VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Four Seasons [v0.6] [Hitozuma]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The graphics is good but everything else especially the story and the ending is really bad. I wish the creator would come back and complete the game cus I want to see the boy having his revenge on the bully
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Art, renders, animations are quite good... But that's where it ends. The whole story and plot does little sense, as MC has no relationship with the mother apart you know - being family and rather than having any choice or doing anything at all, just observes.

    You will have to replay the game from different perspectives to unlock all the H scenes and answer the important question - why she did it.... Just to get really disappointed!

  3. 1.00 star(s)


    How does this have high rated reviews? It's literally a poor man's Seasons of Loss by NTRMAN ripoff.

    The entire thing takes 30 minutes to complete and was a cash grab from the start. No communication from the creators, every update was expensive for only 5 minutes or less worth of content. The story was basic as hell and barely made any sense. Top CEO falling for some nobody bully? tf? The son's arc was barely impactful. His bond with the mother was barely enough to be an emotional mom NTR. I hate that all of you voted so highly of this bare bones game. -_- It was hot for a quick fap but not worth keeping in my drive.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Top Notch Story. Awesome !! Just finished the game. Man its a hot, NTR, MILF, Love & Lust and a pathetic son LMFAO... Graphics is good just like Comics. You have to reply the game to unlock missed scenes(flow chart thingy). Game has hairy ️ussy btw.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    simply a great game if you're into the "mom gets fucked by son's bully" subgenre of NTR. everything from renders to sound effects, to the writing to animations was top notch. music and sound effects could have been separated but that's my only complaint and it sure is not a biggie. looking forward to what the dev will deliver in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great NTR game with awesome art style which is hated for the 'offensive content' that is the genre itself. :D
    Guys.. you are really come here to complain about genre..
    Well I guess people are not used to Japanese NTR because there you can expect to see such a story when you see this tag. The style is different from western authors which you may used to, need to understand that.
    Corruption, Rough, Dirty talk, little wimp and bad guy bang hot MILF
    Everything is here! 5 out of f*cking 5 :BootyTime:
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    So proper review time i think, because i cant see any future patch improving my opinion on the game.

    The good:
    Interesting style of progression and one i have not seen before(executed in the way it is). You play through go back to the start, and unlock new choices/can play a different path. As the game is "short" linearly this does not take much time to try something "new"
    The art is solid, easily its best feature
    Not actually NTR(good or bad or neutral depending on your viewpoint)

    The bad:
    sex scenes are not long/interesting
    animations are pretty janky
    doesnt allow skipping to the "point" in the story you are trying to unlock (auto clicker helps, but even then its not great)
    "choices" dont affect anything other than if you see certain sex scenes or not(but they still happen near as i can tell)
    Not actually NTR(good or bad or neutral depending on your viewpoint)

    The UGLY:
    The "plot" is flat out retarded even by porn(any format) standards.
    The "plot" is flat out retarded even by porn(any format) standards.
    The "plot" is flat out retarded even by porn(any format) standards.
    It needed repeating. read the "book" im about to write if you want to know why :p

    Over all rating: 2.5/5 1 star for the art 1 star for the new style of progression .5 because even its other "problem" areas ive seen worse examples of(such as sex scenes) with arguably the exception of plot, no points on it.

    So the writeup:
    Lets start with the NTR tag, because arguably the whole story is based NOT around it. You have a mom, she is single, you have not shown any romantic or sexual interest in her at the start of the story. Even if you DID...its an unrequited love. Which means this is not NTR, there is no "cheating" going on. Just because you have a "crush" on someone and they go off and start a relationship(ill advised though it may be) does not make it NTR. Especially when you are not even shown to have a crush! By this games "NTR" tag standards, literally every relationship ever is NTR because someone else at some point has had interest in the person you are with. What we have over all, is an MC who is somewhat getting off on watching his mom being raped/having sex. That is voyeurism.

    So plot, oh man the plot. You are an adult male, living with your adult female mother(would be odd if she was not an adult i know). You get beaten and robbed by a thug. Or in the games terms.."your bully attacked you and stole your money". Ummm that is not bullying, it is what i described it as. So does mommy help you call the cops? because we know as a grown ass MAN(20+ year old adult) you couldnt possibly do that on your own... no. Instead she decides she will go visit your "bully"(felon) and try to talk him into not "bullying" you anymore. Obviously the mom has to get drunk at his place with him, raped(by anyone's standards but the Japanese :p), recorded(non consensually again) and mom does....nothing but continuing to have sex with him. Because why would she go to the police over being raped and filmed non consensually while her son has been beaten and robbed by the same guy. Dont worry though, mommy announces to you that he has agreed to stop bullying you and she wants you to be friends! As bad as it just does not get better.

    Which brings us to the lack of actual meaningful choice. You have the choice of watching on the phone your mother getting raped...or not(the rapist sends it to her phone). She will still "date" your bully. You can watch her have bathroom sex with him or not...he still does it. Basically the only choice you have is "do i watch the sex scene?". which means your character has no agency...i mean i guess at least THAT fits the "plot". Which makes for a very dull story over all, even IF the plot was not utter garbage.

    Oh no we have to return to the plot, we did a regression back to the start! So this time you look through mommies phone after she gets back from the "bullies" place and you watch the video of her being raped and recorded. (remember it still happened even if you didnt "know" about it, so this is now officially you finding out) Does the son finally grow even the tinest pair of testies and say no enough is enough. It was bad enough when you were committing felony assault and robbery on ME but now you have RAPED my mom, time to go to the police WITH evidence! Hahahaha of course not. You are for lack of a better word, a tool. both in the old school 90s insult sense as well as in the sense that you are a "plot" tool or plot device if you prefer, to PASSIVELY notice, or not notice all the horrid things being done to your mom. Dont worry we have more regressions to go, but i will only touch on this bad plot once more so im not critiquing every single part of the "story". Only reason im going this far is...its THAT bad. Each section of story is more retarded than the last.

    The over all sex scenes are single position, over all not much shown(short in length), only from one angle(which hand drawn, fair enough) and incredibly stilted. that is to say the same motion, which is unnatural on its own, is repeated multiple times. no other "motion" that is not present at the start of the scene is added or changed too, which means relatively unfapable material overall. The overall art style while not my favorite, is unique and well done. Indeed if there were anything to TRULY praise in this game its the art. If this continued to be true in the sex scenes im guessing this game would be much better received, even with the horrid plot. I know for me, the first sex scene was a major let down primarily because of the fact that here is this great art..and its animated to be just...bad. Its like you have this amazing looking chocolate cupcake, and when you bite into it you find out that is not chocolate but dirt. sure the frosting was and is still tasty, but its still a massive disappointment.

    Crap its plot time again! RUN! So MC goes back to the start, you chose to go down the "i know" route and repeat all the same scenes from before(that are not skippable) till you get to a scene you have not seen this time, such as your "bully" demanding money from your mom or he will stop fucking her AND "bully" her son again(cant remember now if it was two different scenes for that or one, i think its one)..and she ofc agrees wholeheartedly, how could she not? Its not like either way that its not "bad" writing. Ok horrid writing. Still here we are. This is the continuing plot of this game, "bully" does things that jeopardize your and your moms safety, sanity, career, money,etc and BOTH of you just go "yeah ok thats fine". It is painfully dumb.

    So yeah, i guess that is about it. I could continue on with some nitpick type stuff, but i think ive highlighted the overall issues i have with the game, and why my score is as low as it is. IMO this is one to hard pass on, but the file size is low, and as of this writing the content is "short" enough that you can get through it all within an hour or two, but its probably not going to lead to a "good" fap for 95% of people.

    Final note: i did not know how the review system here worked, hence why this review is also in thread. whoops.
    edit: version .4 of game fully played through
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    To be honest this game is pretty much identical to NTRMANS seasons of loss where we have decent sex scenes but the plot doesn't make a lick of sense. NTR in itself is pretty hard to be portrayed plausibly, especially when it comes to a mother and son relationship. But this game doesn't even try to make any sort of coherent sense, which is further convoluted with the season time skips. This is basically a skeleton of a solid NTR game, but there isn't any meat to hold it all together. Idk it may possible that the dev will at least try to fill in these gaps, but it will probably go the same way as seasons of loss where the dev will just venture on, not paying any mind to the criticism.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Critique - v0.4

    It's a nice little Kinetic Novel (looking at visuals only, plot is terrible), not really a visual novel as your choices have no effect on the game.

    Basically you just watch your mom get corrupted into a hoe by your bully. You can believe in a moment of weakness when drunk that she slips up and fucks the bully but as the story goes on it gets less and less believable.

    At one point you can clearly see your mom is being manipulated into ruin (giving away money and the company) but the MC is given no option to help her or change events.
    I get the whole turned on by watching your mom fuck thing, but when you realize your own financial stability is at risk and your mom is being taken advantage of... well it kinda takes the boner out of things. Nobody can maintain a boner when their whole life is at stake, no one.

    The emotional discourse the MC goes through is far too shallow as well, his initial shock at his moms behavior gives way to arousal far too quickly. He's shocked for all of two seconds and then finds the whole thing and all the events after a turn on, even when his own financial security is at risk.

    So the story takes the very worn down arc of successful woman fucked stupid/ turned hoe by amazing sex. The MC doesn't have the proper inner turmoil you'd expect of a normal human. There are no choices to try and change the course of events. No sound either, which would be so easy to add.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    short but the illustration and art is quite amazing. It's a concise and straightforward story and one particular piece i like about it is the inclusion of a flowchart to see where you missed scenes. The only shortcomings i feel this story has are the length, timeskips, and the lack of more scenes.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5 for now.

    The art and sex scenes are hot af, but the story is 1/5. The relationship between the mother and the bully is so forced and stupid. "Shut up bitch. Just give me more money" like what? The woman's a very independent and capable lady who worked hard to build her company, and she's just giving into him just like that? At least make the reason why she's giving into him more understandable. I know some people don't care about the story and are only in it for the fap, but for me, if the story's good, the fap's many times better. Otherwise, I can't really enjoy it that much.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Here is my humble review:

    First of all i want to remark the excellent work on the drawing and art, it's awesome.

    I liked the idea of finish the first run and the unlock the chances of decisions, it's original.

    The sex animations are really good, i know how hard is to animate drawing that are not 3d models.

    At first the size of the screen it bother me, but i like the originality. (maybe you decided do it like this so you dont have to draw so much, good decision then)


    I don't really undestand the "phone-memory" thing but something original too.

    The story scales so quickly, poor or nonexistent character building, poor context of the situation but for beign a 0.1 i guess it's okay.

    I would love some background music at least, but again, it's a 0.1. I hope in the next updates we can get some music and sound effects.

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    I'm really excited to see how it evolves and the mext updates.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of patch 0.1.

    To say this is currently "short" is a colossal understatement, even by the standards of an initial release. However, despite the incredibly short duration what little content is there, is fantastic.

    The art is great, the animation is crisp. Potential is high.

    If some UI tidying takes place and a longer story develops with updates into the future then this would easily become 5 star.

    If development is more or less done, then is just a decent quick game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It look good but aleardy mc know that her mother fck with your bully?
    I would like some teasing and some mystery before reveal the main course.
    You may need to rewritte the storyline it's happen to fast and is only 0.01 version, example in that week you can detail more in the events make more scene that slowly will corrupt the mother also situation like discreet sex or phone it would be exactly what I want to see.

    I like to see atleast to have 1 route of humiliation this poor cuck, if you reveal so soon the action it disappear the essence and fun for me, special if you like mystery ntr.
    The conception is good mc,mother,bully you have what 80% audience want for ntr you just really need to not rush the storyline.
    Graphic and animation is unique it look really good.

    Overall it's still good if you re-writte and make the story pace go slow and add more events this game have potential I will keep watching this one.
    I will edit my review on the new version.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Great start for a NTR style story! I'm giving this 4/5 stars because i see potential but as it stands this is very short. Although the story is pretty thin, this gets points for having almost a complete story.

    - Art: The art is really good, like 7/10 good! And to top it off there is some animation that looks pretty great too! loved the way her boobs jiggled that looked really nice.
    - NTR Story: I personally love NTR and the little we get of this story is a good start.
    - style: The game has a really weird aspect ratio but this is perfect for an immersive smart phone style game play, and this could totally help further the story and drive home the corruption that is going on. Inject some more mystery!

    - Too Short: I dont know if this is getting more updates (i hope it is!) but as it stands this is WAY too short and functions badly on its own. For the NTR element to work right we need to see like way more story and events between the main events we saw already. There is a skeleton here but it needs flesh and blood! Fill it out!
    - some art looks a bit "rough" and could be touched up?

    So ill stress it again, PLEASE add more to this story to make the NTR really work because we see the Mom go from loving mother to whore WAY too fast. We need like little events the son witnesses in between every event already shown. Draw it out! make the son witness the mom acting weird and every step of it!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Made in version 0.1

    The game is okay. It's a cliche son NTR with the Mother as the NTR subject. Really, if you like that you probably would enjoy this. Also, no, I don't think you can evade the NTR. The game is your usual NTR VN with excellent ART and an interesting chart to keep track of routes. If you're a fan of NTR this might be a good one to keep an eye on.


  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I really love the art style props to the artist. The script is ok nothing pops out at me for the moment. If you can stand NTR you might like it. Because it's 0.1 there's not much in terms of content but I'm looking forward to the next update.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice art but really boring/vanilla/standard story. Dont like the story arc at all. Even though Mom NTR stories can be really exciting and thrilling but this one is just meh... sad to see, the art and game design defenitely have potential. Only a good NTR story is missing.

    Gotta say the game gets better and better, the story arc, though a steep one, got a lot better as well and especially the very interesting gameplay functions are unique and well implemented. So gotta update my review.

    Hope the dev continues to make this game better the way he did until now.