
New Member
Feb 10, 2020
On second thought if you're not getting the option for the lock then its probably someone else I'm thinking of. Have you run into the enemy girl who is staring at the scroll on the wall yet?
nope. I just got got Suki and found Ty Lee but she's back in the maze again I think...
May 30, 2020
Was katara confirmed pregnant after book 1?

Cuz that sets up issues of “when we’re these kids born” if true.

Also. What kind of conversations did she have with “non body swapped” Aang? What about all the girls he fucked?

I wonder if we will ever talk to any of the people we possessed other than Korras mom? Would be fun?
Oh I'd kill to see him tell Aang and Zuko that hes the reason for all their... shenaniganiry.


Feb 18, 2018
actually, it doesnt, it is set in the "korra years" that is set way after the original series, so i dont get were you are coming with this "before book 2" thing. as for who would teach the mc, why not tenzin? i mean, it will be kinda weird now that he was the body the mc used in the slave route, which is why i said it would've been better if we were a new mc training air bending from the start, as a rival to korra.
  • Not watching LoK
  • Giving opinions about show logic
Okay bro :ROFLMAO:


Feb 18, 2018
I'm currently watching it and I gotta say its not like, awful, its still better than a lot of shows I've seen in recent memory but uh... its a massive downgrade.
That's where we disagree. I happen to like LoK more. Most of the complaints I read about it can be attributed to "it's not the same as ATLA". But I'm glad it's so different, I don't need to experience all the same beats as the original show.

I could go into a whole diatribe about this, but if you're still working through it I would say at least watch through Book 3, which most people consider the best season.
May 30, 2020
That's where we disagree. I happen to like LoK more. Most of the complaints I read about it can be attributed to "it's not the same as ATLA". But I'm glad it's so different, I don't need to experience all the same beats as the original show.

I could go into a whole diatribe about this, but if you're still working through it I would say at least watch through Book 3, which most people consider the best season.
My main problem is that is doesn't commit to being different. It starts in a similar way, Korra wants to master Airbending, and over the course of one season, thats done, and then it just kinda loses its focus from there. It feels like they're trying to make her better than Aang by throwing her against more and more massive enemies, and they make it so that she just masters the Avatar State basically without even having to think about it.
Shes a prodigy from day one and it kinda just makes her a pretty chocolate tan little thing with a personality and skillset that just makes her feel like a Mary Sue. I think shes hot but thats probably my favorite thing about her. She doesn't have a struggle internally really, everyone seems to like her basically from day one, she puts together a team group without us really getting to know anything about them nearly as well as we did the first one, etc
I get that its supposed to be different, different is good, but its different in a way that just feels less developed and more rushed.
May 30, 2020
That's where we disagree. I happen to like LoK more. Most of the complaints I read about it can be attributed to "it's not the same as ATLA". But I'm glad it's so different, I don't need to experience all the same beats as the original show.

I could go into a whole diatribe about this, but if you're still working through it I would say at least watch through Book 3, which most people consider the best season.
Oh and I really fucking hate the constant focus on Korra's romantic relationships. Its an omnipresent subplot and it stops being interesting when Mako starts playing ping-pong with Asami. Fingers crossed the lesbo stuff at the end will be a big payoff.


Apr 7, 2020
Hay,yeah...with some updates ago we can tell Korra to undress,she let me see only at microbikini or something and not completly naked,i know...this question is wierd but i work at a gallery for a friend and i need to know:

Somebody have a screenshot with Korra by Nude menu?

The menu dissapear in present


Oct 14, 2016
That's where we disagree. I happen to like LoK more. Most of the complaints I read about it can be attributed to "it's not the same as ATLA". But I'm glad it's so different, I don't need to experience all the same beats as the original show.
Are you insane or lying? Most of the complaints are that it is incredibly stupid and poorly executed not to mention the main character is an idiot and a piece of shit.
- Shitty love triangle
- Toph and gaang being shit people/parents
- The Krew have no real reason to be friends or even to quest together especially with the love triangle drama
- Asami is a fucking car, that is her whole dynamic (also whipping 'boy' for relationship drama)
- Amon running away after losing his makeup is beyond fucking stupid, there's no way everyone could see his face from all the way up and it's totally believable that it's the avatar waterbending him up and not himself. Not to mention him being a bender doesn't change everything he's done for the cause, it's idiotic to end the rebellion just cause he has powers
- Korra never learns her lesson and is just as obnoxious and stupid at the end as she was at the start
- Opening the spirit portal is literally the stupidest thing you could do, the spirits fucking genocided humanity and chased them onto lion turtles, AND KORRA STILL FUCKING DOES IT
- All the tech takes away from a good magic karate not to mention it's just stupid and slow idiotic robots don't lend themselves to engaging action scenes
- Giant blue korra is mind numbingly retarded
- Dark avatar is mind numbingly retarded
- There's never any set up and pay off every arc seems to end with a deus ex machina or gay speech or both
- "I know you're sad earth hitler, but please stop being hitler" is there a worse way to end a villain arc?
- Everyone was afraid of korra being a mary sue but in reality the show is almost obsessed with having her ass beat all the time
- Bloodbending already sucked and was stupid and overpowered in ATLA and they fucking made it worse, Amon v korra wasn't an interesting showdown because he's fucking impossible to beat. His father could take on the avatar and toph at the same time and only lost because aang snuck up on him and surprised him in the avatar state, and amon is far stronger than his father. He literally had to kill himself by letting his brother blow up the gas tank.
- The amnesia subplot was hilariously stupid and just pointless filler (AND MORE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA) in a show that is already short af. How do you add such stupid filler in such a short show, who has the fucking time? "s-sorry asami she forgot we broke up and I don't have the heart to tell her" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA This show is so fucking dumb it's secretly a comedy. I still remember busting a gut laughing when korra became giant blue korra FOR NO FUCKING REASON. And if you watch with the dvd commentary their reasoning boiled down to "umm but like we'd thought it'd be cool"

I'm gonna stop here but I swear there's a cottage industry for shitting on this show because it's so fucking bad people will never run out of ways to clown on it. I don't understand people who think the only reason to hate korra is because of "Muh ATLA" if ATLA never existed and only korra did korra would still be a horrible show except I'd say that bending was an interesting concept wasted on a crap show.

-Amon unbeatable demigod Remove
May 30, 2020
Are you insane or lying? Most of the complaints are that it is incredibly stupid and poorly executed not to mention the main character is an idiot and a piece of shit.
- Shitty love triangle
- Toph and gaang being shit people/parents
- The Krew have no real reason to be friends or even to quest together especially with the love triangle drama
- Asami is a fucking car, that is her whole dynamic (also whipping 'boy' for relationship drama)
- Amon running away after losing his makeup is beyond fucking stupid, there's no way everyone could see his face from all the way up and it's totally believable that it's the avatar waterbending him up and not himself. Not to mention him being a bender doesn't change everything he's done for the cause, it's idiotic to end the rebellion just cause he has powers
- Korra never learns her lesson and is just as obnoxious and stupid at the end as she was at the start
- Opening the spirit portal is literally the stupidest thing you could do, the spirits fucking genocided humanity and chased them onto lion turtles, AND KORRA STILL FUCKING DOES IT
- All the tech takes away from a good magic karate not to mention it's just stupid and slow idiotic robots don't lend themselves to engaging action scenes
- Giant blue korra is mind numbingly retarded
- Dark avatar is mind numbingly retarded
- There's never any set up and pay off every arc seems to end with a deus ex machina or gay speech or both
- "I know you're sad earth hitler, but please stop being hitler" is there a worse way to end a villain arc?
- Everyone was afraid of korra being a mary sue but in reality the show is almost obsessed with having her ass beat all the time
- Bloodbending already sucked and was stupid and overpowered in ATLA and they fucking made it worse, Amon v korra wasn't an interesting showdown because he's fucking impossible to beat. His father could take on the avatar and toph at the same time and only lost because aang snuck up on him and surprised him in the avatar state, and amon is far stronger than his father. He literally had to kill himself by letting his brother blow up the gas tank.
- The amnesia subplot was hilariously stupid and just pointless filler (AND MORE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA) in a show that is already short af. How do you add such stupid filler in such a short show, who has the fucking time? "s-sorry asami she forgot we broke up and I don't have the heart to tell her" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA This show is so fucking dumb it's secretly a comedy. I still remember busting a gut laughing when korra became giant blue korra FOR NO FUCKING REASON. And if you watch with the dvd commentary their reasoning boiled down to "umm but like we'd thought it'd be cool"

I'm gonna stop here but I swear there's a cottage industry for shitting on this show because it's so fucking bad people will never run out of ways to clown on it. I don't understand people who think the only reason to hate korra is because of "Muh ATLA" if ATLA never existed and only korra did korra would still be a horrible show except I'd say that bending was an interesting concept wasted on a crap show.

-Amon unbeatable demigod Remove
Well to be fair its post-2010 Nickelodeon, it never really had a chance...


Feb 18, 2018
Are you insane or lying? Most of the complaints are that it is incredibly stupid and poorly executed not to mention the main character is an idiot and a piece of shit.
- Shitty love triangle
- Toph and gaang being shit people/parents
- The Krew have no real reason to be friends or even to quest together especially with the love triangle drama
- Asami is a fucking car, that is her whole dynamic (also whipping 'boy' for relationship drama)
- Amon running away after losing his makeup is beyond fucking stupid, there's no way everyone could see his face from all the way up and it's totally believable that it's the avatar waterbending him up and not himself. Not to mention him being a bender doesn't change everything he's done for the cause, it's idiotic to end the rebellion just cause he has powers
- Korra never learns her lesson and is just as obnoxious and stupid at the end as she was at the start
- Opening the spirit portal is literally the stupidest thing you could do, the spirits fucking genocided humanity and chased them onto lion turtles, AND KORRA STILL FUCKING DOES IT
- All the tech takes away from a good magic karate not to mention it's just stupid and slow idiotic robots don't lend themselves to engaging action scenes
- Giant blue korra is mind numbingly retarded
- Dark avatar is mind numbingly retarded
- There's never any set up and pay off every arc seems to end with a deus ex machina or gay speech or both
- "I know you're sad earth hitler, but please stop being hitler" is there a worse way to end a villain arc?
- Everyone was afraid of korra being a mary sue but in reality the show is almost obsessed with having her ass beat all the time
- Bloodbending already sucked and was stupid and overpowered in ATLA and they fucking made it worse, Amon v korra wasn't an interesting showdown because he's fucking impossible to beat. His father could take on the avatar and toph at the same time and only lost because aang snuck up on him and surprised him in the avatar state, and amon is far stronger than his father. He literally had to kill himself by letting his brother blow up the gas tank.
- The amnesia subplot was hilariously stupid and just pointless filler (AND MORE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA) in a show that is already short af. How do you add such stupid filler in such a short show, who has the fucking time? "s-sorry asami she forgot we broke up and I don't have the heart to tell her" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA This show is so fucking dumb it's secretly a comedy. I still remember busting a gut laughing when korra became giant blue korra FOR NO FUCKING REASON. And if you watch with the dvd commentary their reasoning boiled down to "umm but like we'd thought it'd be cool"

I'm gonna stop here but I swear there's a cottage industry for shitting on this show because it's so fucking bad people will never run out of ways to clown on it. I don't understand people who think the only reason to hate korra is because of "Muh ATLA" if ATLA never existed and only korra did korra would still be a horrible show except I'd say that bending was an interesting concept wasted on a crap show.

-Amon unbeatable demigod Remove
These are all very superficial complaints. I have a response to all of them, but you seem pretty entrenched in your point of view and I honestly don't care about changing your mind on a board made specifically for H-games.

Feel free to say that you won this argument, that's fine by me (y)

Mr Nadie

Mar 10, 2019
Hey guys! I am currently writing a detailed walk-through of Book 3, but I wanted to ask if you think that this would be still relevant or interesting for this community. What do you think?
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