any news on the next update? not asking for a date, just if they said what the direction of the LR will be. like mc choice, story beats, things like that.
MC choice: All we know is it's not Tenzin. It's gonna be an airbender, so probably Kai or an OC.
Story beats: Mity split the Legend of Korra girls between the Slave/Love routes, due to the difficulty of squeezing an entire show into one book.
The Slave Route was based on LoK Book 1 with added girls from LoK Book 2, so it's likely the Love Route will incorporate the girls from LoK Books 3 and 4 and have its story based on one of those books.
I recall Mity hinting that the Love Route would take place in a new location as well, so your base will probably be the Air Temple instead of Republic City.
Basing the Love Route on LoK Book 4 would be a great romance choice since you need to help Korra recover from being poisoned by Zaheer, and a good story hook too as you help the Airbenders fight the Earth Empire's expansion.
All remaining girls should be available in this setting. The only problem would be that Zaheer's girlfriend will have trouble giving head without one...