I hate to break it to you bro, but they're all children. Suki is only one year older then Jinora and Ty Lee is the same age. Also Ty Lee is only two years older then Toph. With cartoons it's about personality and design not age. Ty Lee is that air headed girl who knows she's sexy. Toph is that cute tomboy thats fun to be around. Jinora is that shy book smart girl and Ikki is that innocent wanna have fun type. Growing up with the show we've all had our crushes in the series and that's who we likely lean toward. It's not about picking "kids" it's about picking who you liked as a kid that you still have a fetish over today. Don't be so judgmental lmao
Suki: 15 Years Old
Ty Lee: 14 Years Old
Jinora: 14 Years Old
Toph: 12 Years Old
Ikki: 11 Years Old