Hey guys, the coder got back to me and it's pretty much what I expected. Instead of doing the smart thing the first time around, which is staying in bed until he was really better(and not just less sick) he played craps with his health and the house won.
I did tell him to eat some chicken soup and go to bed early until he really got it out of his system when he wrote me, but sometimes he's just too stubborn for his own good. I can understand that mindset, but it's just not the smart thing to do in this case.
He's actually already giving me estimations about when he thinks he'll be able to get things done... while also admitting he's still alternating between feeling bad and good. I might have laughed a bit when reading that but less with joy and more with a feeling of resignation. This is how I replied:
"NO. you get better(for real) and THAN you can start giving me estimations again."
Of course while repeating my earlier advice. Unfortunately I can't hold art "hostage" since he already has what he needs, but I hope I was stern enough for a chance to let sanity sink in.
So that's how things are right know. No surprise weekend release which I was still secretly fantasizing about. But if the coder takes the rest he needs, things should go back to normal soon.
That's it for now. If things change I'll let you know!