Got through playing the love routes to Book 4 again and gotta say, Book 3 still feels a bit unfinished with the side girls. Like, you can completely break the conditioning on Jin and Joo Dee but June and Suki can never go back despite June being really excited about it when first bringing Jin there. Ty Lee and Suki also look kind of strange in some scenes. It's like their faces are stretched or their mouths are too wide or something. It's also strange how they added internal views and wombshots and Ty Lee freaking out about getting creampied but nothing comes from that. Previously the precedent was established in Book 2 and with Toph and Katara that this will have consequences. Probably just wanted to move on.
As for the new update - did they add the missing files? I remember reading about people getting missing script errors playing the bk4 slave route.