i dont know how many girls dragon prince has but i doubt its as many as avatar so it propably makes sense to bunch 3 franchises together for a full sized game.
im not a big fan of kim possible either but it has won the poll, i personally would like to see more ben 10 but theres a lack of characters to lewd there so omnitrixxx seems like a good compromise.
There are LOTS of girls in TDP and the universe is still in full expansion. Just to give you some gorgeous characters that appear frequently (and they were aged during the timeskip so not worry about too much childish material):
- Rayla, the moonshadow elf co-protagonist of the serie:
- Claudia, the human sorceress who have the deepest impact over the story:
- Nyx, the hottest elf in Xadia and (often) a helping wing for the protagonists:
- The royal strong girls and lesbian couple, Amaya the deaf knight of Katolis and the Queen of Sunfire elves Janai
- The politic who actually care for the people she rules and even have an open mind with elves:
Do you like younger girls? We have plenty of them, starting with Queen Aanya and Ellis (both humans)
- Older women are more of your taste? Get a look at this Moonshadow elf who is a master of Illusion magic
And there are many more girls who I didn't nominate or are still waiting their moment on the screen as the new seasons goes out

And the plot is majestic as well, truly as his precessor ATLA