Art update 33
It's "art update" time once more!
Seeing as how we were kinda late with the new build last time, it's leaving us with a very short month once again to get the new one ready. Believe it or not but from the very start we actually aim for a new release at the end of each month or the very beginning of a new month and we still haven't given up on that. Obviously we've been progressively less successful reaching that goal with each new build, but.... well... please allow us to have our little fantasies.
Although we did talk about alternative release schedules among ourselves (a few of you guys have suggested to do so) we're not quite ready to give up on our original release schedule of at least one build each month, tempting as it sometimes might be. All of this means we just need to try and work a little harder to make up for lost time.
I finished a couple of scenes which I think a lot of you will like, including one with my own favorite girl(JD). Finally! With the amount of girls running around in book 3 it's a crazy process to give enough attention to all of them and some will suffer because of it. How many girls? well, let's do a quick drawing of the ones which immediately pop up in my head. Can you recognize them all
Btw. I hope you guys weren't too disappointed with the girl(s) you freed during the latest unlockable part of the maze. You already knew them and although some surprises were there, no real "fresh meat" so to speak. Okay there's some fresh meat, but she's an "original" character not at all based on a real person *cough*hi skye*cough*... oh I forgot to include her in the pic above..
The latest scene I've been working on has a lot of different smaller files and hopefully some fertile ground for the coder to work his writing magic on. Sex scenes aren't always the easiest situations to provide with funny/interesting dialogue. Especially when one person has a dick in her mouth, so I designed this one to have some more potential for some crazy talk.
The coder likes it so far and already has sent me some extra requests to add to the scene so I'm quickly working on getting those ready. It's at times like these I wish I had a twin! Nah, I'm pretty sure I'd still want to do it all myself. That's just the way I'm rigged.
That reminds me of my just as ridiculous obsession with keeping scenes as small as possible. That's not just my personal malfunction(although I do like doing that just for it's own sake) but with all the files we've been putting in FET, I better be very careful of how big scenes get so when we reach the end of book 4 I can still help out with some internal bug testing and not have to wait four hours before I've finished downloading a test build.
For my latest scene I was trying all sorts of things to get rid of about 250 KB. That's right, a mere 250 KB. It's a ridiculous small amount but What can I say... I was hellbent on getting the new scene as small as possible. It was like a pebble in your boot. Sure you can walk on, but it's a small annoyance which you KNOW will become a major one over time.
Of course the new additions the coder asked for are giving my small sized scene repeatedly a kick in the balls
, but they really do flesh out the scene more so I can be at peace with it. ... Actually I think the latest scene would be the equivalent of four book1 scenes(at the very least).
I also managed to use some files which I had almost forgotten I already made in the first place. The tit shake one! You might have already seen it come by in one of the older art asset updates. They weren't interesting enough to use by themselves but combined with the new files they work really well. The coder really doesn't like me not using older unused art so nowadays, I'm often in limbo about whether to add old unused stuff to an art asset update or not just so the coder won't find out I've been holding back on (IMO) bad art
In fact, I've got an unused Suki scene lying around which I really hate, but which nobody will probably ever get to see it until I find enough time to do some serious amount of redrawing. Man, if only I could re-appropriate all those moments in the past where I thought to myself "I'm bored. I've got nothing to do."
Today I also found out why I disliked a certain new scene I was working on. It was a zoomed in version and although I had redrawn the character, the background still had that blurry blown up feeling which was completely at odds with the crispier character line art. Rather obvious looking back so I'm fixing that right now.
The coder also sent me a list with new scenes he'd like to add. The list isn't the smallest I've ever gotten and he didn't include some of the ones we'll need to include anyway so I'm very happy he also mentioned we could use some of them for the love route instead.
Before I forget, the latest winners of the raffles have been sent a pm, so don't forget to check those if you haven't for a while.
Well I got a lot to do so I have to leave you guys again. Till next time!