Lol, guys "nobody expect big update" (at least imo) means that in 6 months they made something like ~2 month amount of regular content, but that "update" is not even a regular 1 month content. It means that post about "80% complete" was a total lie or they literally do nothing about 3 or 4 months. (18t or other content is not a part of discussion - "project" is about FET and money they recieve is for FET). All of you who "defend" that kind of shit - mildly said you act like a total morons. Anyway - it's your point of view,ok do as you wish, but I GUARANTEE you will get another 4+ month of "stream of urine in your face" (so called "hiatus") some time later, just because devs is not punised for this type of behavior. Maybe even multiple times.
And for those of you who like to say "you take it for free", "you are not a patron", "you can`t complain" etc. - it's one out of two or you're not a patrons aswell (so don't lose your money and act like all is alright), or you're dumb - you paying money for getting shit in your face with such behavior.
For those of you who saying - "you don't understand, coder has serious mental health issues" etc. - omg stop being so naive, and/or stupid. Do you want to know what normal people would do if they had such issues? After a month of development, when they understand that they're not fulfill regular schedule, and that they will not do so in 1-2 weeks (let's be honest - even if you don't know how long a break you need to solve your problems, you can't think that you will solve such serious problems in a week that really took half a year to solve) - they IMMEDIATELY PAUSE their patron - and post a message that they have such problems, and they need time to solve them, and they will post message + new montly build after they solve all the problems and ready to to resume regular schedule. Ideally, with some kind of time frame should be specified, at least approximately, and maybe couple of lines about how are they going, from time to time. (Instead of that we saw over a month or two of shit posts like "build ready for N %", "soon everything will be ready for sure ... Nope. Sorry, the coder fucked me up again" and so on. And only after a big amount of time, when it became clear that patrons can start asking "WTF is going on there?", "When the fuck the build will be ready?", "Where is my money Sonny?" xD - to somehow smooth the situation, they started to post about suspending patron and previously used tale about "oh poor coder has some serious problems".) And moreover - artist should have rest too, (so when they resume he will not suffer some problems because he "tired", "burned out" etc.) or at least make content for the main game (so when they resume he has content stock) or maybe try to help coder in coding/writing part. (Instead artist do side project stuff and teasing patrons, and then release some kind of stub instead of at least montly build).
P.S. I will not argue with anyone anymore, it's pointless, people stubbornly do not want to learn from their mistakes, but remember my words. The previous time they had s called "hiatus", I already said that this shit will happen again, if the devs will not be punished - people here throw some shit at me, and don't hear what i say. Voila, it happened again.