The main build probably wont be till next month at the earliest, based on the Artists replies to comments hes not getting much info from the coder either which is not a good sign. I feel bad because Im sure I come off as overly pessimistic but I really do love this game and I dont want to see it fail but even the best made games can get crippled by dev issues. If the coder is facing a burnout they just need to go ahead and take a break, pause their patreon (unless the artist decides to do something in the meantime, a mini project kind of like the Halloween update) and during the hiatus work out a better plan for consistent updates, address the issues the coder seems to have with communication and work ethic (he seems to crunch really hard over short periods of time and exhaust himself) or hire more help. But the problem is they aren't going to do any of that because the vast majority of their patrons have made it clear that they'll support them no matter what they do, so what would be the incentive to try and fix anything when your team of 2 is making 26K a month regardless of how often updates are released?
I dont think theyre out to scam anyone, the artist at least seems legitimately passionate about the game and has on multiple occasions stepped up when the coder has fallen short, but I just don't think they're in any hurry to fix many of the issues they've been having throughout the games development because why bother when the money is still coming in and theres next to no indication the majority of their supporters are even bothered by it.