I'd almost rather he overpower and just flat out rape them than what he does. He doesn't hurt them physically, at least not much, he doesn't use force or anything like that, its worse. He finds their insecurities, their inadequecies, the things that cut to their very core, and he just twists them for his own personal enjoyment. By the time hes done with them, the characters have no self-respect, self-control, or feelings of self-worth. He ruins them for the rest of their lives and convinces them that they're only worth is to be his cocksleeve.
They don't break because he forces himself on them, they don't do it because its better to just bite their lip and take it rather than resist and be hurt, no, MC stabs in deep to their very core, and twists the knife into the one thing they can't help but be vulnerable to.
Its good writing, for sure, but its also just disgusting.
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Shes so cute... look at that face, I just wanna hug her and kiss her and make her feel happy. But I click onward to advance the plot and know that before this is over, I'll have ruined her, body and mind, forever.
I hope that when we get to the series end, the Slave Route MC gets whats coming to him.