man, I don't know if you increase the intensity of the things you read, I believe so, considering that you read and interpret what you want from what was written, but no friend, I'm calm, I'm not offended lol, and I'm also just responding, I don't know why you wanted to escalate the subject, but that's okay. I asked a rhetorical question, considering how many people here were begging for an update and at the same time asking why it doesn't end soon, and I don't even think things like "people criticize whatever they want" are a constructive answer, but ok.
About you "lying", that was the way to say it, since you said that I'm defending the author, and at no point did I say anything about attacking him, in fact no one even spoke about him in any rude way, they only commented because The project won't end soon, but it's okay man, relax, there's no need to feel offended.