I assumed that both cbob and Marty were in the US since they reference US shows and culture, but I guess not.
I think many foreigners watch English shows and movies to help practice. Its like how Africa and Japan seems to be 20 years in our past in their rap music (yeah I listen to that shit, check out DiggyMo and NeedOne its like listening to rap from the 80s). There was also some book that joked about it with how some alien or spirit or something was trapped in Ireland or somewhere so he had a thick accent because he practiced English from their shows. And western culture is just popular in general, we used to have a
hit movie scene. I know some people think its cool to bash on the new shit, but I dont mean it like that Im not even that old anyway. New movies are good but they just had it
down from 70-90s and a couple early thousands hits. Anyway I think I got sidetracked Im just trying to add in more detail.
So you see all these foreign movies and media culture imitating stuff from like 20+ years ago in the west and its like watching a time machine to the past. Even manga was based on our old comics, jRPGs were based on our old pen & paper RPGs and I could probably ramble on more examples but I kindve doubt anyone really cares honestly.
Edit: Though I dont like the pop DiggyMo does, he doesnt do that much rap and I dont like Sould Out (his band) because they dont let him lead too often but the rap he does do is