The new cover is gorgeous !
And Michelle is just... wow ! (sorry no words are enough to describe how magnificent she is).
But Zoe is missing :-(
I really won't complain that you only show the Ladies ;-).
But maybe, for the marketing, you should put some of the dudes.
It's seems that some players don't like lesbian stuff. I can't really understand that, but as we say in French, "tous les goûts sont dans la nature" (all tastes are in the nature), which means there are all kinds of people who like different things, even one we don't share, and it's OK.
With only women on the cover, and with a female MC, those players may think there are only lesbian routes in Free Pass, and skip your marvelous game.
But no need to put them in the spotlight. They could be far far on the sides, in the darker areas