As sexy as Asami is, there are two major issues with that idea.bro i'd gladly play as asami. she's my 2nd favorite korra charcter besides bolin. asami is lok best girl. mako is stupid af. korra knew what was up. but i think they'll do mako because the mc is a guy and mako was with asami and korra....but asami was with him and it could be korra too, but i think the shadow is korra and usually the shadow is who we form the relationship with, not who we play. i wish toph's path let us be sokka, could've had incest patch action.
1) The character is going to need to learn Air Bending, so a non-bender isn't going to happen.
2) If that were the case, we would almost never see her on screen, and that would be a crime against humanity.
My guess is still a random, nameless airbender, or a member of Tenzin's family. Maybe, like Book 2, it will depend on the route.