I have a full hd monitor, but the game quality is hd. It's ridiculous in 2021 to make a game in such a terrible resolution. Some people have 2k or 4k monitors. The image looks soapy.
You ARE aware that the game is years old, right? Kinda hard to say something about a game's graphics "in 2021" if it is just following the same limitations, at most, it had years ago when it was first released without remastering those parts those.
That said, when the coder had a depression attack and the game went ina months-long hiatus, the artist
did mention he was taking the break to remastering the first book, both upgrading some of the code (they were still inexperienced and it was remade better) and remaking the drawings with better quality. The code changes made it incompatible with the original game, though, so if it is ever released it would be as a sort of remastered version, so probably only after the original game (this one) is 100% done.
Its the glasses,isnt it?
Meganekko ruin every design.
Horrible,horrible glasses.
It depends, I think.
Some characters look cuter with those glasses. Others don't.
The secret is in the more emotional scenes to show them on the side or with the glasses askew so it does not cover the whole eyes like usual, increasing the scene with just that.