
New Member
Feb 10, 2020
So im having the same issue as I was earlier, I restarted book 3 and now it seems to have locked me where it says I need training to break down the 2nd wall and fissue, but when I want to train, It tells me I need to hypno suki and june first. But I cannot hypnotize June since she is locked in the first section of the maze.
May 30, 2020
So im having the same issue as I was earlier, I restarted book 3 and now it seems to have locked me where it says I need training to break down the 2nd wall and fissue, but when I want to train, It tells me I need to hypno suki and june first. But I cannot hypnotize June since she is locked in the first section of the maze.
Again, just go to her, and put the code in her lock. its 542. That will free her and she'll go to your town.


New Member
Feb 10, 2020
Again, just go to her, and put the code in her lock. its 542. That will free her and she'll go to your town.
I dont even have the option to put the code in the lock, man idk what I did but this just seems like its broken atm lmao oh well. Just going to wait for the update to get more stuff for book 4
May 30, 2020
I dont even have the option to put the code in the lock, man idk what I did but this just seems like its broken atm lmao oh well. Just going to wait for the update to get more stuff for book 4
On second thought if you're not getting the option for the lock then its probably someone else I'm thinking of. Have you run into the enemy girl who is staring at the scroll on the wall yet?

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
to me, the best way would be to have a "blank" character, its just easier for everyone, no need for background, no need for "keeping it canon", but most importantly, they can forge whatever link to whatever character they need. like having the mc be a rival to korra, and in the route we beat her making her understand she isnt the "bestest evar".

which ironic would work amazingly well for a slave route, if we instead bet with her and use the winnings to make her submit... it would also allow jinora's scenes to feel more natural, we could, for example, blackmail the police chief(forgot her name) to get down with her... same with most of the other girls. no need for the convoluted mess we actually got in this one. the best part is, had they gone like this, it would be easier to just set a question of "im gonna win against her no matter what(slave) or i will win against her the right way(love)".
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Feb 18, 2018
to me, the best way would be to have a "blank" character, its just easier for everyone, no need for background, no need for "keeping it canon", but most importantly, they can forge whatever link to whatever character they need. like having the mc be a rival to korra, and in the route we beat her making her understand she isnt the "bestest evar".

which ironic would work amazingly well for a slave route, if we instead bet with her and use the winnings to make her submit... it would also allow jinora's scenes to feel more natural, we could, for example, blackmail the police chief(forgot her name) to get down with her... same with most of the other girls. no need for the convoluted mess we actually got in this one. the best part is, had they gone like this, it would be easier to just set a question of "im gonna win against her no matter what(slave) or i will win against her the right way(love)".
You are forgetting the overarching story of the game: the MC ALSO needs to learn airbending. How is he going to do that if he's some random scrub who can't airbend?

This is BEFORE book 2, so new airbenders are not around yet.

There's a thought though, maybe the love route takes place in a later time period? And Korra is the one who has to teach MC.


Aug 11, 2017
In book 3 is the Suki blowjobs for tips thing just for the h-scene or does it lead to the continuation of her quest to get back at Azula? I gave her a ton of tips and it never seemed to continue


Jun 2, 2017
Lets not get too upset. Book 4 doesn't even have a love arc. Its nowhere near done. All the other books were awesome and had lots of good side characters and main ones too. Give it some time, I'm sure when Book 4 is actually complete, it'll be good. Hopefully.
I at least am enjoying it, but I'm not as helplessly obsessed as I was with book 3, for sure.

I mean, its just a list of issues I have with the writing. No one is upset. I just didn't have nearly as many issues with books 2 or 3. The *slave route* seems very poorly paced, especially considering the amount of affection Korra shows MC and Asami.
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Jun 2, 2017
In book 3 is the Suki blowjobs for tips thing just for the h-scene or does it lead to the continuation of her quest to get back at Azula? I gave her a ton of tips and it never seemed to continue
That's book 2, and Ty Lee's content is entirely optional. If you flirt with her enough she has a few different back room sex scenes, including a piss scene. Not my cup of tea, but her paid for sex stuff is great.


Slightly Helpful Asshat
Jul 7, 2018
I feel bad for Aang. He comes back to his body all confused and shit after I've been mucking around in it for like, months, and now he has gotten both Katara and Toph pregnant. Maybe the confusion and pressure of that is what made him raise Tenzin to abuse the everloving shit out of Korra so much.
So... I've been thinking about the dialogue with Korra's mom. Apparently during the small amount of time she was "possesed", she actually swapped bodies with the MC... Not so much a body snatcher, but a body swapper...
Imagine how Aang, Zuko... hell, even the rando in slave book 2 would react, what they do while they were in the future in a body that wasn't theirs. Besides they've been in that body for way longer than Korra's mom...
Wonder if this is going to have a bigger impact later in the story.

Can't be Mako, you need to learn Airbending.
Ah shit, forgot about that. Guess you're right, we really can't be anyone else. oof.
You are forgetting the overarching story of the game: the MC ALSO needs to learn airbending. How is he going to do that if he's some random scrub who can't airbend?

This is BEFORE book 2, so new airbenders are not around yet.

There's a thought though, maybe the love route takes place in a later time period? And Korra is the one who has to teach MC.
Ok to start, even someone like me that hasn't actually watched completely the series knows that book 4 happens way after all the previous books. I mean ffs, Tenzin is Aangs kid, and Katara is old AF.

With that out of the way, let's roll back to the reason I quoted these posts.

Book 1.
We play as Aang in both Love & Slave. Aang didn't know how to waterbend and his teacher was Katara (Main girl of this book)

Book 2.
We play as Zuko with amnesia for loveroute. Because of his memory loss he didn't know how to firebend, his teacher was Azula (Main girl of this book)
We also play as some random prisoner for slaveroute. Azula seems mildly interested in this prisoner so she teaches him how to firebend.

Book 3.
Pretty much the same as Book 1, but change Katara to Toph and Waterbending to Earthbending, there.

Book 4.
This is where things went off the rails a bit.
For slave route we play as Tenzin... He's actually supposed to be an airbending master, it doesn't make sense that an airbending master would need to learn how to airbend. Also the fact that the main girl isn't the MC's teacher either, but his student.

See where i'm going? The pattern broke, the "posessed" guy isn't some sort of airbending student, neither the main girl is his teacher.

It could be the case, Love route could be completely different than the slave route, a completely different point in the story aswell. Maybe Korra already learned how to airbend and for some reason she's teaching this particular person that the MC will end up swapping bodies with.

I don't know, I haven't watched legend of korra, neither do I intend to.
A blank character like book 2 slave route would be kinda weird, specially for a love route. Same with Tenzin...

Some people say this book's slave route is kinda lacking. Most of the times it is, the devs have said before that they prefer working on the love route.
I'm not so sure how to make a love route with Korra tho... Time will tell.
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ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
You are forgetting the overarching story of the game: the MC ALSO needs to learn airbending. How is he going to do that if he's some random scrub who can't airbend?

This is BEFORE book 2, so new airbenders are not around yet.

There's a thought though, maybe the love route takes place in a later time period? And Korra is the one who has to teach MC.
actually, it doesnt, it is set in the "korra years" that is set way after the original series, so i dont get were you are coming with this "before book 2" thing. as for who would teach the mc, why not tenzin? i mean, it will be kinda weird now that he was the body the mc used in the slave route, which is why i said it would've been better if we were a new mc training air bending from the start, as a rival to korra.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
So... I've been thinking about the dialogue with Korra's mom. Apparently during the small amount of time she was "possesed", she actually swapped bodies with the MC... Not so much a body snatcher, but a body swapper...
Imagine how Aang, Zuko... hell, even the rando in slave book 2 would react, what they do while they were in the future in a body that wasn't theirs. Besides they've been in that body for way longer than Korra's mom...
Wonder if this is going to have a bigger impact later in the story.

Ok to start, even someone like me that hasn't actually watched completely the series knows that book 4 happens way after all the previous books. I mean ffs, Tenzin is Aangs kid, and Katara is old AF.

With that out of the way, let's roll back to the reason I quoted these posts.

Book 1.
We play as Aang in both Love & Slave. Aang didn't know how to waterbend and his teacher was Katara (Main girl of this book)

Book 2.
We play as Zuko with amnesia for loveroute. Because of his memory loss he didn't know how to firebend, his teacher was Azula (Main girl of this book)
We also play as some random prisoner for slaveroute. Azula seems mildly interested in this prisoner so she teaches him how to firebend.

Book 3.
Pretty much the same as Book 1, but change Katara to Toph and Waterbending to Earthbending, there.

Book 4.
This is where things went off the rails a bit.
For slave route we play as Tenzin... He's actually supposed to be an airbending master, it doesn't make sense that an airbending master would need to learn how to airbend. Also the fact that the main girl isn't the MC's teacher either, but his student.

See where i'm going? The pattern broke, the "posessed" guy isn't some sort of airbending student, neither the main girl is his teacher.

It could be the case, Love route could be completely different than the slave route, a completely different point in the story aswell. Maybe Korra already learned how to airbend and for some reason she's teaching this particular person that the MC will end up swapping bodies with.

I don't know, I haven't watched legend of korra, neither do I intend to.
A blank character like book 2 slave route would be kinda weird, specially for a love route. Same with Tenzin...

Some people say this book's slave route is kinda lacking. Most of the times it is, the devs have said before that they prefer working on the love route.
I'm not so sure how to make a love route with Korra tho... Time will tell.
1. Yeah. I assume the body swapping is gonna be a huge plot point considering that we essentially went back to the South Pole JUST to explore that plot point. I wonder what they were all doing in the future, what they did when they came back to girls pregnant and people thinking they’re an asshole. Also Aang got possessed twice. I wonder what he thinks is going on. Let’s also keep in mind that Aang is also an avatar so he is also in touch with spirits and might have an idea what is happening. Shame he does before Tenzin can meet him.

2. Just like Zuko, Tenzin lost his memory. The fact that he’s not being taught by anyone is actually a oretty fun wrinkle.

But actually, if you think about it, Korra IS his teacher still. Ironically(with all the blackmail) she doesn’t need a teacher. She learned all her stuff from scrolls, and we are essentially scamming her. (Makes it funny) Also. MC doesn’t need a teacher either since the scrolls appear to be enough.

But yeah. You laid out another reason why people think the love route will take place after harmonic convergence. Our teacher could even be Tenzin! But it’s probably going to be Korra. Maybe she does see special potential or whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
actually, it doesnt, it is set in the "korra years" that is set way after the original series, so i dont get were you are coming with this "before book 2" thing. as for who would teach the mc, why not tenzin? i mean, it will be kinda weird now that he was the body the mc used in the slave route, which is why i said it would've been better if we were a new mc training air bending from the start, as a rival to korra.
He means book 2 of the ACTUAL SHOW. Harmonic convergence happens at the end of book 2. He comes to the conclusion on his own that it probably takes place after.

So basically we can all agree that the next logical step is for love route to take place in book 3 of the actual show, right?

I kinda thought all this was settled.
May 30, 2020
So... I've been thinking about the dialogue with Korra's mom. Apparently during the small amount of time she was "possesed", she actually swapped bodies with the MC... Not so much a body snatcher, but a body swapper...
Imagine how Aang, Zuko... hell, even the rando in slave book 2 would react, what they do while they were in the future in a body that wasn't theirs. Besides they've been in that body for way longer than Korra's mom...
Wonder if this is going to have a bigger impact later in the story.

Ok to start, even someone like me that hasn't actually watched completely the series knows that book 4 happens way after all the previous books. I mean ffs, Tenzin is Aangs kid, and Katara is old AF.

With that out of the way, let's roll back to the reason I quoted these posts.

Book 1.
We play as Aang in both Love & Slave. Aang didn't know how to waterbend and his teacher was Katara (Main girl of this book)

Book 2.
We play as Zuko with amnesia for loveroute. Because of his memory loss he didn't know how to firebend, his teacher was Azula (Main girl of this book)
We also play as some random prisoner for slaveroute. Azula seems mildly interested in this prisoner so she teaches him how to firebend.

Book 3.
Pretty much the same as Book 1, but change Katara to Toph and Waterbending to Earthbending, there.

Book 4.
This is where things went off the rails a bit.
For slave route we play as Tenzin... He's actually supposed to be an airbending master, it doesn't make sense that an airbending master would need to learn how to airbend. Also the fact that the main girl isn't the MC's teacher either, but his student.

See where i'm going? The pattern broke, the "posessed" guy isn't some sort of airbending student, neither the main girl is his teacher.

It could be the case, Love route could be completely different than the slave route, a completely different point in the story aswell. Maybe Korra already learned how to airbend and for some reason she's teaching this particular person that the MC will end up swapping bodies with.

I don't know, I haven't watched legend of korra, neither do I intend to.
A blank character like book 2 slave route would be kinda weird, specially for a love route. Same with Tenzin...

Some people say this book's slave route is kinda lacking. Most of the times it is, the devs have said before that they prefer working on the love route.
I'm not so sure how to make a love route with Korra tho... Time will tell.
If you remember, the reason that Korra's mother became obsessed with anal is because when she was teleported into the MC's body, whoever had been occupying it before was jerking off to MC's personal anal porn collection. This implies that Zuko and Aang have been fucking about in MC's life the entire time he was off learning the elements and impregnating their friends/family members. I feel especially bad for Zuko, who returned to his old life to find his sister pregnant and him the father. At least in my storyline. The Zuko I remember from the show... might just have a total mental breakdown because of an experience that traumatic, lmao


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
If you remember, the reason that Korra's mother became obsessed with anal is because when she was teleported into the MC's body, whoever had been occupying it before was jerking off to MC's personal anal porn collection. This implies that Zuko and Aang have been fucking about in MC's life the entire time he was off learning the elements and impregnating their friends/family members. I feel especially bad for Zuko, who returned to his old life to find his sister pregnant and him the father. At least in my storyline. The Zuko I remember from the show... might just have a total mental breakdown because of an experience that traumatic, lmao
Let's be honest, Zuko and Azula from the show had more sexual tension than a shibari rope.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
Was katara confirmed pregnant after book 1?

Cuz that sets up issues of “when we’re these kids born” if true.

Also. What kind of conversations did she have with “non body swapped” Aang? What about all the girls he fucked?

I wonder if we will ever talk to any of the people we possessed other than Korras mom? Would be fun?
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Oct 1, 2018
Near the end of the current chapter 4 content Korra mentions letting Pema join in a 3 way. I know there is a licking scene already but did the last update actually add another scene with Korra and Pema? And if yes how do I reach it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2018
If I only care for TLA content (never watched TLoK), will I more or less get the full experience playing the current version?
I don’t knwo what you mean by full experience.

But pretty much any girl you could want from original series gets covered in books 1-3

Book 4 without watching Korra? Depends on what your interests are.


Dec 12, 2019
But pretty much any girl you could want from original series gets covered in books 1-3
Ah, great. This is what I meant by the full experience, actually. Thank you!

Then it's perfect. One of these days I'll catch up with TLoK, and then maybe by that time book 4 will have already been finished
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