I feel bad for Aang. He comes back to his body all confused and shit after I've been mucking around in it for like, months, and now he has gotten both Katara and Toph pregnant. Maybe the confusion and pressure of that is what made him raise Tenzin to abuse the everloving shit out of Korra so much.
So... I've been thinking about the dialogue with Korra's mom. Apparently during the small amount of time she was "possesed", she actually
swapped bodies with the MC... Not so much a body snatcher, but a body swapper...
Imagine how Aang, Zuko... hell, even the rando in slave book 2 would react, what they do while they were in the future in a body that wasn't theirs. Besides they've been in that body for way longer than Korra's mom...
Wonder if this is going to have a bigger impact later in the story.
Can't be Mako, you need to learn Airbending.
Ah shit, forgot about that. Guess you're right, we really can't be anyone else. oof.
You are forgetting the overarching story of the game: the MC ALSO needs to learn airbending. How is he going to do that if he's some random scrub who can't airbend?
This is BEFORE book 2, so new airbenders are not around yet.
There's a thought though, maybe the love route takes place in a later time period? And Korra is the one who has to teach MC.
Ok to start, even someone like me that hasn't actually watched completely the series knows that book 4 happens way
after all the previous books. I mean ffs, Tenzin is Aangs kid, and Katara is old AF.
With that out of the way, let's roll back to the reason I quoted these posts.
Book 1.
We play as Aang in both Love & Slave. Aang didn't know how to waterbend and his teacher was Katara (Main girl of this book)
Book 2.
We play as Zuko with amnesia for loveroute. Because of his memory loss he didn't know how to firebend, his teacher was Azula (Main girl of this book)
We also play as some random prisoner for slaveroute. Azula seems mildly interested in this prisoner so she teaches him how to firebend.
Book 3.
Pretty much the same as Book 1, but change Katara to Toph and Waterbending to Earthbending, there.
Book 4.
This is where things went off the rails a bit.
For slave route we play as Tenzin... He's actually supposed to be an airbending master, it doesn't make sense that an airbending master would need to learn how to airbend. Also the fact that the main girl isn't the MC's teacher either, but his student.
See where i'm going? The pattern broke, the "posessed" guy isn't some sort of airbending student, neither the main girl is his teacher.
It could be the case, Love route could be completely different than the slave route, a completely different point in the story aswell. Maybe Korra already learned how to airbend and for some reason she's teaching this particular person that the MC will end up swapping bodies with.
I don't know, I haven't watched legend of korra, neither do I intend to.
A blank character like book 2 slave route would be kinda weird, specially for a love route. Same with Tenzin...
Some people say this book's slave route is kinda lacking. Most of the times it is, the devs have said before that they prefer working on the love route.
I'm not so sure how to make a love route with Korra tho... Time will tell.