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Hey guys! I could've sworn I had written an art update just a week ago, but my calendar tells me otherwise so it's about time I'm doing another one. My sense of time is messed up beyond repair. I wish I was joking.
As I've already mentioned in an earlier update the next build is going to be slightly more special than the earlier ones. That's why I'm fully prepared for the coder to use the entirety of September
IFFF he needs that time to make it happen. But of course I'm hoping he won't.
He mentioned to me he really enjoyed working on the new scenes so that's always a good sign, but right now I have no idea how far along he is. He pretty much went into blackout mode since a week so yeah, both of us have been pretty much been going at it with a laser focused mindset.
I sent an email yesterday asking him when he has set his own internal deadline for the next build. A date he feels when everything should be about ready.
Because of our repeated delays, we've strayed far from our initial schedule which had us starting at the beginning of a month and finishing at the end so things are getting plenty "foggy" when it comes to deadlines. I personally dislike that. To me part of the fun is having a date marked on your calendar which you can look forward to as a player. He hasn't gotten back to me yet so right now I'm as curious as any of you how far he is along. I think I'll update this post if I hear from him. But his estimations are usually on the positive side of reality so take whatever you'll read with a grain of salt.
I haven't gotten any requests for extra or different art for the next build which isn't too surprising since he should have plenty of stuff to work with as things are. Still I expected to get a request for at least a few small bits and bobs.
In case he does want something new quickly, I've been going really gung ho at creating scenes for the next next build. Just so I'll have some "elbow room" and can drop everything to dedicate all of my time to a possible request of his for the upcoming build.
I've recently been working on a Zhu Li scene which I feel turned out a lot better than I had hoped. I'm sure you didn't expect her to escape the players perverted attention forever, did you? She clearly has to "do the thing" and again and again and again.... I added an extra small mean streak to her scene, because if I can't do that during the slave route.... then when?!?
Another scene, which I started working on last night and proceeded scarily well, is one where Korra meets "Amon" again in the statue room. The creation of some scenes are like you're trying to climb a cactus(slow and painful), but others feel like you're going down a lubricated slide. The latest Korra scene is definitely one of the lubricated slide kind.
Oh and I finally got myself a good power supply which does it's job without requiring me to constantly play death metal to blot out the background noise of a fan. At first I thought "I can live with this. It's a bit loud but I'll get used to it". But the exact opposite happened. Putting in the new silent one felt like finally being able to close your eyes after an all nighter, but for your ears. Loud background noises have a way of slowly destroying my mood. Strangely enough I love the sound of rain hitting the roof and windows, but yeah that usually doesn't keep on going all day every day of the week.
I've also begun working on a scene for the end of this route. I think we usually have taken about half a year for a route so far? Something like that? Anyway, I felt like getting an early start on one of the ending scenes regardless of how long it'll take us to end the current route(don't start holding your breath just yet).
Things are going pretty well which I'm afraid makes for terribly boring updates. I really don't have anything interesting to say which has to do with FET.
Something entirely non FET related then? - I finally got to try out vr (on a ps4) when visiting some relatives. I've been wondering how that'd be (vr)for a long time and I can say it was pretty cool but not nearly as mind blowing as some said it would be. It was pretty much exactly the way I expected it would be. With the exception of the field of view. I imagined it would be incredibly claustrophobic, but it didn't bother me at all for the short time I was using it. One supposedly scary game was funny to me and a racing game had me driving at walking speed just enjoying the view.. so maybe the games I was playing weren't really my thing. So yeah, it was fun, but not enough to make me want to run out to the store to get one myself.
Nowadays I usually add some pics of chibi characters to make these updates more visually appealing but I couldn't come up with anything interesting this time so instead I was just sketching a few Azula pics and then I suddenly felt the urge to add chibi Toph if you wonder what exactly led to these following pics, that's the story behind it.
I'm really looking forward to continue working on the Korra scene I mentioned earlier so that's what I'll be doing for the next couple of days. And again as soon as I get some sort of estimation of the coder when he thinks we can expect the new build to arrive I'll update this post with a sanitized version of his date... meaning I'll make sure to add a sizeable safety buffer to whatever he thinks is possible. I hope to be able to do that soon!