Oh, kinda late and had to go through about 10 pages... and now I sympathize with cbob more than ever!
I'm a programmer with aspirations for writing, and not only I have some depression bursts now and then, one of them caused by a coding issue I fixed VERY easily after getting better,
I also have some severe cases of writers' block. Recently gave a cliff's notes version of the ending of my more popular story in fanfiction.net, so long the block on it has been I thought unfair for the readers.
So yeah. I can totally see something with the level of writing of this game being stuck for months due to writers' block.
As I said, sometimes we may have the script, a mental storyboard, to me that is even easy really... but in order to put it into words, into the characters and descriptions, that is the part that really blocks you hard.
And then when coding a game, both game design, including gameplay thus the coding (in this cases minigames) and story should hopefully be integrated, so a block in one harms the other too. And when the story asks for a new minigame to be added...
Art can use a placeholder, or be made in advance if plans are already made - as mentioned my story had a fully planned plot but the block was in putting it as readable, interesting story. So the artist being done but the coder not means nothing...
(Also, about those talking about how the h scenes in the slave route are better than the love ones... that's the idea, isn't it? Love for story and character development, slave for sexy times focus?)