RPGM - Fragile Innocence [Ch. IV v0.02] [Dark Love]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Clunky UI, needlessly big maps, dead empty hallways and lack of quest markers make navigating this game horribly frustrating.

    If I want to play exploration, I will play Tomb Raider not a game about kingdoms and shit.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game for fans of a leisurely, detailed narrative; the description did not lie about the story-oriented parts. However, there are some rough edges

    Gameplay. How to say, it’s practically not here. The period of time during which we are given control of the character is moving from point A to point B (problematic at first, the map is at the development stage), and fights in the game today, roughly speaking, can be counted on one hand. The ratio of dialogue to gameplay is approximately 80 to 20. For many, this is rather a plus, but I am talking about this because it is difficult to confirm the genre stated in the description.

    At the same time, there is a fairly detailed leveling with different skills, for which descriptions are ready. Most likely, developer is preparing a combat system, but at the moment, for 4 chapters the game will not offer you anything like that

    Narration. A good, detailed story for this genre, with well-written characters. The characters are colorful and have a logical influence on the development of the plot, which is nice to see. But just like with the gameplay, it seems that the author is accelerating his ambitions. I'm talking about the fact that with each new scene there are so many characters that only a globally thought-out plot can justify the presence of such a multitude and variety of characters. Many of them still have very little screen time, but the author persistently continues to increase them, and if this is justified (which is quite difficult to do, complex plots require diligence), then it will be a big plus for the developer

    Regarding the way the dialogue is written - well, if you like to dive into detailed discussions and descriptions, then this is definitely for you.

    Visual. Average. Nevertheless, the models are attractive. There are, frankly speaking, strange images from the point of view of design, and here it is clear that the game leaves much to be desired. At the same time, there are not many slides themselves, and be prepared that you will read several paragraphs, looking at the same image. But for the variety and overall impression I give it rather a plus.

    Overall, Fragile Innocence is a pretty game where the strong point is the storytelling. If you are not picky about slightly puppet-like visuals, and you are not bothered by the lack of proper gameplay in an RPG-style game, then try it.

    From me 3.5/5 for the current version
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Ch.IV V0.02

    Played this for the first time, hours of play time and a large effort has gone into this project. At this point, tonnes of content.

    What we have here is an adventure game, large maps, two main player characters a Male MC and Female FMC.

    The two of them are royals promised to be married, both are chaste, virgin and devoted to being good, and staying away from dirty sexual stuff...I wonder how that will work out for them!

    Graphics - The Dev has built a large complex world. The cutscenes are beautiful and well done, the characters all seem rather beautiful and the fantasy world seems to be rather nice. Most of the male characters seem to all have rather monstrous dicks, to the detriment of the story and graphics as they are on the ridiculous side. Everything else seems to be on the believable side and you can get into the story being told...and then a completely monstrous dick comes to play and it comes off as being absolutely ridiculous. Really, Dev you could have went large, even overly large for your story, but the sizes in this are stupid.

    The countryside, castle and maps are very large and although you can get used to them as you play (especially from the beginning) they are too large and some cleaning up of the maps, markings and the castle should be laid out better - after playing from the beginning, at the end I was cruising around and it was easy to find what I was looking for. In the beginning I hated it, and there really isn't a reason to make things this complex.

    Gameplay - you move around and the in game journal keeps you pretty much on track. From cutscene to walk around to cutscene. I was good with that, and it was enjoyable.

    The large negative in the gameplay was the cutscenes can be long, and interconnected and in the middle of them they have decisions that need to be made that have implications for the future, and you don't really have an opportunity to save before to try new things, or try to figure out what points you want to go. There are a few decisions that have major implications for future scenes and it is not intuitive and so far I wasn't able to find a current walkthrough which I feel is needed as decisions have major implications for gameplay.

    Next negative is some of the gameplay map navigation and the dreaded farm activities - the castle needs to be remapped, but the farm stuff - wow, the most draining experience I have found in all the games that were not labeled a grindfest. The farm, weeding, planting, watering thing...cut out 95% of that and it would be fine.

    The plot - this is a slow corruption game for the two main characters. Even with the slow progression (at this point neither has had vaginal sex yet) there is lots of activity and other NPCs are getting some. It is an enjoyable progression and a very good story.

    As we are progressing towards both of them cheating on each other (small stuff has been happening) but you can tell this is the direction. Some different routes are available - I didn't try them all - mostly focusing on the slutty side. So far no cuck stuff (thanks) and it seems the cheating will be a natural progression when it happens, hopefully from my perspective I hope for a good cheating path, with a potential for both a reconciliation route or alternate LI endings for each of the two characters - without humiliation or cuck stuff. (my preference).

    A growing world, with lots of stats, magic possibilities, talent points, this seems to be a very complex game in the works.

    Even with the issue with the overblown castle, farm insanity, and issues with trying to interpret all the possible decision changes without a good walkthrough - amazing game. The work that has gone into this is very impressive and I found myself really enjoying the story (the fucking INCREDIBLY HUGE DICKS were really a downer and cringe for what otherwise is great art and a fantastic story)

    There are times I wanted to rate this a 1 star because of some of this issues above (they are frustrating), but overall this is an incredible game and thus 3 stars for the work, quality, potential and effort - but players should be aware of the issues.

    I hope this project continues, and the Dev spends some time fixing up things before he gets deeper into the story. Easily could be a 5 star game if some fixes were done.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not as pessimistic as some of the more recent reviewers seem to be, but I also haven't been playing this game since when it was first being developed over 4 years ago.

    That said, the farming section really is egregious though and needs to be shortened. An option in the settings to increase movement speed would help in navigating the castle as well.

    I'm still interested in seeing where the story goes from here though since I still like the characters and the pace of corruption so far. I also assume that as development continues the talents and skills will be properly fleshed out and the gameplay won't be such a drag like it can often be currently.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok, I finally gave up.

    The dev actively aims to piss off his players. You spend 90% of your "play time" searching where you need to go. That castle is a nonsensical atrocity and if you finally escape it and visit town, you'll end up walking around aimlessly again. It's all trial and error until you finally find someone willing to talk to you.

    On that note, the story never goes anywhere either. It's disjointed events that don't blend into an overarching story at all. There's no sense of urgency, it's all so... bland?

    And if you play it for the H scenes, which isn't unreasonable after half a decade of 'game', let me just say... you'll be disappointed.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a fucking maze with a shitty map. Just include a "teleport to quest target" button or something because I can't believe anyone has the patience to navigate the confusing ass castle. Tedious and confusing, not worth your time.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the game as is, characters, renders, story whatever.
    BUT the game has a glaring issue,the MAP and its very important.

    The layout is poorly donne, while admirable to take on such style, too muchclutter that doesnt help you know where to go, yes it says u have a mpa but the map isalmost useless as its layout is different to where you enter and u have to visualize and connect the entrances yourself.

    That's the only reason i rate it low but i did enjoy the game a couple of hours of gameplay but the map is just tedious to workaround an is a bignecessity inrpgm games.
    Likes: M3lly
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty much everything u could want in a dual protagonist corruption game. Most rpgms these days are lazily done where u have to spend hours on guides to know exactyl what to do and where to go. This is a rare exception where the next required solution is presented every step of the way with very linear and easy to understand progression. I absolutely cant wait for the next few updates
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Satisfying rendering
    The models are all original! It is hard to find a game that does not use the same model of other games, always at least 2 of their models are repeated.
    The models have a very attractive appearance, both male and female
    Isabella's personality is wonderful and perfect
    Both MCs are extremely attractive, especially Isabella
    The story is original and very interesting
    The music is very attractive and is in harmony with the gameplay
    Writing is very strong, you don't get tired at all, you don't have to deal with extra long writings
    The atmosphere is great
    MC (Isabella) is not a boring slut, she has a very heavy and attractive personality
    And many other positive points
    Most importantly, this game is logical! It means that you can communicate with him, everything has a reason and the reasons are logical
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    An RPG game made with great care by the author. The heroine is beautiful and has a perfect figure. She is not a bitch. The plot develops slowly but is very attractive. The NTR plot of the male and female protagonists slowly becoming corrupted is so outstanding...

    I hope friends with money can support this author.

    Currently his sponsorship is too small to cover the game's hardware needs.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    This game is wonderful. I have played hundreds of adult games so far. This game is one of the first 3. It is really great in every way.
    This game deserves at least 2 thousand supporters
    But people usually run away when they see the RPG tag
    While rpgm is great for this game, it has a special harmony

    Positive points :

    The models are all original! It is hard to find a game that does not use the same model of other games, always at least 2 of their models are repeated.
    The models have a very attractive appearance, both male and female
    Isabella's personality is wonderful and perfect
    Both MCs are extremely attractive, especially Isabella
    The story is original and very interesting
    The music is very attractive and is in harmony with the gameplay
    Writing is very strong, you don't get tired at all, you don't have to deal with extra long writings
    The atmosphere is great
    MC (Isabella) is not a boring slut, she has a very heavy and attractive personality
    And many other positive points
    Most importantly, this game is logical! It means that you can communicate with him, everything has a reason and the reasons are logical

    Unfortunately, 99% of my friends do not know about the existence of this game at all! Even in F95, many people don't know about its existence, otherwise the number of supporters would be very high. I hope there will be good publicity for this unique game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game doesnt deserve a point below 5, story is so well made albeit hidden in a questionable engine choice and user interface.

    But still I enjoy this game a lot, story wise one of the best in this site.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I vote 5 stars because:

    1. Unique RPG style despite the fact I am truly confused on the direction due to the art style.

    2. Good story with European Fairy Tales, despite the fact I prefer the armor 'less fantasy' little bit

    One suggestion I just have right now:

    Should have the option 'choosing relationship between two MCs like " 'Love each other since the childhood' or 'Just best friend' or 'Hate each other' " if you can do it in the future.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Dark Love, I like this game very much. The story, characters, and the slow burn corruption. I can’t wait to reach the depth of the story. It takes a bit longer for the next updates and I understand you have a job to do. I have tried to become a patron and support you but there are some govt. regulations in my country and due to this my payment transaction is not processing.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Here we have a game that is sold as this true love conquers all thing but it's actually the complete opposite if you are actually looking for adult content. Right now it's just a grindy confusing mess with the only payoff being weak scenes that only happen if either of the MC's decide to cuck their fiance.

    I would only recommend this game to hardcore NTR fans, if you came here looking for any kind of romance or a coherent story you should wait until it's completion when the supposed "main" story line of "true love" may actual reach the promised payoff but I think we all know it won't in the end.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing for 0.9.6. It is a shame because the renders are pretty good and this is seemingly a more romance game than porn game, which is perfectly fine. However this doesn't make up for the boring fetch quests, pointless fights and confusing map design. This game is an NTR game for sure, but instead of stealing your love interest it steals time. This game was probably far better of being done by renpy, but I understand that the dev started in RPGM and didn't want workflow issues. The downside is that all the benefits of RPGM games, i.e make it an rpg which can offer different playstyles gets replaced by the worst of RPGM games, a walking simulator where you walk from one character to another with very little feeling of agency in the world.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5793898

    best game story please release future fast and only one thing game heat up processor very fast bot it doesn't matter in front of a best game like this. and please make more games on Renp'ly engine because they run smoothly
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This could become a 5/5 or a 1/5, as a slow build up corruption kind of game, the build up is solid and the render follow the same quality,
    but a good build up without any kind of really ending make it hard to rate in this 0.96 final version, and if the endings turn short all the build up will go to waste no matter how good it is.

    Even with more than 2 years of dev and this game becoming quite lengthy u still don't see any closure with any of the possible relationships. (This point of no return u expect to happen in this type of corruption game.)

    So, if u seek a good enough story game with choice making and a good build up play it,
    but if u want a good porn game with more than teasing wait for the dev to finish in a year or so (Hopefully).

    TLDR: For now it's a porn game worth to acknowledge but not to play as such. or play it and wait a year to see the result of ur choice LOL
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game aims to waste people's time, confusing maps and boring tasks; the story itself is tedious, and guess what? You are banned from some erotic choices for no reason ... what is the meaning of the existence of this game after all? There is no game mechanics; the gameplay is "exploring" a confusing map only. One task asks you to visit seven soldiers on an intentionally confusing map. You have to do it literally, "go and click" those soldiers without any content(meaningful conversation or event) .....WTH?! the devs know the map is confusing and want to waste your time with it! If you want a good RPG game, forward to Steam, please; if you want a good story, go to Steam and Renpy games on this site; if you want a porn game, there are plenty of games on this site that are much better!

    WARNING: there won't be a single sex scene in almost 2 hours of gaming. The most sexually explicit scene shows you a girl's breast...during this period, the princess will only kiss once and still keep single(the premise of the story is the princess' marriage, in other words, you would still be at the same point in two hours: the premise of the story, which constantly lectures you "lust is a sin" )

    CAUTIOUS: eight out of ten users who gave a 5-star review are either newbies or new members, and the rest two are active members. Does it ring a bell? :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Among the RPGM games of the same genre I've played so far, I'd say this could easily be in my top 3. The story is very compelling enough for me to say that the weaving of the story is similar to that of a fantasy manga you would regularly check for updates each week. Also, the characters are all well-designed in terms of modeling and plot development. Lastly, the dev seems to have intricately woven the consequences of each choice you make in this game which for me is a very big (y)(y).

    I am looking forward to more updates, and hopefully, the dev will push this project till the end.