Jul 4, 2017
Wow, like. Just no. You don't even have to be a Korrasami shipper or tumblerite to like the ship/what they did with it. I'm not crazy about it but to go so far as to like shitheads like E;R (probably to spite Bryke etc.)? Really? The nazi sympathising racist who hides homophobia behind 'criticism'. Jesus, people, take those discussions somewhere else. You can probably do god knows what to Korra on her Slave Route, be happy about that but don't go propagating no-lifes like E;R or even praising him and what he does. I don't know what the consensus on F95 is about LoK or its ending but I truly hope that most people are reasonable about it. Don't let the circle-jerk from a couple of pages ago start again.
Why the fury bro?


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Wow, like. Just no. You don't even have to be a Korrasami shipper or tumblerite to like the ship/what they did with it. I'm not crazy about it but to go so far as to like shitheads like E;R (probably to spite Bryke etc.)? Really? The nazi sympathising racist who hides homophobia behind 'criticism'. Jesus, people, take those discussions somewhere else. You can probably do god knows what to Korra on her Slave Route, be happy about that but don't go propagating no-lifes like E;R or even praising him and what he does. I don't know what the consensus on F95 is about LoK or its ending but I truly hope that most people are reasonable about it. Don't let the circle-jerk from a couple of pages ago start again.
Yes you need to be to like what they did with it, they barely even talked, then they kissed and had a whole comics just repeating that they love each other and Korra shit on her parents for basic bulshit.

Yeah, the nazi sympathiser that regularly discuss and share a lot of talking point with a jewish guy, Hitler was known to be open to talk with jews after all.

You don't need to be an homophobe to shit on an obvious tumblr ship.

As the guy who brough up a bunch of 'muh homophobia' and 'muh nazism', you're not well placed to say to anyone that they should take their discussion elsewhere, political bulshit is far more off topic than a discussion on the show the game is based on.

Dude, you're talking on a cartoon porn game thread about a cartoon couple, none of us here are in position to call anyone 'no lifes'.

Also people can recommend whoever they like and praise anything they like, no one shat on you for trying to defend LOK or said you were 'propagating degenerate like Korra and Asami' or shit like that.

Also fuck off with your 'circle jerk' accusation, that's just called discussion something everyone can easily the flaws of, did anyone call you a white knight when you tried to defend LOK ? no ? then get off your high horse.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
This is actually pretty funny, first you moan about them not having enough story/development with one another, then they do and you're still annoyed by that. I do admit, though, that it was a non-issue/conflict ball to have Korra be "on bad terms" with her parents.

I assume that you're talking about either Kyle Kashuv or Ben Shapiro, both of which I respect btw. I guess the whole Pewdiepie-E;R controversy went right by you then.

It was loved on tumblr, yes for obvious reasons. Doesn't mean that they did it because of tumblr. We will probably never truly know the reason behind it. Oh and to address the probable part about no development until the final shot in the finale, go back and watch Season 3 and just look at the kind of interactions between Korra and Asami and you will see that it started way earlier than B4CH13. I'm not gonna say anything about 'hetero-lenses' because I too think that that is bullshit.

I don't see the problem if the video that is the spark for this whole discussion is filled with politics.

So what? You're moaning about a gay couple on a cartoon porn game thread. I can still have a life even if I'm on here, have you looked at some people's usernames or ages? There are enough people with a functioning life on here and I don't think that E;R really has one, otherwise he wouldn't take the time out of his day to criticise LoK further.

True, no objection.

No, no one called me that because it's not the case at all ^^ But I will call it a circle jerk if the same 3-4 people always post after one another never criticising the others' views and just further saying yes to the already mentioned stuff. That's why I'll always take the 'minority' opinion/side in these discussions/cases.

Question: Do you guys think that Korra and Asami are a better pairing than Korra and Mako? I'd reply with an explanation depending on your answer :)
No, it's not 'pretty funny', it's just sad that you think 'they love each other' repeated ad noseum after they already got together can be called 'developement' or even 'story'.

A bunch of retards said E;R and Pewdiepie were nazi, it didn't got by me, it's just obvious bulshit and not just those guys, E;R interact frequently with EZPZ, a jewish guy with his own youtube channel (and he is an ED mod IIRC)

Yes, those obvious reason being that Tumblr is obsessed with that kind of stuff and the couple was litteraly made to appease them.

Even the show's creator admitted it was to please the Tumblr crowd, pal, we do know that, E;R even show a screenshot in his video.

No, the video is about the LOK comics, the Korrasami ship and the Tumblr crowd, not politics, if you consider the video off topic already, then your own comment is far more off topic, you're the one who brought up the whole 'off topic' thing to begin with so yeah, you made your bed on that one.

No, you can't do that and then pretend you have a life, dude, none of us is in any position to call anyone a no life.

'otherwise he wouldn't take the time out of his day to criticise LoK further' say the guy who took time out of his days multiple times to defend LOK.

So everyone is civil to you but you think you can be a disrespectfull cunt back to them because 'yes but i'm actualy right' ?

Go defend the flat earth then, after all, round earther are always agreeing with each others while talking about it and those poor truther are the minority, the whole 'globe' stuff is such a circle jerk.

And to answer your question : litteraly every single LOK couple is absolute shit no matter the combinaison because the characters themself are bland at best to begin with and barely interact (or act at all in general) outside of their gimmick.


Nov 19, 2017
Seriously wonder who the "main characters" are going to be this this time, what period of the korra series are we gonna be in and who will be the side chicks.


May 1, 2019
Ok, first of all, i need someone to help me and tell me where is the search option within a thread. I've been on this forum for a while now but i still can't find the search thread option. There is the search option at the top but that searches through the whole forum and all the threads. Is there a way to search in a specific thread ?

And second, i have a problem that may have been answered before(but i don't know how to search within a thread). After some time of playing the game, the scroll stops working. When i start the game and play, if i scroll up it goes back on choices or text, but after some time it stops working and i have to save, exit the game and start it up and then it works, until it doesn't again. I've never had this issue with other renpy projects before. What's the issue ?


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well that got out of hand for a simple video recommendation.
Lucky me was away on a work trip and missed the fun,meh.

Which girl y'all hoping is definitely included?
Well old Toph is already drawn and coded sooo...all aboard the granny train?


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'll take a hard pass and take the train after that one, thanks though.
That makes two of us.

Strangest thing, never been bothered by a woman being older than myself, even back as a teenager so why the feck would I start now? Old Toph huh, that's gonna be hilarious. Seriously I respect those who don't do the whole mature thing, for me its usually dependant on the woman. So if it happens, I'll just consider it a weird fuckin twist and ride the train and every other that comes, I complete every member of the harem even if they ain't for me, save for dudes. Heck no, not in a million years and I'm the freakin devil, I've been alive for milennia :ROFLMAO:

Anyone else coded that you know of? Give us more details oh knowledgeable one!! :ROFLMAO:(y)
It was mostly a joke.
I mean she is somewhat likely to appear but I would assume they will reverse age her if there is going to be any kind of sex going on(and considering that her goodbye in Book 3 fell kinda short getting a second chance akin to Katara would do her good...then again Im not even sure there will be a need for that,depends wholly on whether Book 4 concludes the main plot as well).


Aug 7, 2018
I have to say, Book 4 is probably the book I'm the most interested in. Both for what era of Korra it will be set in and because it will be the wrap up of the game.

I'm hoping we start with season 1-3 Korra and then transition into her season 4 look. Obviously, a Korra/Asami/MC threesome NEEDS to happen but I'm also curious who else will get sex scenes in the book. Since we got Toph, Jinora and Ikki are possible. (Preferably the older designs IMO)

Also, I'm betting that both young Katara and young Toph are going to show up again for more content. (Like Katara in Book 3)
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