Guys, I will say that it is realistic to of expected a regular month and a half release sized update. It's not like CBob sat there depressed not talking to anyone just so he could pound a ton of extra content for the game out. It was clear since November that he hasn't been working, or at least been making progress due to depression/creative block.
Something that I do have hope for on the other hand is a quick update or two. I'm sure with no real game to work on and 6 months of hiatus, Marty got to get ahead on some artwork alongside his efforts to put 18teens out. After all, they pretty much plan from the get-go who and what girls are going to do. CBob also seems to not only have come back to work, but also found a direction to take the plot, so we may get another update quicker than average. Also, unlike other times, CBob actually followed through with this one, so im willing to put a bit of faith in him. If this all is true, then it would just be up to CBob to pound out some code. Of course, this is all speculation, so I could be terribly wrong, but I think my deductions are reasonable. However this plays out, I think they are back and on top of it until at least the end of this game, and for that, Godspeed, and good luck.
Either way, I hope they hurry, because I really want to bone Jinora and Opal in a 3 way.