Man do i hate this excuse of a mental problem or depression ... it's like half the patron porn creators population have it.
The funny part not one of them has it at the start of a game or when the money is low. They get it after the 2 k mark or worse the 1.5 k mark and the chances to get it bigger when the money number is bigger.
I hope the family and friends are together whits them in their desperate time in vacation, some of them I heard the illness evolve in a state they don't even feel bad to pause they Patreon after 3 months of suffering...those are the rare cases when the depression gives you" I don't give a fuck about the suckers symptom"...I wonder what their poor soul will do when a real job under contract happens will the lead or manager take pity on them ...Gues will never know :'(
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I'd imagine depression often plays the main role in people ending up creating a porn game as a means of income.
You don't have to leave your room to work, don't need to deal with any people while you're able to set up your own working days and hours without having any cocky fucks with superiority complex watching your every step while you work for them like a slave to then pay you with a great pity a fraction of what you make them.
Also, I know it's hard to believe but having money doesn't help in "feeling better" if it comes to depression and you may end up killing yourself anyway, poor or rich, doesn't matter you're still empty inside.
Ironically money can also become yet another crushing you reason, how?
You'd think that once you'd finally manage to get your hands on the money you'll definitely feel much better than you do now, that it'll fix your problems, but the reality may prove to be different because when you finally make it and then notice that nothing has changed for the better you're likely to lose a big slice of your hope, a hope to get better, a hope that may be the last thing that keeps you away from doing something stupid.
There're many cases in which people who have had literally everything they could possibly ever want, if it comes to materiality, decided to kill themselves despite because they had lacked something which even money couldn't have provided them with.
I don't blame you for not understanding, nor other people who clearly didn't experience
real depression because without experiencing it you could never fully understand anyway.
Just don't be so conceited and pray that it won't come
your way one day because when it does and you'll underestimate it, you may end up feeling a serious whoopsie after it'll throw you down off your high horse, the more so the higher your high horse will be.