Bite me.
My graphics card died and I'm using the onboard chipset. It's only with the new version of Renpy, the one they used in version "B," that I've had any problem.
And it's been a while since I loaded a game off of a 3.5 floppy.
haven't had issues with the "B" version though.
Floppy, good 'un. actually still have one stored away for a worst case. the stuff i play Ren'Py games on, is some 10+ years dated, offline, win7 rig, meticulously maintenanced to keep going. i sport even older, waaayy older, in order to run early games i bought. any win10 hyper powered whatsoever just doesn't like to even emulate that without jumping through hoop, repeatedly whenever micro$ decides to push some update.
Dos4GW still in use here