLC and pre-order bonuses. Do you know what the pre-order bonus was for pre-ordering a game two decades ago? you got to play the game. Yes it's up to you what you spend your money on

but it's opinions like these that harm the industry and ruin it for the rest of us. You ask why people care so much about what your spending your money on? Because your destorying the industry, games, the things they love. Because your not rewarding good quality, your rewarding abuse of your wallet. If your going to give someone the same amount of money for half the work and a marked dropped in quality as you would have for twice this effort what is the incentive for games designers. Think of it like a beloved family pet or your child. Over feeding a dog is going to make it happy or lavishing your child with praise makes you happy and them feel good but that doesn't make it good. I'm not coming down on you buddy

I'm not intending to offend you nor am I offended just felt compelled to say this and what happens, happens I suppose. Come next week no one will care