The football team tryout was an impossible needle to thread. MC has the home improvement classes at 18:00 and the billboard only says tryouts are on the evening of the 18th (a friday). I think I had MC jog or swing by the field a couple of times after up until class start. Attend class and get out at 20:30. That should be evening. Yet there's no-one at the field and links are only for jog or billboard.
The exact HOUR or hour range should be on the tryout notice and should NOT conflict with classes. Maybe move it to the weekend even. It would probably also help to widen the range so MC can hit the window no matter what curriculum they are on (13:00 - 21:00?). I missed this chance on this playthrough and don't remember when I managed to get on the team, but the practices should also NOT conflict with classwork.
Showering and shaving needs some fixes. The soap bottle is an ever replenishing bottle of holding apparently. The MC shaved everything once at the beginning of the playthrough and hasn't had to do a thing since yet it's almost at the end of sept.
Noted on the bugs. This being said I am forced to ask: Is this even on vanilla runs? I noticed you mentioning you are editing the game files and if you are doing it constantly, I am not responsible for any bugs that may result from it (code is weird, it might interfere in weird ways because I am no professional from the get-go).
Bathroom could use a shortcut 'sss' (shit shower shave) like link. The daily schedule one only fires on wakeup yet I have MC do their cleanup in the evening after getting back from the campus. This sss link should include a checkbox for wanking in the shower and automatic apply makeup with a style as an option if that's available. You can then put this setup as a group into the wakeup routine as an option.
The prefs for this can also transfer to the gym shower automatically with the wank option maybe having the random chance of a gym 'buddy' getting interested in your extracurricular activity.
Great idea! I'll try to add something in that regard either for 0.0.19 or 0.0.20 (tight dev schedule for new content :/)
The first level hypnosis training is bugged if the MC hasn't been able to afford a laptop yet. The passage even has an option for MC to say they can't afford one yet so Kara cuts them some slack with a two week extension. However reporting in to her on Tuesday of the next week without having bought one yet has the passage proceeding as if the MC had one and had already gone through a round of hypnosis.
That is because hypnosis only checks the sissy stat as of now, I will add an additional check for visiting Sissy Hypno at least once. Nice catch!
The hair salon seems a bit bugged. It was marked as closed with hours as 06:00-20:00 in the middle of the day. Came back after 9pm and it was open? Also the longest hair cut option is only average. How do you let your hair grow out if you don't want to go with a wig?
That is peculiar. I will do some checks, do you remember from which location(s) this happens?
Kara's training tasks take too long to get to makeup. I think it happens after you pass grooming level 5. The silly thing is that I had MC going out for makeup within almost the first week so their technique would get leveled. So MC is doing a goth top, micro shorts, fishnets, goth stripper heels, black set makeup with a fade and a green wig to pass level 5 and get ready for the Halloween party the next day. Meanwhile Kara is telling us that we should try makeup and start with foundation
It happens after crossdressing 5. You may be right in that regard however. Won't change for a bit, but when I do the overhaul for Kara tasks later this year, I'll keep that in mind! (More dynamic unlocks will happen, alongside better checks for a lot of tasks -like completing all crossdressing at once if you do things right)
Not to mention going down her list step-by-step with the makeup, having the PC described as "no one would ever think you male with clothes on" and at the last stage Kara's still not happy.
Also, once you're about halfway through Kara's challenges is there any more sexytime content with her and Crystal, or is it pretty much just internet porn, sextoys, lapdances and streetwalking for you?
Yeah... Formula should be improved a bit... I'll see what I can do in that regard, it should be easy for it to require at least some makeup.
Crystal is there on week-ends, but there is not much content to that end so far. This month's update seeks to remedy this issue (The Crystal Update) by adding more week-end interactions with Crystal. Kara gets some through task completions, but once you "Graduate" from sissy training, it's pretty much the end of the road for now. Adding to the storyline is sadly a very complicated matter as I need to juggle with every aspects of development myself, which makes it hard to add a significant amount of content.
Dev is gating too much of the fun stuff behind the dignity check, and I've locked horns with them in the past about this. I usually end up hacking my script to either remove this or nerf the hell out of it. Here's examples of this at work:
The problem is that dev seems to equate $dignity with dominance and submissiveness as well. They raise it when MC is on the home improvement track and repair their water heater tank and paint their door. They only seem to lower it when MC is raising their submissiveness through sissify hypno or submissive acts.
So your proud trap who's been feminized by Kara through her training regimen is condemned to working in the gas station for a living with no other means to make better money. On this latest playthrough, my crossdresser background MC manages to pay off their $2000 tuition via frugal gas station living, but can't afford to buy the laptop until well into Nov. They are getting nagged to move to a better place, but they can't even afford to buy a bed to replace the mattress or the stove for the Organic bachelor chow. They've hit the end of the Uni content and thus now have time to stream, but with $dignity at 98, it won't be until hell freezes over that they will be able to take advantage of the webcam, lights and mike they just bought to try getting a better revenue stream by showing off their fantastic body.
I tried the last playthrough some months back by going the dance route and hoping that my "internship" would involve seeing how much money MC could make at the stripper pole. The damn dignity check was for 80 or whatever there as well in order to apply for the job. So no Twyla Tharp you proud young gurl. You have to be groveling first.
It is sort of funny that the glory hole in the gas station ladies room doesn't have a dignity gate though. As soon as that rare random lottery number hits, MC can be gobbling cock with the best of them, even though they don't have any oral levels.
Balance is honestly a very complicated topic. As a dev, I need to gate the better jobs behind some level of gatekeep (streaming is locked behind such because it is insanely powerful compared to the other jobs), but on the other hand I am very disconnected from the reality of the game because I will just play the parts I need to play (cheat codes being tools for me as well).
This being said, I do think I need to clarify what stats are supposed to reflect, as any discussion on the matter of balancing entry levels for various jobs.
Dignity: Reflects the general stance of the player towards doing sexually "degrading" acts. The gloryhole isn't really gated due to its totally anonymous nature, while streaming on the web gives the most exposure. Doing an act seen as degrading for the first time will lower dignity. Also, it is regular porn that affects dignity and submissiveness is affected by femdom (and maledom if submissive enough). Repairing your home raises dignity because you are "improving your living conditions" making you feel like you aren't that desperate-ish.
Dominance/Submissiveness: Sexual role performed, pretty self explanatory.
Sissification: willingness to do crossdressing (low level), chastity (mid level).
There could be alternate conditions mind you, it would make a lot of sense (maybe adding a debt vs money vs deadline condition for stripping).
And one last thing, making things unlockable later is not "gating the fun stuff", it's just trying to do balance and create a sense of progression. If it feels like gating, it's not the intention, but there is a need for progression in the job tiers.
All in all, I do appreciate the feedback and I will try to improve on that issue. Any suggestions in that regard are welcome