Lion-Turtle Studios can you provide another update?
Yeah it's probably a good idea to give a quick status check on the project and what's happening.
We're still cracking on with work. Progress is slow at the moment due to Willowy having to juggle RL-work with work on the project.
He takes full responsibility for the delay and underestimated the work load as-well as the time he'd need to spend on RL-work as of late. The pandemic hurt his main source of income so he's had to take up extra work in order to compensate, meaning less time for work on the game. As we reported before, he also had a arm injury that took him out of commission for a few weeks back in March and April.
We hope once the demo comes out we can introduce a means by which we can support further development. This would allow him and other members of team to spend more time working on the game, and less time on RL work. We don't think it's right to ask for public support until people can see and try what they'd be supporting, so for the time being we're left working on it when we can spare the time to do so.
At the beginning of these types of projects there's alot of visual assets to produce that serve as the foundation for the game and future assets. A good example of this is the sprites for individual characters, but once they're done the first time, they can be used all throughout the entire game without any additional work needed. We're also trying to design sprites in such a way where we could potentially implement a wardrobe system, which adds an additional layer of complexity to their production. Once these assets are done however, it allows more time to focus on content heavy assets like CGs and outfits.
To give you a more concrete idea of where Willowy is at, he's more or less finished work on Katara's base sprite, default outfit, arm poses and expressions for the demo release. He has mostly finished the same work Aang and Suki's sprites, but there's still some more to do. There's a couple more minor character sprites that need to be done, and one CG. Three backgrounds are complete with six more in varying stages of production. We can't say too much more without spoilers, although we should emphasize that the demo is meant to serve as a proof of concept and a foundation rather than a full blown patch release.
Trust us when we say that we're just as eager to get this released as you might be to try it, and we hope the demo release will be sooner rather than later. Just know that with every week that goes by, we are getting that bit closer to release and progress is still being made.
If there are any major developments we'll let you guys know. Thanks for checking in, it's about time we posted an update.